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THOTA vs. TSM (41-39) of 80 -- THOTA Prevails! [FINAL]
Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:33 pm
by Incandenza
It has been a damned serious business... the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life. "
-- Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, immediately after the Battle of Waterloo
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse vs. The Spanking Monkeys. Best of eighty games.
41 - 39 Current score based on completed games
show: THOTA home doubles
1. Game 5891536 Conquerman no cards unlimited foggy THOTA Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey vs. clapper011/Tisha 2. Game 5926063 Draknor no cards chained foggy TSM AndrewB/merz vs. kratos644/Lindax 3. Game 5927982 Canada no cards unlimited sunny TSM eye84free/khazalid vs. jalen45/laddida 4. Game 5928802 King of the Mountains escalating chained sunny TSM khazalid/Nephilim vs. firstholliday/Seulessliathan 5. Game 6021957 World 2.1 escalating unlimited foggy THOTA AAFitz/RL_Orange vs. Scott-Land/Tisha 6. Game 6030152 AoM escalating unlimited sunny TSM Blitzaholic/Nephilim vs. Seulessliathan/kenbeuken 7. Game 6022038 Forbidden City escalating chained sunny TSM Big Whiskey/osujacket vs. Seulessliathan/Scott-Land 8. Game 6024115 Siege escalating chained sunny THOTA RL_Orange/merz vs. firstholliday/skillfull 9. Game 6228623 Solar System escalating chained sunny TSM Big Whiskey/dividedbyzero vs. luckywar/Georgerx7di 10. Game 6228059 Holy Roman Empire no cards chained sunny THOTA nikola_milicki/hatchman vs. Scott-Land/Seulessliathan 11. Game 6228321 Feudal War flat rate chained foggy THOTA jackal31/zips5000 vs. Lindax/kratos644 12. Game 6228026 Middle East escalating chained sunny THOTA Incandenza/Mepps vs. Blind Date/larsin 13. Game 6474262 Space escalating chained sunny TSM Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey vs. Georgerx7di/skillfull 14. Game 6472297 Iraq escalating chained sunny THOTA Incandenza/Nephilim vs. Seulessliathan/Georgerx7di 15. Game 6473889 D-Day no cards chained sunny TSM Big Yuma Ripper/Chao vs. jalen45/kmacready 16. Game 6472457 USApocalypse no cards/adjacent/sunny THOTA khazalid/hatchman vs. firstholliday/Blind Date
show: THOTA home triples
1. Game 5924750 World 2.1 escalating unlimited foggy TSM AAFitz/Big Whiskey/Chao vs. Georgerx7di/Seulessliathan/Scott-Land 2. Game 5926632 D-Day escalating chained sunny THOTA Chao/Incandenza/Big Yuma Ripper vs. jalen45/kmacready/Seulessliathan 3. Game 5927909 Poison Rome escalating chained foggy TSM AndrewB/Incandenza/khazalid vs. skillfull/kratos644/Seulessliathan 4. Game 6021861 Iraq escalating chained sunny THOTA Blitzaholic/Incandenza/Nephilim vs. Seulessliathan/Georgerx7di/Tisha 5. Game 6021874 Conquerman no cards unlimited foggy TSM Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/Nephilim vs. jalen45/skillfull/kmacready 6. Game 6021880 Solar System escalating unlimited sunny TSM Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/dividedbyzero vs. Jonsvoll/Lindax/Georgerx7di 7. Game 6228616 US Senate escalating unlimited sunny THOTA Big Whiskey/GloriousL/artur1 vs. firstholliday/kenbeuken/Blind Date 8. Game 6228649 Poker Club escalating chained foggy TSM Incandenza/Blitzaholic/khazalid vs. luckywar/Tisha/clapper011 9. Game 6231388 Midkemdil no cards unlimited sunny TSM Blitzaholic/eye84free/Big Whiskey vs. Seulessliathan/kmacready/luckywar 10. Game 6472086 AoM escalating chained sunny THOTA nikola_milicki/Blitzaholic/Nephilim vs. firstholliday/jiminski/Seulessliathan 11. Game 6473835 Indian Empire no cards chained sunny TSM hatchman/Big Yuma Ripper/comic boy vs. firstholliday/skillfull/Georgerx7di 12. Game 6472119 Third Crusade escalating chained foggy THOTA nikola_milicki/Mepps/keyborn vs. jalen45/Blind Date/kmacready
