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G1 (12) vs. LoW (28) [Legends of War Wins]

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G1 (12) vs. LoW (28) [Legends of War Wins]

Postby Optimus Prime on Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:22 pm

Generation One vs. Legends of War

Generation One has challenged Legends of War to a mighty battle of epic proportions! The field of battle will be littered with the remains of all those unworthy of the task. Listed below are the details of the challenge, and they should be very straightforward and simple to understand. There will be a total of 40 games in the challenge. There will be 7 doubles, 4 triples, 4 quads, and 5 "best of 5" singles provided by each clan on the home settings of their choice.

All maps are viable for this challenge, and all settings except for freestyle and speed will be allowed. It is understood by all participants that a good mix of maps and settings will be used throughout the challenge.

Also, the Singles games will be played in a "Best of 5" format, with each clan getting 4 series where they have "home advantage" on the map and settings of their choice. The player who wins each series will gain 1 point towards the score for their clan in the challenge.

Finally, Generation One home games can be joined by any member of Generation One, however, Legends of War home games must be joined only by players with a score of 1600 or higher at the time the game starts.

Generation One: 12
Legends of War: 28

Game Listings:

Generation One Home Doubles: (2-5)
1. Game 3823007 -- barterer2002/dtellis vs. DBandit70/Prankcall
2. Game 3823000 -- barterer2002/Bones2484 vs. zero23/HannibalSmith
3. Game 3820264 -- Godd/gameplayer vs. Chariot of Fire/e_i_pi
4. Game 3818745 -- keiths31/RedBaron0 vs. TheBro/Velvecarrots
5. Game 3817672 -- BaldAdonis/Timminz vs. reptile/dcc1220
6. Game 3866860 -- Luxurious/thekidstrumpet vs. chard/Condor
7. Game 3952866 -- Strider24/knighthawk vs. chard/Condor

Legends of War Home Doubles: (6-1)
1. Game 3720738 -- reptile/dcc1220 vs. Timminz/Bones2484
2. Game 3720281 -- lt.pie/e_i_pi vs. Timminz/BaldAdonis
3. Game 3713894 -- Velvecarrots/TheBro vs. RedBaron0/keiths31
4. Game 3731300 -- Condor/chard vs. Bones2484/barterer2002
5. Game 3731186 -- humanist/Clanlord Carl vs. barterer2002/dtellis
6. Game 3731459 -- DBandit70/Prankcall vs. AfroDwarf/BaldAdonis
7. Game 3747548 -- Forefall/Chariot of Fire vs. Timminz/dtellis


Generation One Home Triples: (0-4)
1. Game 3958270 -- Optimus Prime/keiths31/gameplayer vs. Prankcall/e_i_pi/Chariot of Fire
2. Game 3960045 -- RedBaron0/Hath/Gozar vs. e_i_pi/lt.pie/HannibalSmith
3. Game 3959600 -- Bones2484/BaldAdonis/barterer2002 vs. waseemalim/reptile/dcc1220
4. Game 3959544 -- dtellis/AfroDwarf/Timminz vs. TheBro/dcc1220/Velvecarrots

Legends of War Home Triples: (2-2)
1. Game 3720287 -- lt.pie/e_i_pi/dcc1220 vs. barterer2002/knighthawk/AfroDwarf
2. Game 3713896 -- Velvecarrots/TheBro/Chariot of Fire vs. Timminz/Bones2484/RedBaron0
3. Game 3730380 -- waseemalim/DBandit70/rabbiton vs. Bones2484/barterer2002/BaldAdonis
4. Game 3720443 -- DBandit70/Prankcall/lt.pie vs. Godd/Timminz/Hath


Generation One Home Quads: (1-3)
1. Game 4131895 barterer2002/dtellis/BaldAdonis/Bones2484 vs. Chariot of Fire/Velvecarrots/Daryth/Condor
2. Game 4131892 dtellis/amazzony/knighthawk/Hath vs. Chariot of Fire/reptile/Shatners Bassoon/thezepman
3. Game 4175060 Timminz/thekidstrumpet/Serbia/gameplayer vs. Chariot of Fire/reptile/Shatners Bassoon/thezepman
4. Game 4176726 keiths31/KidWhisky/RedBaron0/Optimus Prime vs. e_i_pi/Chariot of Fire/reptile/jpeter15

