Retribution looking to stick it to the knights... bring it on!
41 games (12d/16t/12q & tiebreaker): NO: freestyle, beta, manual, speed, nukes, trench, unlimited -Dates for HOME games to be ready for visitors to join - Set 1, each team (2d/2t/3q) & tiebreaker - July 10 Set 2, each team (2d/2t/3q) - July 20 Set 3, each team (2d/4t/0q) - July 30 ~Maps can be used only 2 times, but not in the same setting ex: Dub, Trip or Quad. ~Maps excluded - ConquerMan, Doodle Earth, Luxemburg, Hive -Max games per player = 12
1 tiebreaker set up by TNC in the 1st set on Random, Triples, foggy, chained, no spoils