[RC-R1] - GON vs LHDD (22-39) - FINAL - 29/05/14 - LHDD Wins
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:01 pm
Part of this tournament: http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=438&t=202338
Primary Contact: Bantam
Secondary Contact: TuffyLess
Primary Contact: QuikSilver
Secondary Contact: Momo33
61 games - 20 Doubles, 20 Triples, 20 Quads
Tiebreaker : Triples, Random, No Spoils, Chained, Fog
Games will be played in 2 sets:
Set 1: to start on 25th March
Each clan has 15 games - 5D/5T/5Q
Set 2: to start 8 April.
Each clan has 15 games - 5D/5T/5Q
Prohibited Settings: manual, freestyle, polymorphic
Prohibited Reinforcements: parachute, none
Random maps only
Trench games have a 30 round limit - other settings must have no round limit
12 hour Fog of War rule in effect.
If broken, the offending team has to copy/paste game log and reveal what terrs were visible.
If not remedied, the offended team can opt to remake the game before end of round 1.
The rule does not apply to conquest maps and where the only action is deploy/fort without attacks.
Each player can play max 23 games in a war.
Each clan has to use minimum 10 different players during war.
GON Games
Home Set 1:
Home Set 2:
LHDD Games
Home Set 1:
Home Set 2:
Primary Contact: Bantam
Secondary Contact: TuffyLess
Primary Contact: QuikSilver
Secondary Contact: Momo33
61 games - 20 Doubles, 20 Triples, 20 Quads
Tiebreaker : Triples, Random, No Spoils, Chained, Fog
Games will be played in 2 sets:
Set 1: to start on 25th March
Each clan has 15 games - 5D/5T/5Q
Set 2: to start 8 April.
Each clan has 15 games - 5D/5T/5Q
Prohibited Settings: manual, freestyle, polymorphic
Prohibited Reinforcements: parachute, none
Random maps only
Trench games have a 30 round limit - other settings must have no round limit
12 hour Fog of War rule in effect.
If broken, the offending team has to copy/paste game log and reveal what terrs were visible.
If not remedied, the offended team can opt to remake the game before end of round 1.
The rule does not apply to conquest maps and where the only action is deploy/fort without attacks.
Each player can play max 23 games in a war.
Each clan has to use minimum 10 different players during war.
GON Games
Home Set 1:
Home Set 2:
LHDD Games
Home Set 1:
Home Set 2: