Rules of Engagement Automatic-Sequential No Spoils, Escalating, or Flat Rate Spoils Chained, Adjacent, or Unlimited Forts NO FOG! - NO TRENCH! 21 Game Mini Wars 3 Dub + 3 Trip + 3 Quad + 1 Clan Choice Home (D/T/Q) 3 Dub + 3 Trip + 3 Quad + 1 Clan Choice Away (D/T/Q) Tie Breaker Classic Trips ESC Chained Sunny 6 games max per player, tiebreaker doesn't count towards max number of games no map repeats per clan This war will be ranked for the F400
I think it is safe to say FOED will come out on top here. A result around 15-6 FOED seems likely. Well played ATN, we have def been fortunate in this one.
I've been on holiday for most of it so not seen first hand for a large portion but I do know some bad luck against top quality players isn't a recipe for success. Well played and good luck.