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Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

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Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby PaulatPeace on Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:28 pm


Sent: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:31 pm
From: IcePack
To: PaulatPeace MagnusGreeol narutoserigala
After speaking with the Admin regarding the issues that have arisen over the past 6 months, and more recently the last couple of weeks they decided to make a very clear statement regarding their support both for the decision, and the team.

I am aware that you've seen that statement and responded to it Paul.

In addition to the previous discipline, these additional measures will be enacted effective immediately

1) PaulatPeace will have his priviledge ban expanded to a blanket 12 month priv ban for all wars / league, effective Sept 25th, 2016. The two ongoing wars have been removed, and the 2nd Contacts have received priv's for those wars (naru for RET war, Magnus for OSA war), under Admin approval. They have been CC'd here for purposes of notification, if these priv's should be assigned to someone else not under current discipline, please request a change of Priviledges here: viewtopic.php?f=441&t=133213&start=1550

2) PaulatPeace will have his CL7 medal removed per Clan Guidelines for forum / PM behavior. Any others from TOP who continue in forum will face similar consequences and lose their CL7 medal.

Notations will be made on the account for future disciplinary consideration if the continued disruption or attack on Clan Team does not stop effective immediately, per the Admin statement made in the forum. These will take place at the Admin (not Clan) level.

At this point, the Clan Team with Administrator support deems the matter closed.
After the 12 month priv ban is served, PaulatPeace will return to normal status assuming no further behavior issues / outbursts occur.


Please remove all clan medals I have and may receive from this Clan Department Team. Under the current circumstances, I do not want them.

Field Marshal PaulatPeace
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby macken on Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:13 pm

This about medals did not seem right. In these circumstances I do not care if I have or have not medals (all medals, not only clan medals). If someone wants them, I give them.
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby Momo33 on Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:24 pm

Seriously Paul, I don't understand what you are looking to accomplish by this post.

I understand that you feel that the CDs have not been fair to you (and your clan) and I am not able to judge that situation from the outside so I don't have an opinion on the subject, but I really don't know where you want to go with this!
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby Great-Ollie on Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:52 pm

LOL I remember way back in the day when i got a clan medal removed for not controlling what my clan members said, or posted in a clan war thread. Typical power trip by the clan mods. Nothing changes. If people wonder why everyone is leaving this site, this is a prime example. The good old days of flame wars, talking shit, and having a grand old time are over. I wonder why we pay for this shit sometimes.
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby macken on Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:37 am

I can understand that if an athlete has doped, will withdraw the medals. But only in these cases.
Sanctions can be of many types, but not withdraw the achievements in the game. :shock:

But good, at this point, it is what we have. I do not care, and increasingly less.
When time comes to renew my account, I will evaluate whether it is worthwhile or not. Nothing more, not big problem, there is life out here. ;) Keep calm
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby willedtowin1 on Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:02 am

You Clan Directors are taking this to far.............

Paul may have some misgivings... May have some issues........
But he is a very good competitor and I for one will enjoy our present clan war
with TOP. The competition is what I enjoy and if you guys end up
pushing him and others of that clan off this site you will be making a big mistake.
I am a Clan Leader with OSA and speaking for myself as an individual.
Your behavior is becoming childish, Very unprofessional, and Extremely unnecessary.

He is not running a PAYING site
He is not the CLAN director of said site
He has gone overboard...but "You" should be taking the higher ground......Not OVER-Controlling the higher ground
as his ranting is clan related

You should be level headed Mediators........ Not Dictators
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:46 pm

willedtowin1 wrote:You Clan Directors are taking this to far.............

Paul may have some misgivings... May have some issues........
But he is a very good competitor and I for one will enjoy our present clan war
with TOP. The competition is what I enjoy and if you guys end up
pushing him and others of that clan off this site you will be making a big mistake.
I am a Clan Leader with OSA and speaking for myself as an individual.
Your behavior is becoming childish, Very unprofessional, and Extremely unnecessary.

He is not running a PAYING site
He is not the CLAN director of said site
He has gone overboard...but "You" should be taking the higher ground......Not OVER-Controlling the higher ground
as his ranting is clan related

You should be level headed Mediators........ Not Dictators

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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby Donelladan on Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:59 pm

I am also concerned, more or less like you are willedtowin1.
But we do not have all information to judge. I am inclined to trust IcePack judgement.
Things happened that we are not aware of.
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:45 pm

Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later.

