What bugs you most on CC? For me, one of them are bad, non-communicative team-mates. People who don’t listen, respond, and miss the occasional turn here-and-there. People who don’t know that you can fortify to your team-mate. People who attack their team-mate’s stack to get a bonus. People who attack 3 vs 2s. Maybe not the aforementioned, but are people who once move every minute, only to then slip-up with a poor move, p*ssing you off?
If so, joining the Reign of Torment may be a breath of fresh air that you and your possibly dwindling point-score need.
Reign of Torment are recruiting competent, driven, and committed individuals. Are you up to the standards of a RoT member? It’s a tall order. Sadly, your average CCer won’t make it as a RoT member.
Specializing in doubles, triples, and quadruples team-games, the Reign of Torment is a forming competitive clan geared towards showing the amateurish, incapable average Conquer Clubber how to play a real game of RISK. Therefore, Reign of Torment is an unstoppable force geared towards climbing the ranks of the CC scoreboard.
There are no rank requirements to join Reign of Torment. There is, however, one vital requirement. As aforementioned, RoT is looking for committed, driven, competant “team-players”. A vast wealth of experience is not a necessity if you are looking to join Reign of Torment. Having said that, if you’re somebody who misses turns, doesn’t listen to team-mates, and makes poor, irrational decisions, then you are not RoT-material. Are you looking to gain medals, climb the ranks, gain points, and have a good time showing the rest of CC how to play RISK? It may be well-worth your while to invest your time in the Reign of Torment.
This is the Reign of Torment. Be a part of it. Join today.
PM ManBungalow / obliterationX.
Taking all reasonable challenges.