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[CR@W] the Bannermen [Complete] - House of Fire (TOFU) Wins!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [2/?]

Postby IcePack on Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:36 pm

hjelp wrote:Lot of info to catch up :)


1.On the board (not Castles, Cities, Watchtowers), is it allowed to have more than one Lord on the same square?
2. Ambushes are by default first battle ? I mean if an advancing Lord (diagonal) ends in a by a Lord occupied square and at the same time the advancing Lord will be visible for other Lords?
3. If one Lord became visible for more than one Lord, time stamp (pm IcePack) will decide which one to attack first?

(sorry if I missed info already given)


1. Yes, you can have multiple Lords on the same squares. You can only have one structure per square (castle, city, watchtower).
If you have formal friendly relations with another clan, you can also share a square. Or if you enter a square that normally would be an ambush, but the defender / ambusher has their defeault selection set to not ambush, you could theoretically share that square as well.

2. I'm not sure what you mean here, but everything will be done via the order of initiative rolls. If your question is what I think you are asking, if you move into a square and there is someone there, and their ambush default is attack, then you will not get a chance to do something else. They will immediately engage you in ambush.

3. No, order of initiative will decide that. It should be in the rules already (I believe). Its a d20 roll for all clans highest roller goes first and then down the list of initiative. Ties are rerolled between those two clans.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [2/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:14 am

Collecting Questions and answering them below, just trying to keep myself organized here while they come out.

After I read the FAQ and the all the answers I understood that 1 Lord = 1 Player but it's not clear at all in the rules and description of the game.
Especially since you said 1 clan member can direct everything. So, you should state somewhere that 1 lord = 1 player for all the battle that this lord will have to do.

Ok I will update the OP in the next week or so. Lots of FAQ info and other stuff I need to add. Just trying to answer questions as they come in for now and then will update official rules probably a week before any official start for sure. (or as I have time)

You spoke about bannerman but you didn't explain how that would work ( or I missed it ).

You're correct, its covered very briefly in the "Diplomacy" section of the OP but definitely needs more detail.
Essentially its a method that other clans can declare themselves as a vassal state to another. Requesting protection from everyone, protection from a specific enemy, etc. If you declare yourself as a bannermen state to another clan, you "fly their banner" and as you travel the map, can fight for or with them instead of on your own. Usually, there is an exchange of gold from the smaller clan to the bigger in exchange for this protection or help. It can be indefinite, or gold per turn, or for a fixed period of time. I'll make a bannermen update and provide all the details but thats the general concept ther.e

What if I move on a square and there is already 2 lord on this square ?

If you move to a square and there are two engaged Lords already there, you will just be a third occupant. You will be able to see the battle (I will provide you the info, such as Lord X is Bruceswar of House Stark and Lord Y is hjelp of House Antrax). You can decide to stay in the square, which if you stay in the square when their engagement ends would result in a direct assault by you, or you can choose to continue on after learning your intel and leave the square. If those two parties are neutral or friendly, and sharing the same space and you are not neutral or friendly and normally would be an ambush, then you will still get ambushed per the normal rules.

"Vanquished" Clans
Clans are out of the game (vanquished) when they lose all of their Lords, and original Castle.

If I have no more lords, I can't get anymore GP, so even if I still have my original Castle, unless I can recruit another lord, I am defeated anyway, right ?

From your perspective, you would essentially be out of the game yes. However, you can still influence the game if you have gold left in your castle, whether by declaring yourself a bannermen to another clan in order for them to take their revenge on your killer, or I suppose if you can convince someone to be your bannermen etc...But for the game, you wont be completely vanquished until you are completely removed from the board (and thats when someone will earn the fame from your vanquishment) not just killing of your Lords. Or as you said, if you haven't used your maximum 15 Lords and have enough gold, or can get enough gold somehow, to get another Lord on the board.

If a Lord is in a city or a castle, and the city/castle is attacked. Can the Lord decide to retreat and abandon the castle/city ?
No, the defender is being attacked. So its up to the attacker to start the engagement or not. If you want to retreat, you'll have to leave the castle prior to the engagement or use diplomacy to delay until you leave.

When the actual games are played, how do you prevent it being obvious who a Lord is? Are the Lord names actually used as the player names in the games? That would be SO awesome!