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again.

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case.

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's.

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this.
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby BIG_John on Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:55 pm

Way to go Duk!!! I am sure you know exactly everything that has happened for you to go sticking your nose in it! I guess we always need a know it all hanging around to open every ones eyes! Great job! SMH
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:09 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later.

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again.

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case.

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's.

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this.

- So basically Duk, If a pickle gets shoved up your arse, You love it and say " Thank you Sir, may I have another" , Gotcha, Good to know, I have a whole jar.
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:28 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later.

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again.

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case.

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's.

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this.

- So basically Duk, If a pickle gets shoved up your arse, You love it and say " Thank you Sir, may I have another" , Gotcha, Good to know, I have a whole jar.

Nobody, but nobody, has a right to waste other people's time ad infinitum. There's a time to argue, and there's a time to put it behind you and move on.
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
― Voltaire
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:42 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later.

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again.

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case.

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's.

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this.

- So basically Duk, If a pickle gets shoved up your arse, You love it and say " Thank you Sir, may I have another" , Gotcha, Good to know, I have a whole jar.

Nobody, but nobody, has a right to waste other people's time ad infinitum. There's a time to argue, and there's a time to put it behind you and move on.

- You really know slim to nothing about what happened Duk! And some people don't like to lay down like a dog, Your a prisoner to your title, and therefore must take abuse and lie down when told to, I used to like you, but that changed, nothing ever can remain the same I guess.
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby willedtowin1 on Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:46 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later.

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again.

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case.

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's.

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this.

Nobody, but nobody, has a right to waste other people's time ad infinitum. There's a time to argue, and there's a time to put it behind you and move on.

I agree 100 %

But to end it......... there should not be childish games played
by the umpire's/referee's. Thats just egging the situation on......... :shock:

Thats my main and only point today.............
Otherwise I would not have interfered with lack of information on the whole subject
Thanks for the well put Post Duk.
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:07 pm

willedtowin1 wrote:You Clan Directors are taking this to far.............

Paul may have some misgivings... May have some issues........
But he is a very good competitor and I for one will enjoy our present clan war
with TOP. The competition is what I enjoy and if you guys end up
pushing him and others of that clan off this site you will be making a big mistake.
I am a Clan Leader with OSA and speaking for myself as an individual.
Your behavior is becoming childish, Very unprofessional, and Extremely unnecessary.

He is not running a PAYING site
He is not the CLAN director of said site
He has gone overboard...but "You" should be taking the higher ground......Not OVER-Controlling the higher ground
as his ranting is clan related

You should be level headed Mediators........ Not Dictators

- Love it, first this post, then Duk chimes in, Same clan as Willie, then this-
willedtowin1 wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later.

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again.

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case.

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's.

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this.

Nobody, but nobody, has a right to waste other people's time ad infinitum. There's a time to argue, and there's a time to put it behind you and move on.

I agree 100 %

But to end it......... there should not be childish games played
by the umpire's/referee's. Thats just egging the situation on......... :shock:

Thats my main and only point today.............
Otherwise I would not have interfered with lack of information on the whole subject
Thanks for the well put Post Duk.

- I guess "da man" from same clan, and I'm not pointing this out for a fight, but rather more for the funny ")
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby PaulatPeace on Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:19 pm

Interesting post here. All I did here is post the message from IcePack to me and say I didn't want his medals. But somehow I am deemed to be wasting people's time and deserving of all the ugliness contained herein. Might it be permissible to remind all those who think their time has been one is forcing you to read any of these posts!

I will also add that I was done with the CL 7 issue and did indeed move on. I had many communications with IcePack, Keefie and Lindax where the conversation was cordial and respectful and I stated several times I was wanting to move on and let the past remain in the past. (I have all these communications saved if anyone sincerely wishes top review them.)The issue was then revived (not by me) when the decision was made to disallow TOP from choosing it's own Contacts for the CL 8. It was not I who refused to "put it behind you and move on." Everything you see in the CL 8 Discussion thread and the notes informing me of my "warnings & punishments" IS EVERYTHING! There is nothing that has transpired other than this! My punishment this time is because I stated the facts and truth. The CDs & TO do not like facts and truth that criticize them....and because they don't like it....they threaten, censure and punish.

