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[CC2] Rd of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [24-17] FINAL

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:15 am
by Rodion
Congratulations on #14 Generation One on their recently clinched win over #19 Dynasty. They now get to play #3 KORT as part of the round of 16. Winner will likely play the winner between #6 IA and #11 FOED.

show: Contacts

show: Rules

Have fun everyone! :D

show: Tiebreaker game

show: KORT home quads

show: G1 home quads

show: KORT home triples

show: KORT home doubles

show: G1 home triples

show: G1 home doubles

show: KORT player count

show: G1 player count

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:30 am
by amazzony
G1 is anxously waiting to meet KORT, once again. All rules are accepted by G1. Lets have a great battle!

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:36 am
by Bruceswar
good luck to all involved.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:49 am
by Streaker
Good luck to everyone, let's have a great challenge!

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:12 am
by HardAttack
Gl to both sides here, as this one is going to be a challenging and close match-up.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:54 am
KORT 24-17 Final.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:26 am
by danryan
No time to waste, huh? Winner will for sure play the winner of IA-FOED though. :D

I'm guessing KORT, 25-16 here.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:41 pm
by barterer2002
Hopefully we'll show better here than in that 1v1 session that we disappointed in.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:50 pm
by HardAttack
barterer2002 wrote:Hopefully we'll show better here than in that 1v1 session that we disappointed in.

Is it just a coincidence or what, why all the best tournament organizers are gathered in G1 ? You guys and one lady in G1 are doing awesome work and i love all the scenario and way it goes in every tourney you ppl organize. Great taste anyway. So you ppl became organizers after you made G1 or you made G1 then you started the tournament organizing business? Here, i have to mention the name of Lindax too, being out of G1 but a hell of excellent organizer.
Anyway, you G1 ppl, have some real skills, and this time please show some up and win this. It was 2 years ago i joined this site, you were doing good, and still i am around, you are still in the same line, that s good. But one thing i am dissapointed is, you are losing against big guns with some slight difference all the time :( Come on and this time show what you are made of.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:28 am
by Leehar
HardAttack wrote:
barterer2002 wrote:Hopefully we'll show better here than in that 1v1 session that we disappointed in.

Is it just a coincidence or what, why all the best tournament organizers are gathered in G1 ? You guys and one lady in G1 are doing awesome work and i love all the scenario and way it goes in every tourney you ppl organize. Great taste anyway. So you ppl became organizers after you made G1 or you made G1 then you started the tournament organizing business? Here, i have to mention the name of Lindax too, being out of G1 but a hell of excellent organizer.
Anyway, you G1 ppl, have some real skills, and this time please show some up and win this. It was 2 years ago i joined this site, you were doing good, and still i am around, you are still in the same line, that s good. But one thing i am dissapointed is, you are losing against big guns with some slight difference all the time :( Come on and this time show what you are made of.

Lol, You need to remember that OP (Optimus) created the clan. Being a former admin and involved in tournies a lot, I think he did gather quite a few of the TO's here when he started G1.

Anyway, I'm sure this will be a pretty intriguing contest since you 2 have faced quite often lately. I know the last clan war was pretty 1-sided with Kort winning 29-11 (And the only reason I noticed was because Tofu and Thota had the same scores in their first Cup encounters :o). We do know the first meeting was a draw tho, so this'll be pretty difficult to call. How did the league Div D meeting between you two end up?

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:06 pm
by amazzony
Yes, Optimus Prime created the clan and there have been a lot of top tournament organisers in the clan since the foundation because Optimus was a master mind of tournaments himself. Hope I don't sound arrogant but looking at our roster I don't think I am exaggerating too much. To clarify though, OP wasn't admin when the clan was created, he was either just a TO or maybe a Tournament Director already, I must admit I don't know that for sure. Anyways, as most (if not all) original members were involved in tournaments then it just went so they mostly found new members from the realms of tournaments (including myself which I am so happy for). It's not that we aren't accepting people who aren't involved in tournament organising/playing but as we are all more or less involved with tournaments then mostly people from tournaments catch our eye. We are a rather addictive bunch though because I do believe that we have several members who didn't organise tournaments before joining G1.