Well, the two who are engaged will learn who each other are. This is part of the way to gain intel (by engaging other clans in battle). You'll learn at who the Lord is, and by process of elimination you will now know all his clan mates (though you still wont know who the active clan mates'll be able to recognize them by "Lord X of Castle Antrax" and you know you just beat Lord Y of Castle Antrax, and Lord Y was IcePack, so anyone under Castle Antrax banner is a Fallen member, for example.

if losing a castle deprives a clan of all of their gold, how will anyone accumulate enough to score an economic victory? It seems like the structure incentivizes teams to spend (almost) all of their gold every turn, especially since castles don't seem too hard to capture. Other than the possibility of having multiple lords in a castle (and thereby increasing the number of wins required to capture it) there don't seem to be many advantages to the defender.

Yeah, the economic victory is meant as a way to speed up the games end eventually. It will be difficult to achieve, but you are correct here.

Perhaps consider spreading the gold out among the Clan's various castles/cities? That way, for example, with 2 castles and 3 cities a clan that loses a castle would only lose 1/5 of its gold reserve.

Thats probably a fair idea, let me check how it works during a play test and ill get back to you. Based on my play test experience, I think this will probably get implimented. Watchtowers will not count towards "spreading the gold" out though, as their mainly an additional look out venue as advanced warning system etc.

The history buff in me is coming out a bit for some suggestions on some of the gameplay. The major one that stands out to me is sieging a castle historically was supposed to be hard. There's a reason that 9 times out of 10, the besieging army would attempt to starve out the defenders rather than attempt to directly assault the castle. The walls themselves were considered a force multiplier, and the castle usually had multiple layers of defense that the attackers had to systematically assault and overcome, often at a high cost. The defender normally had the advantage in this case.

I really like the choice of the Siege! map for these battles. Thematically, it fits perfectly. However, the map itself is fairly neutral, and I don't see game knowledge or choice of settings really favoring the map either way. It seems more like map drop could easily decide the outcome from the start, so there's not really any sort of defender's advantage. A lord could easily lose his castle due to a bad drop and bad luck, regardless of skill or choice of map rules.

Yeah, i dont disagree with the historical comparisons etc. or the fact that theres only a minor benefit to the defender for selecting Poly (2) (3) or (4) plus settings etc. The main defensive benefit here is, having multiple defenders a attacker must string together sometimes two, three victories in a row on a neutral (ish) map in order to possible gain the castle. (maybe even more, depending how many defenders they've stacked there). With being restricted to 15 Lords, this difficulty level can come at a pretty big cost if you can't string this wins together. A loss of even one Lord is a major feat.

What I'd propose for this is having a 2-part battle. Use the Castle Lands map as the first battle. Historically, there were often skirmishes outside the walls, often with further fortifications that extended outside the walls that attacks would have to move through first. If the attacker won, they then pursuing the defenders who are retreating to the inner keep and play the second battle out on the Siege! map. Both maps are pretty neutral, no real advantage to either side, but the fact that the attacker would have to win 2 battles in a row but the defender only needs to win 1 would give an advantage to the defender.

To better balance this in the case where there are multiple lords defending the castle, there would need to be only one victory from any attacker on the Castle Lands map and then each subsequent battle would be on Siege! So if there are 3 lords, the attacker would have to win once on Castle Lands and then 3 times on Siege! to successfully take the castle. Defenders would fight but ultimately abandon outer defenses during sieges which were then either occupied by the attackers or destroyed and made unusable. To keep this from making defending overpowered, if the defender lost on Castle Lands but managed to win on Siege!, there should be a number of turns required for defenders to re-establish defenses outside the castle, and re-instate the Castle Lands map in any future defenses of that castle. This way, if one lord were to successfully attack and win on Castle Lands, but fail to completely conquer the castle, a second lord waiting to besiege the castle would not have to fight on Castle Lands the next turn.

I honestly really like this idea, my main concern is with time. Sieges did / could take a very long time (usually months) and in game that same length on siege potentially could take weeks of the game, if not a month or two (possibly). But potentially adding anothe rbattle taking place before hand, and the possibility of having to defeat 1,2,3+ defenders back to back. This could potentially drag a single assault on a castle for 3+ months I'm guessing and really, really slow the game down? While I love it for the realism, I am questioning whether or not its practical in this type of setting. Its not like these are speeders getting played out for instant results. (though it will be interesting to see if any sides do some Real time games, which would cause some significant intresting thigns to come up potentially for others).

