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[NCC4] ATL (21) v RA (20) of 41 - Final 10/8

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:51 pm
by Teflon Kris
        (Click here to see tournament topic)


          (Click icon to see all games)

      War started 1st August 2013.

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show: Atlantis Round 1 Home Games

show: Risk Attackers Round 1 Home Games

show: Atlantis Round 2 Home Games

show: Risk Attackers Round 2 Home Games

show: Tie-Breaker

show: Atlantis Player Usage

show: Risk Attackers Player Usage

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:19 pm
by VioIet
I am posting as the contact for RA.

Thank you for making this thread DJ. It looks great!

This seems loosely like an re-enactment of RA vs BOTFM from last November.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:57 am
by Arama86n
Atlantis wins 26-15

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:59 am
by HardAttack
VioIet wrote:I am posting as the contact for RA.

Thank you for making this thread DJ. It looks great!

This seems loosely like an re-enactment of RA vs BOTFM from last November.

DJ, make sure to post away games in OP please :lol:


Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:41 am
by Roussallier
Careful of those big forks RA... One hit = three puncture wounds. Anyway we'll win 21-20

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:03 am
by Genoke
since no reply from Violet i guess we take the default settings from the cup.

Each clan member can only participate in 15 games per clan war
Each map can only be used twice per clan, per clan war, but can only be used once per game type
(i.e. once for triples and once for quads)
no freestyle, speed, manual deployments, beta maps or trench warfare
(trench allowed if agreed upon by both clans)
12 H agreement is not a requirement, but can be negotiated by engaging clans

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:13 am
by Janomike
I expect you guys to be stronger than the PIGS so this will be a tough one for us. Still i believe we have a chance if we play up to our best.

22:19 is my prediction :)

Good luck!

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:48 am
by Roussallier
Genoke wrote:since no reply from Violet i guess we take the default settings from the cup.

Each clan member can only participate in 15 games per clan war
Each map can only be used twice per clan, per clan war, but can only be used once per game type
(i.e. once for triples and once for quads)
no freestyle, speed, manual deployments, beta maps or trench warfare
(trench allowed if agreed upon by both clans)
12 H agreement is not a requirement, but can be negotiated by engaging clans

All fish that I play have to bring their own chilli sauce, mayonnaise, and side-dish with them.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:52 am
by Arama86n
Roussallier wrote:
Genoke wrote:since no reply from Violet i guess we take the default settings from the cup.

Each clan member can only participate in 15 games per clan war
Each map can only be used twice per clan, per clan war, but can only be used once per game type
(i.e. once for triples and once for quads)
no freestyle, speed, manual deployments, beta maps or trench warfare
(trench allowed if agreed upon by both clans)
12 H agreement is not a requirement, but can be negotiated by engaging clans

All fish that I play have to bring their own chilli sauce, mayonnaise, and side-dish with them.

Witty trash-talk, I like it!

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:51 am
by Genoke
Roussallier wrote:All fish that I play have to bring their own chilli sauce, mayonnaise, and side-dish with them.

i prefer to bring my own dish indeed...then i know what equipment i have.
Loser does the dishes! :D

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:53 am
by Genoke
Janomike wrote:I expect you guys to be stronger than the PIGS so this will be a tough one for us. Still i believe we have a chance if we play up to our best.

22:19 is my prediction :)

Good luck!

Thank you for your nice words. And i hope you play at your best, we do like a real challenge! ;)

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:11 pm
by Electricksabers
Gl all

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:21 pm
by Genoke
Before we can start making games, Violet needs to agree with the terms i think, no?
maybe not when it's default....

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:26 am
by VioIet
Genoke wrote:Before we can start making games, Violet needs to agree with the terms i think, no?
maybe not when it's default....

I just realized tonight that you never got the pm I wrote you :( I did receive your pm, and I typed out a response about the settings. I must have hit preview instead of send, because I looked in my sent folder and it's not there. Sigh. It's not the first time I've done that :evil:

I won't re-write the whole thing, but I'll give a summary of what I wrote:

I will not be abiding by the 12 hour fog rule. Some RA members will, but I never do in my games.

Likewise, I don't expect Atlantis to wait for 12 hours either.

Trench warfare is fine, and you can make as many games trench as you like.

As for everything else, let's stick to the default settings.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:39 am
by Genoke
VioIet wrote:
Genoke wrote:Before we can start making games, Violet needs to agree with the terms i think, no?
maybe not when it's default....

I just realized tonight that you never got the pm I wrote you :( I did receive your pm, and I typed out a response about the settings. I must have hit preview instead of send, because I looked in my sent folder and it's not there. Sigh. It's not the first time I've done that :evil:

I won't re-write the whole thing, but I'll give a summary of what I wrote:

I will not be abiding by the 12 hour fog rule. Some RA members will, but I never do in my games.

Likewise, I don't expect Atlantis to wait for 12 hours either.

Trench warfare is fine, and you can make as many games trench as you like.

As for everything else, let's stick to the default settings.

we prefer the FOW rule due sportmanship and we don't need trench...
these are the only differences.
Maybe best we just stick to the whole default settings of the tourney for this war!
no FOW rule
no trench

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:10 pm
by QuikSilver
25-16 for Atlantis!

Have fun :)

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:30 pm
by VioIet
Genoke, I agree that we will just stick to the default settings.

This war starts tomorrow. Good Luck All!

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:38 am
by Genoke
VioIet wrote:Genoke, I agree that we will just stick to the default settings.

This war starts tomorrow. Good Luck All!

ok agreed!
Good luck RA!

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:24 am
by HardAttack
well, i would like to agree too... :evil:

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:55 am
by Bruceswar
Here is a prediction ...

ALT 23 RA 18 in a very close war.. If ATL dozes off at all RA wins 22-19

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:16 am
by ViperOverLord
Roussallier wrote:Careful of those big forks RA... One hit = three puncture wounds. Anyway we'll win 21-20

Certainly, your prediction of a razor thin win instills confidence in RA.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:21 am
by HardAttack
ATL 27 : 14 RA ... << sorry risk attackers...

considering it s genoke the noobest player ATL holds, your chances are real slim RA.
have fun fighting clans.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:10 pm
by VicFontaine
I will happily throw a few of my games in exchange for your credit card and social security card numbers.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:58 pm
by BoganGod
Hi and Gl RA. Miss Violet when did you become such a stroppy bossy boots. There will be no FOW...... Well RA, there will be no mercy. You attack risk. We attack everything, and don't count the risk. In attempt to avoid hubris, 24:17 is a conservative guess. Obviously I hope we win by a better margin.

I think the refusal to negotiate shows fear, and is a desperate attempt at playing head games. Tell me are you more scared of Draq's animal magnetism, or the fact that we have God on our side(yes we have Americans so believe that literally)?

In the interests of a good clean fight, we will be wiping our blades and tridents on your funeral shrouds.

Re: [NCC4] ATL (0) v RA (0) of 41

PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:23 am
by VioIet
Hehe. It's nice to see you back Bogan :)

I suppose I always had a little bossiness in me :) Remember, you indeed helped to plant those early seeds.

I'm pretty consistent in my refusals. I treat every clan the same in that regard.

And that would depend on which clan has more American players :P

All Round 1 games have been created for both sides and some will likely start soon. Good Luck Atlantis! I look forward to an intense war.