Those of you that dont want to read this please dont post about it. This will eliminate much arguing as this is the entire story, not just thecrowns side of it. I posted all and there is some adult language so if you get offended easily please dont read. However if you want to know what is going on and wont just take thecrowns word for it then please read on.
If you are here to defend the crown (since he sent out all these sweet pm's to get help) then please make sure you read where the crown chimed in below and my responses to it, i am not really sure how you can back him up lol. the text in red is what i just added just now, the rest is all game chat.
First off its funny how i play with multiple Sgt's and Cpls that will give the other team a chance to see the map in fog games before they take their turn. Once you reach the rank of major almost everyone (not everyone knows or understands... but almost everyone) gives this common courtesy to their competition. I have sent out several pm's for important games to let them know that i would give them the courtesy if i go first to let them see the map and requested the same from them on other occasions. 95% of the time the response back i get is, "of course, i do that anyway".
Strangely from thecrown all i get is a bunch of excuses about why he does it and then defends them like a noob. Also pretends he doesnt understand why or how that is an advantage.... what a noob, the proof is below. Also if i am not allowed to leave feedback on a clan war (
which i personally believe should be required after all clan challenges as it is in the best intrest of all clans and cc) then ban me now... cause i wont be coming back period.
And for the record, here is the WHOLE STORY (unlike thecrown who obviously doesnt tell the whole story, i posted EVERYTHING. yes i use some bad language, but i dont really care. people like him deserve to be treated like an adult, this was private game chat but since there are mods being brought into the picture who only know half of the story i figure i can post it all for him/them to read.
Thecrown reminds me of someone who will do anything to get what they want, then if he doesnt he goes crying to mommy or daddy, just as he did here and then not include the whole story. He thought the issue was that i thought there was a 12 hour fog rule when in fact never once did i mention anything about it, though i did mention multiple times that it was common courtesy. If you actually read it all you can catch thecrown changing his story or arguing about something that i was not even mentioning about 2 or 3 different times.
Instance #1
Game 103940562012-01-11 10:39:12 - Game has been initialized
2012-01-11 10:42:02 - TheCrown received 4 troops for holding Any Two Villages2012-01-11 15:06:46 - reptile: wow crown, i would have expected more from someone as prestigious as you than join game and quick take the turn before we get a chance to see the map
2012-01-11 15:07:10 - reptile: yes we can still see most of the map, but cant see the differences
2012-01-11 15:07:47 - reptile: i would expect that from a lot of people (especially those that dont really know), but not an opponet like you man
2012-01-11 15:08:11 - reptile: anyway, not that big of a deal, just surprised me. anyway, gl guys lets do this! lolMy first meeting with him on a foggy map, realized he may be a cheap player that acts like a cook so i casually and polightly mention that i do not appreciate his depeption.Instance #2
Game 104647262012-01-22 23:49:45 - Game has been initialized
2012-01-23 00:18:57 - TheCrown received 8 troops for 25 regions2012-01-24 23:53:11 - reptile: nice try crown lol
2012-01-25 00:07:32 - reptile: well your bad sportsmanship paid off again crown, the dice screwed me over from being able to break that bonus you tried to hide that you took He tried to take a bonus that we would have not known he had which is why he took his turn so quick, cheap noob move again. However i dont like to risk that he didnt take a bonus due to the fact that i was playing against none other than the noob thecrown himself. However the dice failed and his plan worked (not by deception which is how he planned, but by the dice failing on me).Instance #3
Game 104818872012-01-24 14:06:44 - Game has been initialized
2012-01-24 14:30:03 - TheCrown received 3 troops for 9 regions2012-01-24 17:26:59 - reptile: hi crown, up to yor old tricks again i see
2012-01-24 17:27:41 - reptile: anyway, have fun, may the dice at least be even
2012-01-24 23:29:11 - billclinton13: That is funny you can't even wait a little while for us to take a snapshot
2012-01-24 23:29:40 - billclinton13: when in some our past games I wait for you guys and sent you a message
2012-01-24 23:30:32 - billclinton13: It's alright though I'll enjoy your points : >
2012-01-25 00:21:46 - reptile: heh, ive looked and the crown does this in every game he plays in, he knows what he is doing and that it is unfair. he is an auto foe once this war is over. says alot for TNC, we have some guys that may not extend the curtesy of waiting but that is cause
2012-01-25 00:22:33 - reptile: they dont know better, while thecrown does it even though he knows its cheap as shit. i play for the competitive spirit, some of us take what we can get however we can get them..ahem ahem
2012-01-25 04:12:37 - dana1971: Crown is not like that. [Strange how he was 3 for 3 in games with me] He plays a lot of games. It's easy to forget to wait on certain games, because most of them you don't have to.