show: THOTA home quads
1. Game 5924749 WWII Ardennes escalating unlimited sunny THOTA Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/osujacket/Nephilim vs. Georgerx7di/kratos644/Scott-Land/Seulessliathan 2. Game 5924752 Poker Club escalating chained foggy THOTA Blitzaholic/dividedbyzero/Incandenza/khazalid vs. Tisha/Lindax/clapper011/Seulessliathan 3. Game 5924753 NYC escalating chained sunny TSM Big Whiskey/Chao/hatchman/Nephilim vs. jalen45/skillfull/kmacready/Blind Date 4. Game 6022215 WWII Europe escalating unlimited foggy TSM Incandenza/Big Whiskey/Chao/RL_Orange vs. laddida/clapper011/Georgerx7di/Tisha 5. Game 6022048 Forbidden City escalating chained sunny THOTA Big Whiskey/nikola_milicki/osujacket/Nephilim vs. kratos644/Seulessliathan/Lindax/Scott-Land 6. Game 6022066 Rail USA escalating chained sunny THOTA Big Whiskey/dividedbyzero/osujacket/Nephilim vs.kratos644/kenbeuken/Tisha/luckywar 7. Game 6231398 Conquerman no cards unlimited foggy TSM Blitzaholic/osujacket/Big Whiskey/dividedbyzero vs. jalen45/skillfull/kmacready/Blind Date 8. Game 6231403 World 2.1 escalating unlimited foggy THOTA AAFitz/Clearwater fl/Big Whiskey/RL_Orange vs. Seulessliathan/Scott-Land/Tisha/kenbeuken 9. Game 6231423 Solar System escalating chained sunny THOTA Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/dividedbyzero/Incandenza vs. kmacready/laddia/luckywar/Georgerx7di 10. Game 6472097 Waterloo no cards chained foggy THOTA nikola_milicki/AAFitz/Incandenza/Clearwater fl vs. Seulessliathan/jiminski/kenbeuken/kratos644 11. Game 6472141 Prohibition Chicago no cards chained foggy THOTA nikola_milicki/jackal31/zips5000/merz vs. Georgerx7di/clapper011/luckywar/Lindax 12. Game 6472299 City Mogul no cards unlimited foggy THOTA Incandenza/khazalid/AAFitz/osujacket vs. Georgerx7di/Lindax/kratos644/clapper011
show: TSM home doubles
1. Game 5891624 Actium escalating chained sunny THOTA Seulessliathan/Scott-Land vs. artur1/GloriousL 2. Game 5932096 D-Day no cards chained sunny THOTA jalen45/kmacready vs. Chao/Big Yuma Ripper 3. Game 5935632 Europe 1914 no cards chained sunny TSM firstholliday/skillfull vs. Incandenza/Mepps 4. Game 5937054 American Civil War no cards chained sunny TSM Georgerx7di/jalen45 vs. Nephilim/khazalid 5. Game 6003607 Italy no cards chained sunny TSM jalen45/kmacready vs. RL_Orange/merz 6. Game 6020522 Sydney Metro escalating chained sunny TSM Seulessliathan/Scott-Land vs. nikola_milicki/Big Whiskey 7. Game 6015817 Alexander's Empire no cards chained sunny TSM laddida/Blind Date vs. comic boy/hatchman 8. Game 6010368 Tamriel no cards chained sunny THOTA Tisha/firstholliday vs. Mepps/Chao 9. Game 6215369 Bamboo Jack escalating chained sunny TSM Seulessliathan/Scott-Land vs. artur1/GloriousL 10. Game 6217672 Greater China no cards chained sunny TSM larsin/Jonsvoll vs. merz/khazalid 11. Game 6215884 France no cards chained sunny THOTA Georgerx7di/Lindax vs. khazalid/Chao 12. Game 6222011 South America no cards chained sunny THOTA skillfull/firstholliday vs. keyborn/Mepps 13. Game 6470804 KotM no cards adjacent sunny TSM firstholliday/jiminski vs. Nephilim/khazalid 14. Game 6471925 Austerlitz no cards chained sunny THOTA laddida/kmacready vs. nikola_milicki/Incandenza 15. Game 6469362 Arms Race escalating chained foggy THOTA clapper011/luckywar vs. Blitzaholic/dividedbyzero 16. Game 6471513 Feudal War flat rate chained foggy TSM kratos644/Lindax vs.jackal31/zips5000
show: TSM home triples