As I said in an answer to someone else, I think this is kinda a clan area experiment. IF its really popular and people really enjoy it, there will probably be more of these to follow and will see quite a bit of "tweaks" based on lessons learned. Now, if the castle sieges end up being a funky situation in this first edition, I could definitely see implimenting something like this in version 2.0 if it came to it.

Also, I have a quick question for clarification on battle outcomes. You state the results if the attacker wins attacking a city or castle. They capture the defending lord and decide what to do with him/her. What happens should the defender win. Do they capture the attacking lord in question? Or does the attacking lord retreat with their tail between their legs?

The defender gets the same decision, at the end of engagement one of the Lords will end up in custody of the other and a decision will be made.
In my first edition of the draft rules, I actually had ambushes a little stronger in which there was a 1/10 chance that the ambush was so successful you kidnapped the opposing Lord without a game battle. However, I deemed it to strong due to the other rules that go timplimented regarding the limit of how many Lords per game (15). In just one of my play tests, i actually landed x3 ambushes this way and realized while that was very lucky and unusual, it could really impact the game to much. The pro to idea was that less skilled clans would have a 1/10 chance to possible kidnap a very valuble Lord that the other clans would be very keen on seeing returned and have negotiating power.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:35 am

Third official sign up

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby Donelladan on Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:09 am

Why don't you open it to tribes as well ? And by that I mean, mp all existing tribes ( if there is any).
also you could post it in the tournament section and tell people they can join by forming a tribe of at least 3 players ( with a need of recruiting more players if they want to recruit lord later in the game).

I think it could help promoting tribe, since the event itself is cool idea imo, and that could very well suit tribes.

And another question, if I move on a square with two lords, and I want to attack them, can I decide which one I face first ?
Would the 2nd lord be allow to leave the square while I fight the 1st one ?
Because you only spoke about ambush in your answer, but if it's not a diagonal move, it's the one moving on the square that attack, and there is no ambush right ? or by ambush you meant any fight between 2 lords ? Because I thought ambush was only when there is a diagonal move ?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:43 pm

Why don't you open it to tribes as well ? And by that I mean, mp all existing tribes ( if there is any).
also you could post it in the tournament section and tell people they can join by forming a tribe of at least 3 players ( with a need of recruiting more players if they want to recruit lord later in the game).

I think it could help promoting tribe, since the event itself is cool idea imo, and that could very well suit tribes

The map is finalized, including castles starting locations, customizing each map for the 29 clans etc so adding tribes / outsiders isn't going to happen in v 1.0. This was meant as a celebration for 10 years of clans, and to promote benefits of Clans.

If it's widely popular and we do v 2.0 it's another thing we can consider before that event is run. V 1.0 will tell us a lot about how this may work in the future and how manageable it will be for those running it. I expect it to take me 30-60 mins to update every second day so....adding tribes and tournaments and increasing the level of participants may not be realistically manageable without either additional help etc. or adjustment of the process.
However, that's just an estimate. Without knowing how v 1.0 goes it's hard to say for sure.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:28 pm

I rearranged the order here to answer them.

Donelladan wrote:Would the 2nd lord be allow to leave the square while I fight the 1st one ?

Yes, if you are engaged with another opponent in an "open" territory, the 2nd Lord may leave the area while you fight the first one.
The only time this isn't the case is with Castles and Cities, as the defenders are effectively "under siege" / surronded and defending and unable to leave.

Donelladan wrote:And another question, if I move on a square with two lords, and I want to attack them, can I decide which one I face first ?

Yes, you select which opponent you will engage with. (or whoever is determining that stuff for your clan). You wont know who the Lord is (you wont get a choice, josko or rockfist) just Lord X or Lord Y, until you select.
Then you'll be invited to the game and engage the with Lord.

Initiative will be announced / updated each turn, so you will see if you are able to attack or not. Example:

Lord A finds himself next to Lord B and Lord C. They are all from different clans.
Initiative is:
Lord B
Lord A
Lord C

So, Lord B this turn would get the choice to engage with Lord C, move and engage Lord A, or leave the area. If he does nothing, then Lord A can choose to move onto the square and attack either one.
If neither Lord B or Lord A engages him, Lord C at that point has his choice of what action to do. But htere mgiht be cases in which you want to attack someone, and they have initiative over you and they move away
making an attack not possible.