Since I am again speaking the truth, I fully expect that I will receive more reprimand and punishment for "disrupting" things.....when what I am doing is defending myself and my clan against unjust attacks. I suppose I do not have the right to do this!

Dukasaur wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Bottom line is, there is no sport on earth where you will not be ejected if you harass the umpire/referee by endlessly arguing a call. The umpire makes a call, you in most cases have some kind of appeal or challenge available. If you make the appeal and it doesn't go your way, you shut the f*ck up and carry on with the game. If you continue to badger the umpire rehashing a call, you will be ejected sooner or later. I did not rehash anything. I let it go and offered reconciliation!

Nobody has the right to tie up other people's time rehashing the same shit over and over and over again. No one is tying up your time sir...but tell me not justice worth taking the time to find?

That's exactly what has happened here. Lindax made a call. Whether it was the right call or not is completely irrelevant here. He was the umpire in the tournament that was ongoing, he has to call it as he sees it. Paul didn't like the call, which is his right, he appealed it, which is his right, the appeal didn't go his way. At that point he could have been a man about it and accepted that you win some, you lose some. Instead he decided to be a drama queen and go on this endless filibuster. My appeal of Lindax's decision was decided by 1 individual (IcePack) who was determining whether I or his "Team Member" was correct. ... But as I have stated...this issue had been long since over and had been dropped by me.

That won't wash, not in any game or sport that I have ever seen. You get a call, you may have one appeal, you may have two or three, it's a finite and small number in every case. The umpire has other things to do than babysit your wounded ego and listen to you endlessly make speeches about how right you were. He will toss you out of the game in every single instance.

If you argue a case in the U.S. Supreme Court you have 30 minutes to state your case. After that they turn off your microphone and you shut the f*ck up and wait for their decision. Those are judges, who are paid an enormous amount to listen to you. These are volunteers, who are paid basically nothing, so definitely they should not have to devote more than 30 minutes of their life to any single case. In any Appeals Court the decision on an appeal is not made by 1 individual. It is made by a group of unbiased individuals....not 1 person evaluating the actions of someone on their "Team".

A person has a right to argue a decision. He does not have the right to argue a decision on and on and on and on. People have other things to do with their time than to listen to one prima donna who thinks that his concerns are so much more important than everybody else's. My concerns are not important! TRUTH & JUSTICE however are very important! If you have better things to do with your time sir...please feel free to exit this thread without any more negative rhetoric!

I used to like Paul, from my (very limited) contact with him. I remember a couple of pleasant messages I had from him when I was runnng the Championship Triples. After the shit that's gone on here, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing about how his precious little ego was wounded by Lindax' decision and/or his so rude reply. Suck it up, buttercup. Hell, I've gotten some rude messages from Lindax over the years. I accepted them and moved on. Not everyone rubs Lanacaine on your wounded ego when they make a decision that's not in your favour. They have a job to do, they make the call and move on.

Paul, you are a bitchy little prima donna and you've wasted everybody's time quite long enough. Not everything in life will go your way. I'm sorry your mommy didn't teach you this. You are most eloquent in your discourse sir! Your vulgar vocabulary is only exceeded by your ignorance. I truly feel sorry this is the only way you can communicate!

- So basically Duk, If a pickle gets shoved up your arse, You love it and say " Thank you Sir, may I have another" , Gotcha, Good to know, I have a whole jar.

Nobody, but nobody, has a right to waste other people's time ad infinitum. There's a time to argue, and there's a time to put it behind you and move on.
Field Marshal PaulatPeace
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby Great-Ollie on Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:43 pm

- So basically Duk, If a pickle gets shoved up your arse, You love it and say " Thank you Sir, may I have another" , Gotcha, Good to know, I have a whole jar.

Post of the night right here! I am currently cleaning up my keyboard from the coffee a spit out reading this. See now this is entertaining. More of this would lead to a lot more fun! Anarchy!
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Re: Message from IcePack to PaulatPeace & Reply

Postby king achilles on Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:49 pm

PaulatPeace wrote:"I will again assure you that I am done trying to make sense to those who choose not to listen to reason. I will not pursue this issue further."

Please follow through on your commitment to us, or we will be forced to take further steps. Continuing to rationalize the past is not letting it go. Again, it is time to move on.


And for future threads, to all of us, I think this goes without saying, let us try to refrain from inserting any flaming comments.
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