Blitzaholic wrote:Friends of TSM, I do not want to argue about this, I respect you all very much, I really do, most of you know this already. The bottom line is RESPONSIBILITY and all are for their own password and their turns. You cannot expect others to be irresponsible to make up for the one already, this makes no sense. It is like any sport, can you imagine in football a team accidently calls a timeout and the ref charges them a timeout and the coach and team gets mad because they did not want the timeout, it was a mistake/ Then that team asks the other team to call a timeout for their team to make it fair???
You all know how stupid that sounds right? It would never happen in any game nor sport. I am not trying to be mean here, but, rather rational and logical. another example could be this, I was late for work today and I got in trouble, and I say to my c-worker, can you please be late tomorrow so you can be in trouble also. Chances are the co-worker is going to say to the tardy dude "Get Bent".
in a game of poker you are dealt 3 cards..... over right.
real life risk, your turn but you have to go to the toilet there is a time limit?
get over it blitz , you need the points and thats all there is to it.