Donelladan wrote:Because you only spoke about ambush in your answer, but if it's not a diagonal move, it's the one moving on the square that attack, and there is no ambush right ? or by ambush you meant any fight between 2 lords ? Because I thought ambush was only when there is a diagonal move ?

Ambushes are only when you move diagonal. I'm not sure what your question is covering here. Sorry, trying to answer all the scenarios but with all the answers I'm not sure what you are refering too.
Can you give me a scenario, and I can answer it that way? Or clarify the question please cuz I dont know which answer with ambush you are refering to.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby Robespierre__ on Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:56 pm

OK, I slogged through this.

Question: once you learn who one of your opponents is, can't you just track his or her 1v1 games and figure out who the adjoining clans are? I would think the map would become quickly obvious just by watching for 1v1 poly games. Are we going to need to schedule fake games to confuse other clans? Please say no.

FOED is definitely going to play if you have not heard from us. I will go on our forums and get this moving. Though I can't say I yet understand everything lol.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby Fyrdraca on Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:04 pm

Just a quick clarification for me. Each clan starts with 3 lords. If you end up battling a lord and lose, then you can either be kidnapped, executed, or can negotiate your return.

If your return is negotiated, then that specific lord is still in the game. If you are executed, that lord is removed from the game never to return (and that player cannot become a new lord). If kidnapped, does the lord basically just do nothing until he is either executed or a return is negotiated?


And thanks for all the work on this. Sounds fun!
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:22 pm

Robespierre__ wrote:OK, I slogged through this.

Question: once you learn who one of your opponents is, can't you just track his or her 1v1 games and figure out who the adjoining clans are? I would think the map would become quickly obvious just by watching for 1v1 poly games. Are we going to need to schedule fake games to confuse other clans? Please say no.

FOED is definitely going to play if you have not heard from us. I will go on our forums and get this moving. Though I can't say I yet understand everything lol.

-- Robes

Good to hear! I haven't heard from you guys yet. Start up / sign up is simple.
Technically it will be possible to search for all the battles, but it's quiet possible depending on movement that castles are missed early on and it might tell you general that clan a and clan b might possibly (but not certain) are in the same area, but won't help you with knowing what house name they fight under or confirm exactly that they are adjacent. So not much can be learned / confirmed through any search that is done other than maybe learning who died.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:26 pm

Fyrdraca wrote:Just a quick clarification for me. Each clan starts with 3 lords. If you end up battling a lord and lose, then you can either be kidnapped, executed, or can negotiate your return.

If your return is negotiated, then that specific lord is still in the game. If you are executed, that lord is removed from the game never to return (and that player cannot become a new lord). If kidnapped, does the lord basically just do nothing until he is either executed or a return is negotiated?


And thanks for all the work on this. Sounds fun!

Simple answer: Correct
TL:DR answer: dead lords can still help the clan plan, negotiate, coordinate other lords removal, do the daily pm to ice pack, etc. really anything and everything except be represented for the clan on the map and fight games.

Kidnapped lords can do the same as above, they can do nothing until the other clan chooses, actively engage in diplomacy w them every turn, trying to use new Intel or info to their advantage, whatever. Up to them. Or they can do nothing. Whatever works ;)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby hopalong on Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:25 am

can we have players not associated with our clan play for our House?

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [4/?]

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:02 pm

Fourth official sign up, I've been told / get the impression there's a number of others getting prepared.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:55 pm

Fifth official sign up received. Links on the last two will be sent out when I get home :)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [3/?]

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:48 pm

hopalong wrote:can we have players not associated with our clan play for our House?

Thanks for all this work - your passion and dedication are appreciated and are crazy impressive.

As this is a celebration of clans, they'll need to be in your clan.
If this goes over really well, and if we get a lot of participation, I'll consider a lot of stuff like this for v 2.0

Once this starts, I'll be creating a thread for myself in the CD area to copy & paste a lot of these suggestions and will take a look at them before we start.

A lot of people seem very excited about this, and a lot of attention and eyes are on it. I think if it goes well, there's potential to bring it back and really play around with the format. Even tho the intent was just a one time celebration, in a short time it's gained a lot of attention so at this point I'll say, v 2.0 anything is possible.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby hjelp on Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:17 pm

v 2.0 board movements influenced by chess ? :idea:
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby TimWoodbury on Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:56 pm

IcePack wrote:Also - I finally resolved some issues and figured out how to effectively add in more team games instead of all poly.
This was an issue during design of the game (since we are talking about clans).

Would clans like to see more team games and edit the set up or leave as is for this first edition and maybe tweak in the future?

speaking soley for myself and not my clan but i think more team games, some may be swayed away from it due to so many games being poly.
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:22 pm

TimWoodbury wrote:
IcePack wrote:Also - I finally resolved some issues and figured out how to effectively add in more team games instead of all poly.
This was an issue during design of the game (since we are talking about clans).

Would clans like to see more team games and edit the set up or leave as is for this first edition and maybe tweak in the future?

speaking soley for myself and not my clan but i think more team games, some may be swayed away from it due to so many games being poly.

This might be more of a top flight clan thing but I think I prefer poly games - they take less time and allow you to play at any given moment.
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:46 pm

TimWoodbury wrote:
IcePack wrote:Also - I finally resolved some issues and figured out how to effectively add in more team games instead of all poly.
This was an issue during design of the game (since we are talking about clans).

Would clans like to see more team games and edit the set up or leave as is for this first edition and maybe tweak in the future?

speaking soley for myself and not my clan but i think more team games, some may be swayed away from it due to so many games being poly.

Thanks for the feedback :) I think this late in the game now I'll probably have to stick w what we have, but I'm going to play around w the above idea I had and conduct a more thorough questionnaire after v 1.0 and get some ideas of what people would like to see changed / updated.

Hopefully clans will participate regardless, as it's a pretty low game count (1 game per person max) so it should hopefully be manageable for most

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:34 pm

Just to clarify for those who are starting to receive their maps and might need clarification:

Blue is water
Green, tan, light grey, white are all used as different map colors for grass, dessert, mountains, snow etc.

This is just to give the map some features, allow clans to use different terrain as possible map markers etc and doesn't impact gameplay. Just for visualization so it's not a big green & blue blob

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby TX AG 90 on Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:55 pm

Awesome job IcePack!

I have questions about Initiative and the Action Rounds

1. Will we know our initiative order with respect to the other clans?
2. Since we are all sending in our directions to you at the same time, is it possible our moves are countered by someone with a higher initiative? For example, Lord A sees Lord B and vice versa. Lord A wants to move away from Lord B avoiding contact. However, Lord B has a higher initiative and wants a fight. In that case, would Lord A's retreat be blocked by an attack?
3. If 2 Lords are more than one space away (can't see each other) and move into the same space during the turn, would the Lord with the higher initiative dictate action? Would the team with the higher initiative pick the map if there is a fight? If the team with higher initiative wants to negotiate, but the other Lord wants a fight, does he get to pick the map? If the space between them is on a diagonal, will the Lord with higher initiative get an ambush? What if 3 Lords move into a diagonal at the same time? Will the Lord with the highest initiative automatically ambush the 2nd lord or could he pick (assuming he is at war with everyone).


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:57 pm

Approx 5 other clans have told me they plan to sign up or expressed interest, a PM went out to all clan leaders. Hoping we get more then that but just an FYI if you plan to sign up even if you aren't fully ready, it would be great to know you plan to (you can let me know via pm) or if you don't plan to, even.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:04 pm

On a phone TX - but I'll type out those answers tonight :)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby updalions on Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:44 pm

IcePack wrote:Just to clarify for those who are starting to receive their maps and might need clarification:

Blue is water
Green, tan, light grey, white are all used as different map colors for grass, dessert, mountains, snow etc.

This is just to give the map some features, allow clans to use different terrain as possible map markers etc and doesn't impact gameplay. Just for visualization so it's not a big green & blue blob

We appear to have Blue visible to us on our map near our castle, does that mean that the water is not only around the edge of the map and that there are in fact in land bodies of water? Or am I just reading the colours wrong?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby Vid_FISO on Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:08 pm

updalions wrote:
IcePack wrote:Just to clarify for those who are starting to receive their maps and might need clarification:

Blue is water
Green, tan, light grey, white are all used as different map colors for grass, dessert, mountains, snow etc.

This is just to give the map some features, allow clans to use different terrain as possible map markers etc and doesn't impact gameplay. Just for visualization so it's not a big green & blue blob

We appear to have Blue visible to us on our map near our castle, does that mean that the water is not only around the edge of the map and that there are in fact in land bodies of water? Or am I just reading the colours wrong?

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [5/?]

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:21 pm

Correct, there is various rivers (impassable) and outside border water / oceans.

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