Legends of War Home Quads: (3-1)
1. Game 4015064 -- lt.pie/Velvecarrots/e_i_pi/Chariot of Fire vs. BaldAdonis/Bones2484/RedBaron0/keiths31
2. Game 4015071 -- lt.pie/Velvecarrots/Chariot of Fire/TheBro vs. barterer2002/Bones2484/Timminz/BaldAdonis
3. Game 4022844 -- waseemalim/rabbiton/HannibalSmith/thezepman vs. Hath/Gilligan/keiths31/amazzony
4. Game 4115214 -- Chariot of Fire/Shatners Bassoon/Daryth/jpeter15 vs. amazzony/KidWhisky/BaldAdonis/barterer2002


Generation One Home Singles: (3-2)
1. Gilligan vs. Clanlord Carl (0-5)

2. Godd vs. DBandit70 (1-4)

3. BaldAdonis vs. Benjikat_Is_Dead (3-2)

4. Timminz vs. Army of Achilles (3-2)

5. amazzony vs. reptile (3-2)

Legends of War Home Singles: (3-2)
1. DBandit70 vs. RedBaron0 (3-2)

2. BENJIKAT IS DEAD vs. BaldAdonis (3-2)

3. Prankcall vs. dtellis (2-3)

4. Army of Achilles vs. Bones2484 (4-1)

5. e_i_pi vs. Hath (2-3)
Last edited by Optimus Prime on Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:49 am, edited 26 times in total.
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby waseemalim on Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:52 pm

Good luck G1.
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby Gilligan on Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:55 pm

Good luck guys!

PS, Opie -- I changed my map to Imperium Romanum. (Singles)
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:02 pm

GL everyone!

LoW 1v1s
1. DBandit70: Poker Club, esc, chained, foggy
Game 3691620 Game 3691630 Game 3691634 Game 3691638 Game 3691642
2. me: Waterloo, no spoils, chained, foggy
Game 3691780 Game 3691781 Game 3691782 Game 3691783 Game 3691784
3. Prankcall: Europe, esc, chained, sunny
Game 3691541 Game 3691538 Game 3691537 Game 3691535 Game 3691494
4. Army of Achilles: feudal, no spoils, adjecent, sunny
games to follow
5. e_i_pi: Circus Maximus, esc, unlimited, sunny
Game 3692515 Game 3692516 Game 3692517 Game 3692527 Game 3692530
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby Optimus Prime on Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:22 am

Updated to include a bunch of game numbers. :)
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby Godd on Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:13 pm

has any one seen my arse???
It just got kicked so hard I do not know where it landed

(and at first it looked like I was going to win 4 of them and lose one, won the one I thought I would lose and lost the ones I thought I would win)

Well played DBandit70, thanks for the lesson in humanity
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby BENJIKAT IS DEAD on Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:14 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:2. Godd [AoR: Might | No Cards | Chained | Fog]
Game 3691779
Game 3691788
Game 3691801
Game 3691806
Game 3691809

First blood to LoW - 4-1 win away :)

btw - Map Rank bandit for AoR:1 ;)
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby lt.pie on Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:51 am

G/L G1 !
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby Timminz on Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:34 pm

Score one for the robots. I've defeated Achilles 3-2, on my home games.
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby amazzony on Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:20 am

Have fun everybody!

I'm already having, 3-2 to amazzony against reptile in her home games. GGs!
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby e_i_pi on Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:32 am

BENJIKAT IS DEAD and Army of Achilles left our clan today. We are currently organising who should take over the management of this clan challenge. Please be patient while we sort this out, it's a bit of a shock for us all
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby Optimus Prime on Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:27 am

e_i_pi wrote:BENJIKAT IS DEAD and Army of Achilles left our clan today. We are currently organising who should take over the management of this clan challenge. Please be patient while we sort this out, it's a bit of a shock for us all

No worries, take your time. Seems there are some rather strange happenings the last couple of days.

I'll just let the singles games play out, record the stats and then wait a bit to let you guys get things under control.
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby waseemalim on Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:36 pm

Thanks guys. We should be able to get the dubs games moving soon. Dbandit70 and I will be the primary contact for this. :D
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby DBandit70 on Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:59 am

wasse and I are taking over the resposibilties for the time being on this challenge, it will be mostly me at the outset, but he will help whenever he can.

So all the singles matches I believe have started except maybe Prankcall's games, I will have to double check on that.