1. Game 5931710 Philippines no cards chained sunny TSM skillfull/firstholliday/laddida vs. Big Whiskey/AndrewB/osujacket 2. Game 5931618 Europe no cards chained sunny THOTA firstholliday/kmacready/jalen45 vs. AndrewB/artur1/khazalid 3. Game 5931377 Middle East no cards chained sunny THOTA clapper011/Blind Date/Ruben Cassar vs. hatchman/Incandenza/Mepps 4. Game 6009349 Midgard no cards chained sunny TSM Georgerx7di/Blind Date/clapper011 vs. GloriousL/artur1/dividedbyzero 5. Game 6019138 Asia no cards chained sunny THOTA laddida/firstholliday/skillfull vs. hatchman/Big Whiskey/comic boy 6. Game 6026197 North America no cards chained sunny TSM jalen45/kmacready/Jonsvoll vs. Incandenza/Big Whiskey/Chao 7. Game 6215728 Europa no cards chained sunny THOTA skillfull/kmacready/firstholliday vs. comic boy/Clearwater fl/Incandenza 8. Game 6217701 Sydney Metro escalating chained sunny THOTA Seulessliathan/Scott-Land/kenbeuken vs. comic boy/hatchman/Big Yuma Ripper 9. Game 6222050 Caribbean escalating chained sunny THOTA skillfull/laddida/firstholliday vs. comic boy/Big Whiskey/hatchman 10. Game 6470651 Egypt VotK no cards chained sunny THOTA laddida/kmacready/skillfull vs. Nephilim/comic boy/nikola_milicki 11. Game 6470767 Malta no cards chained sunny TSM kmacready/jalen45/skillfull vs. Big Whiskey/hatchman/comic boy 12. Game 6470834 South American no cards chained sunny THOTA firstholliday/jiminski/larsin vs. Mepps/Clearwater fl/keyborn
show: TSM home quads
1. Game 5935845 Middle East no cards chained sunny TSM laddida/kmacready/Georgerx7di/Tisha vs. RL_Orange/Big Yuma Ripper/Big Whiskey/Chao 2. Game 5935380 Bamboo Jack escalating chained sunny THOTA Seulessliathan/Scott-Land/Tisha/kenbeuken vs. dividedbyzero/GloriousL/artur1/Nephilim 3. Game 5931219 Africa no cards chained sunny TSM Lindax/kratos644/Tisha/luckywar vs. Clearwater fl/Big Whiskey/hatchman/AndrewB 4. Game 6020617 Waterloo no cards chained sunny THOTA Seulessliathan/Scott-Land/kenbeuken/kratos644 vs. Incandenza/Nephilim/AAFitz/Clearwater fl 5. Game 6023029 Iberia escalating chained sunny THOTA kratos644/Tisha/luckyway/Lindax vs. Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/artur1/GloriousL 6. Game 6020299 Sydney Metro no cards chained sunny TSM Georgerx7di/Jonsvoll/laddida/Tisha vs. nikola_milicki/hatchman/Big Whiskey/Nephilim 7. Game 6215903 Prohibition Chicago no cards chained foggy THOTA Georgerx7di/Lindax/kratos644/Lindax vs. nikola_milicki/Big Whiskey/jackal31/merz 8. Game 6223241 Midgard no cards chained sunny TSM laddida/Tisha/Georgerx7di/kenbeuken vs. Blitzaholic/dividedbyzero/Incandenza/osujacket 9. Game 6222073 NYC no cards chained sunny TSM skillfull/kmacready/Jonsvoll/Blind Date vs. comic boy/Chao/hatchman/nikola_milicki 10. Game 6470661 WWII Europe no cards chained sunny TSM laddida/Georgerx7di/Tisha/clapper011 vs. khazalid/Incandenza/artur1/GloriousL 11. Game 6470674 South America no cards chained sunny TSM laddida/Larsin/kenbeuken/Georgerx7di vs. Big Yuma Ripper/comic boy/eye84free/Clearwater fl 12. Game 6470802 Conquerman no cards unlimited foggy TSM kmacready/Blind Date/skillfull/jalen45 vs. Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/dividedbyzero/Nephilim
show: Final Individual Records
Final individual records:THOTA ..............................HOME..............................AWAY...........................OVERALL........ ..................dubs.......trips......quads.......dubs.......trips......quads................................. Blitz..............1/3........2/6........3/4.........1/1.........0..........1/3................8/17.......47% BW...............1/4........1/5........5/8.........0/1.........2/5.......2/6................11/29......37% Andrew..........0/1........0/1........0.............0...........1/2.......0/1................1/5.........20% merz ............1/2........0...........1/1..........0/2........0..........1/1................3/6.........50% eye84............0/1........0/1..........0...........0...........0..........0/1................0/3.........0% khaz.............1/3........0/2.........2/2.........2/4........1/1........0/1................5/13.......38% Neph.............1/3........2/3.........3/4.........0/2........1/1........2/4................9/17.......52% Fitz..............1/1........0/1.........3/3.........0............0...........1/1...............5/6........83% RL................2/2........0............1/2.........0/1.........0...........0/1..............3/6.........50% osuj.............0/1.........0............4/5.........0...........0/1.........0/1...............4/8........50% dbz...............0/1........0/1.........3/4.........1/1.........0/1........1/3..............5/11.......45% nikola ...........1/1........2/2..........3/3........1/2.........1/1........1/3..............9/12.......75% hatch.............2/2.......0/1...........0/1........0/1.........4/5........0/3...............6/13.......46% jackal............1/1........0.............1/1........0/1.........0...........1/1...............3/4........75% zips ..............1/1........0.............1/1........0/1.........0.............0..............2/3........66% Inca ..............2/2.......2/4...........4/5........1/2........2/3.........1/3............12/19......63% Mepps............1/1.......1/1.............0.........2/3........2/2..........0...............6/7........85% BYR...............0/1.......1/2............0..........1/1........1/1.........0/2.............3/7........42% Chao..............0/1......1/2............0/2........3/3........0/1.........0/2..............4/11......36% Glor...............0..........1/1............0..........1/2........0/1..........2/3............4/7.......57% artur..............0..........1/1............0..........1/2........1/2..........2/3.............5/8......62% keyborn..........0..........1/1............0...........1/1........1/1.........0...............3/3.......100% Clearwat.........0...........0.............2/2.........0............2/2........1/3.............5/7.......71% comic............0...........0/1...........0............0/1.........5/6........0/2............5/10......50% MONKIS ..............................HOME..............................AWAY.........................OVERALL........ ..................dubs.......trips......quads.......dubs.......trips......quads............................... clapper.........0/1........1/2..........1/2........0/1.......1/1........1/4.................4/11.....36% Tisha...........0/1........0.............4/7......0/2.......1/2.......1/4...................6/16......38% kratos..........1/1........0.............1/4........1/2.......1/1........0/5................4/13.......30% Lindax..........1/2........0.............1/3........1/2.......1/1.......0/4.................4/12.......33% jalen............2/3........2/3..........1/1........2/2........1/3.......2/2................10/14......71% laddy............1/2........1/4..........4/5........1/1........0..........1/2.................8/14......57% first.............2/4........1/6...........0...........1/3.......1/3........0...................5/16......31% Seul.............2/3........0/1...........0/2........3/5........3/6........0/5................8/22.....36% Scott............2/3........0/1..........0/2.........1/3........1/1........0/3................4/13.....30% kenbeu..........0..........0/1..........2/4.........1/1........0/1.........0/3...............3/10......30% skillfull .......1/2........2/6...........2/2.........1/2........3/3.........2/2...............11/16.....69% lucky...........0/1..........0............1/2........1/1........2/2..........0/3...............4/9.......44% Georgy.........1/2.........1/1..........5/6.....2/3.........3/4...........1/5...............13/21....57% BlindD..........1/1.........1/2..........2/2........0/2.........0/2.........2/2...............6/11.....54% larsin...........1/1.........0/1..........1/1........0/1.........0............0..................2/4......50% kmac...........1/3.........2/5..........3/3........1/1.........2/2.........2/3...............11/17....64% Jonsw..........1/1.........1/1...........2/2........0...........1/1.........0..................5/5.......100% jimi............1/1..........0/1..........0...........0...........0/1.........0/1................1/4......25% Ruben..........0............0/1...........0..........0............0...........0...................0/1......0%
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:33 pm
by Incandenza
Oh, yeah, bitches, it's on.
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:42 pm
by lord voldemort
About time...i will be following intently
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:58 pm
by samuelc812
This should be interesting
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:05 pm
by pimphawks70
This might be the most epic battle in CC history... Gl to both clans
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:32 pm
by Bruceswar
Been waiting for this one... gl to both sides... About time
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:02 am
by Master Fenrir
Oh, snap. This'll be good. Make me proud, Clapper!
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:05 am
by john9blue
Oh dammmn!
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:10 am
by jackin_u_up
This is gonna be AWESOME.........However Just a bit curious...What were the terms of the war ?
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:16 am
by Scott-Land
I'm looking forward to the speed freestyle dubs!
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:36 am
by laddida
haha epic cant wait for the beginning or the end muahahaha. Any predictions?
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:22 am
by e_i_pi
gl to both teams, should be a very interesting matchup
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:27 am
by firstholliday
Goodluck guys , be gentle.
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:03 am
by Seulessliathan
finally .... this can be great, good luck ponies!
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:20 am
by nikola_milicki
wow cant believe we brought so much excitement and happiness to so many ppl with this challenge, can we all get free membership for doing sites job
Good luck monkey gents!
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:16 am
by Hatchman
Good luck guys and have fun.
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:32 am
by Chao
Here goes...
G'luck TSM!
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:20 am
by Bruceswar
Scott-Land wrote: I'm looking forward to the speed freestyle dubs!
You and lucky or kratos vs??
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:25 am
by skillfull
Best of luck to both of clans...
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:31 am
by freakns
this is going to be fun! 43-37 THOTA
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:10 am
by danryan
A squeaker, with an upset: 41-39 TSM.
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:18 am
by khazalid
War is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within themselves. L.T An audible hush. The very best of luck for the worst of all wars, my friends.
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:36 am
by pmchugh
Good luck to both sides
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:49 am
by Blitzaholic
Scott-Land wrote: I'm looking forward to the speed freestyle dubs!
create it for doodle earth please
Re: THOTA vs. TSM (0-0) of 80 -- [ONGOING]
Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:07 am
by laddida
Blitzaholic wrote: Scott-Land wrote: I'm looking forward to the speed freestyle dubs!
create it for doodle earth please
dont think u wanna mess with scott on doodle speed freestyle its something hes getting pretty good at lately