Now, short overview done, I'm sure that my clanmates have more interesting facts to add which I would be grateful :D

About KORT.... Well, they've beaten us pretty badly lately. If we leave out the first tied challenge (15-15) then KORT has always took quite big wins against us. It's quite clear that KORT is a top 3 clan and G1 is always fighting for the place in top 10. Of course, as always, we are charging to battle with full batteries, hoping for some fun games, a great result and perhaps one day upset a super strong clan! :)

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:21 pm
by Bones2484
Round 3. Hopefully we can repay you guys from the last one...

Good luck!

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:52 pm
by amazzony
Bones2484 wrote:Round 3. Hopefully we can repay you guys from the last one...

Oh yes, we have some new power now 8-)

First games should be exchanged in a couple of days, just got privileges so everything should be ready for action!

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:16 pm
by barterer2002
Since we're talking G1 history here. I'd say that about half the clan has been tournament organizers and half really haven't. At one point in time all the top TOs were in G1. Over the past 2-3 years there have been a number of quality TOs come about that are not in G1. Certainly I can't name them all here but Highlanderattack, Lindax, Danryan, Merch313, Darin44, DJ Teflon to name a few haven't been in G1 and are well respected TOs. I do think that most of the membership, even if they don't host, at least play in tournaments which is how we know many of them.

There are clans that require minimum scores to join or want to only take generals or some things like that. There are others that will accept lower ranks but won't let them play in challenges etc. That isn't our way and never will be. It isn't that we don't want to win, we do. However, one of the guiding ideals of G1 has been that everyone should participate in clan wars, events, forums, etc as much as they'd like to. Would we fare better in clan leagues and wars if we sent out ZionT, BaldAdonis, Timminz, Bones2484, Hath, Gameplayer and Tripitaka more often. Probably so, but that isn't the way we've done things in the past and its not the way we're going to do things in the future. That isn't to say that those clans to do things this way are wrong. They do what's right for them, it just isn't right for us.

Oh, and good luck cows, try not to slip on the leaking oil.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:20 pm
by Bruceswar
Nice looking sigs G1... Good luck!

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:30 pm
by MrGlassB
Good luck, guys. I'm new to G1, and this is my first clan-related...well, anything really. :) Look forward to competing.


Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:47 pm
by Hath
MrGlassB wrote:Good luck, guys. I'm new to G1, and this is my first clan-related...well, anything really. :) Look forward to competing.


"The designer" speaketh!

Now that I have successfully thrown him "under the cow" so to speak, let me say good luck to KORT and I'm looking forward to the challenge! :-D

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:25 pm
by reptile
Going to have to go with Kort in this one... maybe a final of 25-16

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:12 am
by Kinnison
Looking forward to this (re)match...

A nice clean fight... no hitting below the belt, biting, eye-gouging, or tickling the RNG. :lol:

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:15 am
by freyme
Kinnison wrote:Looking forward to this (re)match...

A nice clean fight... no hitting below the belt, biting, eye-gouging, or tickling the RNG. :lol:

No time for shananigans Kinn. It is time for a grand evening of cow tipping. Let the games begin.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:03 pm
by gameplayer
kort's gonna have a cow when they lose this one!
lame puns aside, good luck guys. should be a fun match.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:19 pm
by Rodion
Both clans have created their home games.

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:23 am
by josko.ri
Good luck and have ton of fun to al involved in this CW. G1 home quads looks interesting ;)

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:37 am
by ZionT
OOO That was a fun trip down history lane. I'm looking forward to some revenge. It's cow tipping time! :lol:

Fun cow fact:

They have 4 compartments in their stomachs! You could say 4 separate stomachs.

Cow Trivia:

Why do bulls charge at a matador's red cape (muleta) if they are red/green color blind? :geek:

Re: [CC2] Round of 16 - KORT vs. Generation One [0-0 of 41]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:41 am
by danryan
ZionT wrote:OOO That was a fun trip down history lane. I'm looking forward to some revenge. It's cow tipping time! :lol:

Fun cow fact:

They have 4 compartments in their stomachs! You could say 4 separate stomachs.

Cow Trivia:

Why do bulls charge at a matador's red cape (muleta) if they are red/green color blind? :geek:

Probably a similar reason why bulls buck at a rodeo. The first time I saw how they did that, I winced. It involves a very very tight belt around their bullocks.