2012-01-25 19:56:41 - TheCrown: Very funny guys.... I don't remember there being a 12 hour rule set up. oh wait, that's because there wasnt' one.[and i never said there was... nope didnt. that is why i never asked for a remake or forefeit smart one]2012-01-25 19:57:50 - TheCrown: I play around 100 games at once and don't always think about timeframe of things. [thats for sure]2012-01-25 19:58:39 - TheCrown: If you want to foe me because I'm not adhering to rules that don't exist, then go for it. [again not even close to what i was saying i was going to foe him for, but i love the effort]2012-01-25 20:00:26 - TheCrown: And sometimes that's just how it is when you are on your home maps... and that is why you are supposed to have your home games filled before the visitors join, because usually visitors just go [call me a noob to the clan wars (or have i been in twice as many as probably their whole clan combined) but no not even close, buzzzz....wrong!... maybe this is how TNC does it?]2012-01-25 20:01:21 - TheCrown: Let me know if I am the only one on CC that is doing this and I will apologize.... otherwise I don't care
2012-01-25 20:03:14 - TheCrown: Plus, you all know what I did, it's your home map [does this make sence to ANYONE else?]2012-01-25 20:05:18 - TheCrown: If I had a nickel for every time someone was visitors and took their turn before I looked, I'd be rich you must have a lot of multi's then
that or play with sgt's and below often2012-01-26 00:20:38 - reptile: no shit there wasnt one, every tournament i play in there isnt one, but its a common courtesy for those that know about it
2012-01-26 00:21:56 - reptile: the best clans on cc do it 100% of the time, including when there is not a rule set, i never said there was a rule set about it. it is about character. i have talked to thecrown about this before and mentioned it in every game i am in with him (because
2012-01-26 00:22:43 - reptile: yes he does it in every game, no matter what excuse he uses).
2012-01-26 00:23:46 - reptile: fyi it doesnt matter who home is genius, if we are home and you guys join then start doesnt mean we get to see the map, also i intentionally am not going to join games against your cheap clan first that are fog no matter who home is, there are no rules
2012-01-26 00:25:27 - reptile: against me waiting to join so that both teams get a FAIR advantage to compete... (not cheap tactics trying to win in any way possible), if you "didnt notice" due to your game load i aplogize for logging you into your account and joining games for you
2012-01-26 00:27:14 - reptile: secretly.... i do that so i can bitch about it later you know.. and if it was just this once then that is one thing but the fact that EVERY MAP WHERE I JOIN WITH THECROWN he does his cheap shit then i wouldnt care, but it isnt, so yes dana he is like tht. so yes i am foeing you and if i want to play someone that plays like a cook and uses dumb excuses like a cook then i will go play a cook. there are no rules against it ... correct, though i myself as well as most respecable ppl on cc frown upon that and then laugh at whatever retarded ass excuses that are made when it happens every time. we missed umpteen turns and have privates in our clan and have no chance to win this clan war, and you guys still come up with excuses to play cheap... WOW.
2012-01-26 01:56:12 - TheCrown: reptile, no one ever said anything to me AT ALL. [Really? or is this game #3 in a row that i mentioned at least something in the game chats?... told you this guy just talks out his but] That is a bunch of crap you are making up [really? see above] .
Go look at the times of your posts... you only mention something after I took my turn. [yah, if you hadn't i wouldnt have issues. and btw i mentioned something in the two previous games, does your mind reset after every game you play then?]
2012-01-26 01:58:33 - TheCrown: I have talked to many people and have showed them what you are writing and they all have come up with the same conclusion... and it doesnt' look good for you. Why don't you foe me now, because that's what I'm going to do to you and your crazy ranting.
2012-01-26 04:43:43 - reptile: god u are one dumb idiot... how about you go look at the other games we have played in, did i say this specific game? ... hmmm.. nope. you have pulled this shit in at least 4 other games, and i know i posted in at least 3 of them. nice try though. keep up
To sum it up, this guy is the cheapest player ever, i mentioned to him that not all players on cc do the snapshot rule and that i was aware that it was not part of the challenge. in fact we have several players in RH that probably know nothing of the 12 hour rule if we had, just cause they are newer to the clan stuff. Again all this is mentioned in the chat. i merely thought it was lame of a player who has been in 4500 games to play cheap like that. After mentioning it to him in a couple different games he doesnt understand that it is wrong (notice i didnt say illegal). There was nothing mentioned in the war about the rule and that is why i was not asking them to forefeit any games (just think it is pathetic is all), which; is also why i am not asking for him to be banned or anything else, just let him know a piece of my mind and posted in the public challenge thread some feedback for their future clan wars. This is not wrong in any way shape or form... is it? Some may not do the 12 hour fog rule, but i do for every game that i play in as do 95% of all majors and above that understand what it is.