May 20, 2018 --- Start of 6 week period May 27, 2018 --- Gain Privileges and Acknowledgement from the CDs May 27, 2018 --- Exchange Set One May 31, 2018 --- Fill Set One Games June 17, 2018 --- Exchange Set Two July 1, 2018 --- All games must be filled, end of 6 week period
Trips: T1: Game 18352469 Spanish Armada — ns, ch, fog T2: Game 18352470 Prohibition Chicago — ns, ch, fog T3: Game 18352473 Fractured America — esc, ch, fog T4: Game 18352475 Cairns Coral Coast — ns, adj, sunny
Only game types allowed are "Teams" (Polymorphic is not considered a team game) All games must have automatic initial troop deploy (no manual) All games must be sequential (no freestyle) All games must have 24 hour round length (no speed) All spoils are allowed except zombie spoils All forts are allowed except "no forts" There will be no round limits Trench is permitted in a maximum of 50% of home games Each map can only be used twice per clan per clan war but can only be used once per game type (dubs/trips/quads) Beta maps are not allowed Each clan will pick the map and settings for exactly half of the games Games will be exchanged in 2 sets At least half of the quads games will be exchanged in the first set 12 Hour Fog Rule will be in effect; (administered by Clan Leaders, games will not be remade unless decided by Clan Leaders) New settings that are implemented after the start of the Cup will be excluded from wars Players can participate in a maximum of 18 games in total in Round 3 Tie break game is a Triples game, Classic, ns, ch and sunny; it will be created by S&M during Set 1 All other rules as per the CC8 main thread:
This year, there continues to be an amended "cup tied" rule: If a player plays for a clan in a given round, they are cup-tied for that round and cannot play for another clan in that round If the old clan of a player loses the round in which the player has played, that player is considered "eliminated" with their old clan and cannot play for another clan for the rest of the tournament If the old clan of a player wins the last round in which the player has played with them, then they are not considered cup-tied at the conclusion of that war and are free to play with any other clan at the beginning of the next round of the tournament This would only impact us if one of us had a new player from a clan that played in rounds 1 and 2 and lost.
Usage: Maximum amount of games a player can participate for round 3 is 18, (not including the tie breaker game)
you have to love the motivation and drive from these guys. I'm not saying this is over or anything, we are just off to a very small 2-0 lead.
with only two games over i have already had one wolf PM me asking for more details about a game we took and another already request and then set up a rematch on a different match we are winning. i really respect this thirst for excellence. definitely happy do any rematches.
for the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack