by Chuuuuck on Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:07 pm
This will come to no surprise of some that I am closest to, but I have only been on this site for 1 reason and that is enjoyment. I created and have ran both the conqueror's cup and the power rankings as I saw an opportunity to better the site and improve the enjoyment of all, including myself.
My enjoyment on this site is quickly approaching 0. Real life is busy and my commitments and responsibilities are in a higher demand than the amount of time I have each day. Luckily, thanks to my job and the fact that I am on a computer 2/3 of every day, this is not a farewell message because I will still be on this site, however, I will be playing very minimally and really not contributing in any other way to the site.
To be honest, the Conqueror's Cup is a nearly self ran tournament with very little input needed from a TD except for a few slight hiccups.
The Power Rankings are a little more time consuming in sending out PMs, collecting data, and then inputting data and creating tables.
I would not like to hand these over lightly to just the first person to raise their hand because I feel I have tried to handle both very professionally and fairly for all involved. The last thing I would want to see is some 13 year old (or someone who acts like one) take over and start changing things that make either less enjoyable or fair for the masses. I am not even sure me picking someone to hand these over to is the best way to handle it. But maybe there should be some reasonable discussion in the forums of how they can be handled in a fair manner in the future because one thing is for sure and that is I will not be putting much time into this site anymore other than playing a few games.