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DBD (27) vs TS (14) - DBD Wins - Final 9/18/18

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:13 am
by bergy1
________Death by Dice ________________ Tank Squad

DBD bergy1 Razorvich
TS InnyaFacce

War Link

41 Game Battle
2 sets of 18 (9 home, 9 away)
16 Doubles
12 Triples
12 Quads
+ TB
One game can be polymorphic substitution

Battle Rules:
  • All games must be automatic initial troop deploy & sequential play
  • All games must have 24 hour round length (no speed)
  • All spoils & forts are allowed
  • There will be no round limits
  • Each map can only be used four times per clan during the war, but only two Doubles, one Trips & one Quads
  • Beta maps are not allowed
  • Games will be exchanged in 2 sets
  • 12 Hour Fog Rule will be in effect (sort out queries on the pitch if possible)
  • The Tie-Breaker game will be Triples on Classic, fog, chained, NSP (does not count toward player game maximum)
  • Maximum amount of games a player can participate in: 14 Games
  • Maximum number per set of 9 = 3
  • Minimium players used in war = 10
Timing and Round Breakdown:
  • Set 1: Games exchanged by 8th July - 1 week to fill
    3D, 3T, 3Q (per team)
  • Set 2: Games exchanged by 29th July - 1 week to fill
    5D, 3T, 3Q (per team) + TB

show: Round 1

show: Round 2

Medal Games
Game 18494224 - DBD
Game 18494215 - DBD
Game 18493447 -
Game 18488688 - DBD

Death by Dice vs Tank Squad Clan War

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:22 am
by InnyaFacce
TANK SQUAD Agrees To The War Terms
I will be the only Contact that requires privileges

Re: Death by dice vs Tank Squad Clan War 10 - 6

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:25 am
by shoop76
Why was this approved? The rules state that a clan war must have 41 games.

Re: Death by dice vs Tank Squad Clan War 10 - 6

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:20 pm
by JPlo64
shoop76 wrote:Why was this approved? The rules state that a clan war must have 41 games.

Thanks Shoop.
There was an exception made to give them privs to start the war.
However to make the winner eligible for medals and to have the war count in the official clan rankings, DBD and TS have decided to add additional games to meet the 41 game requirement.

Re: Death by dice vs Tank Squad Clan War 24 - 13

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:31 am
by Razorvich
JPlo64 wrote:
shoop76 wrote:Why was this approved? The rules state that a clan war must have 41 games.

Thanks Shoop.
There was an exception made to give them privs to start the war.
However to make the winner eligible for medals and to have the war count in the official clan rankings, DBD and TS have decided to add additional games to meet the 41 game requirement.

I would personally like to give a big big UP to Tank Squad for showing true sportsmanship with this war.
With current events you guys could have quite easily told us to go shove it when we needed 4 more battles for a medal, but no, you have displayed your true honor. and it should be noted.

Anyone looking for a home after this war.. hit us up, and thanks again for the battle.

Death by Dice vs Tank Squad

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:06 pm
by InnyaFacce
Thanks Razorvich
It was the least we could do - even when the loss was clearly in hand ...
It was the proper thing to do - your Clan deserves to receive Medals for the Win
It was a minor mistake that was easily fixed by both Clans
Good Battle Sir
Razorvich wrote:
JPlo64 wrote:
shoop76 wrote:Why was this approved? The rules state that a clan war must have 41 games.

Thanks Shoop.
There was an exception made to give them privs to start the war.
However to make the winner eligible for medals and to have the war count in the official clan rankings, DBD and TS have decided to add additional games to meet the 41 game requirement.

I would personally like to give a big big UP to Tank Squad for showing true sportsmanship with this war.
With current events you guys could have quite easily told us to go shove it when we needed 4 more battles for a medal, but no, you have displayed your true honor. and it should be noted.

Anyone looking for a home after this war.. hit us up, and thanks again for the battle.

Re: Death by dice vs Tank Squad Clan War 24 - 13

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:20 am
by joshzam
=D> =D> =D>

Re: Death by dice vs Tank Squad Clan War 27-13

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:46 am
by Razorvich
Last active game Game 18493447

Well played everyone

Death by Dice vs TANK SQUAD Clan War 27-14

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:08 pm
by InnyaFacce
Razorvich wrote:Last active game Game 18493447

Well played everyone

This Game Will Be Won By TANK SQUAD - Round Limit Victory

How fitting the LAST game EVER of TANK SQUAD is a WIN !!!

Re: Death by dice vs Tank Squad Clan War 27-14 [Finished 9/1

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:27 pm
by Jdsizzleslice
Tournament privileges removed, databases updated, medals issued.

This war has been completed, and this topic has been MOVED.