We are gathering our dubs teams together and home maps and I hope by weeks end to have our list with game#'s to you
How many games does each dubs team play? Is it also a best of 5 like singles?

the password on the games I will tell everyone for this challenge will be given through PM

thanks for your patience
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Re: Generation One (0) vs. Legends of War (0)

Postby waseemalim on Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:39 pm

Legends of War Doubles:
1. Game 3720738 -- reptile/dcc -- Tamriel/no cards/chained/sunny
2. Game 3720281 -- lt.pie/e_i_pi -- Oasis/esc/chained/no fog
3. Game 3713894 -- velve/bro -- Alexander's Empire/No cards/chained/sunny
4. Game 3731300 -- Condor/chard -- Germany/esc/chained/sunny
5. Game 3731186 -- humanist/carl -- imp roma/no cards/adjacent/sunny
6. Game 3731459 -- DBandit70/prank -- Rail USA/flat/unlimited/foggy
7. Game 3747548 -- Forefall/CoF -- Berlin/adjacent/fog/no cards

Legends of War Triples:
1. Game 3720287 -- lt.pie/e_i_pi/dcc1220 -- CC Mogul
2. Game 3713896 -- velve/bro/CoF -- Australia/no cards/chained/sunny
3. Game 3730380 -- waseemalim/DBandit70/rabbiton -- supermax/esc/chained/foggy
4. Game 3720443 -- DBandit70/Prankcall/lt.pie -- USA/flat/unlimited/sunny
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby Optimus Prime on Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:28 pm

Alright, sorry for taking so long. The results are updated as of today. I'll get the G1 doubles gathered as quickly as I can around finals and a baby being born soon. :)
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby e_i_pi on Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:17 am

OP and whoever else is reading, we have had an account hack across at least three acounts in our clan: lt.pie, waseemalim, and Velvecarrots. The response from the site is to ban the accounts to stop the damage, which is the best option IMO.

Obviously, this causes major problems for this challenge. Delaying upcoming games is fine, but there are currently quite a few games with at least one of these players in. I ask you all to delay turns as long as possible to stop the chance of deadbeating occuring from our side. I am hoping that the accounts will be restored in time, though it's a faint hope, and I suspect that this challenge will be marred by what has happened.
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:29 am

I will also post this to our clan forums because I think that this might be noticed in there faster. Hopefully everything will be alright and I'm sure somebody will figure out how to finish this challenge properly and fairly.
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby Optimus Prime on Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:05 am


My wife had a baby yesterday, so I only have a few minutes, but for now I'm going to recommend we suspend the creation of new games, and let the currently active games finish and see where we stand. Just let me know once you have the situation resolved and we'll figure out where to go from there. :)

Regards, Optimus Prime
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby e_i_pi on Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:53 am

Optimus Prime wrote:e_i_pi,

My wife had a baby yesterday, so I only have a few minutes, but for now I'm going to recommend we suspend the creation of new games, and let the currently active games finish and see where we stand. Just let me know once you have the situation resolved and we'll figure out where to go from there. :)

Regards, Optimus Prime

=D> Much appreciated, we'll go down that path, sounds reasonable and noble. Thank you again
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:21 am

Optimus Prime wrote:e_i_pi,

My wife had a baby yesterday, so I only have a few minutes, but for now I'm going to recommend we suspend the creation of new games, and let the currently active games finish and see where we stand. Just let me know once you have the situation resolved and we'll figure out where to go from there. :)

Regards, Optimus Prime

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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby barterer2002 on Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:35 am

e i pi, Does this affect the LOD home games that have already been played or are we just looking at the doubles that are currently involving those three accounts? Just trying to get a full pic.
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby jpcloet on Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:10 pm

barterer2002 wrote:e i pi, Does this affect the LOD home games that have already been played or are we just looking at the doubles that are currently involving those three accounts? Just trying to get a full pic.

Did someone say LOD? Who called? 8-)
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby e_i_pi on Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:36 am

lt.pie, waseemalim, and Velvecarrots accounts have been reactivated, so no further interruption should occur to this or any other challenge. Thank you for your understanding, and congrats OP on the newborn :D
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Re: Generation One (7) vs. Legends of War (8)

Postby Optimus Prime on Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:17 am

e_i_pi wrote:lt.pie, waseemalim, and Velvecarrots accounts have been reactivated, so no further interruption should occur to this or any other challenge. Thank you for your understanding, and congrats OP on the newborn :D

Thanks e_i_pi, I appreciate that.

I've updated the thread to where we are at this point. It looks like G1 accidentally let one of our home doubles slip through the cracks, so we'll get that one made up and we'll get our triples sorted out on on the way over to LoW. If LoW wants to get their Quads put together and send them my direction we'll join up in those. :)

Thanks for the patience guys, it's been a busy couple weeks for me. Things are settling down now and we should be able to get this finished nicely. Watch out though, LoD was up on us and we came back to take the win away. ;)
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