Specially since it's now all 4 of the clans involved in the CCup 4 semi's that have been responsible for some delays, and I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation for top clans that play so well on the field, should be organised off it & be able to join games in a timely fashion.
Kort has already been warned once earlier in the competition & were slow joining some games in the last round; Tofu requested an extension for batch 1 after already starting the competition with a bye; & now both Ace & TSM are behind in joining games for their respective batches.
So there really are few words that can be used to explain why such top-flight clans need constant babysitting & frequent interventions to ensure they stay on-track in the competition.
You must remember that penalties have already been assigned after significant delays in the atl-ra war, so it's unlikely that greater leniency will be shown here, and it would be very unfortunate if forfeits decide what are sure to be closely fought out encounters at this stage of the competition.
5 days is more than enough time to join games, and for there to continue being lapses is irking, after there having been a concerted drive throughout the competition to keep it on track. Unfortunately this war is a week behind the other semi-final (purely because of how the competition was structured), so it does continue to remain imperative that there are no unnecessary delays.
We have stated that there will be leniency shown, so I don't think we've reached the point of no return, but there eventually will come a time where all limits have been breached, so I feel it is my solemn duty to share a reminder of the consequences of any repeated lapses, by sharing the rules as they currently stand, and as most likely they may eventually be applied.
Subject: CCup4
Organization wrote:When games are sent, they must already be created and fully joined by the home team. Once home games are sent, the away clan has 5 full days to fill the games. If your opponent is late on either sending/joining home games or joining games please notify the CD's immediately. There will be some leniency on running late, we will work out a date with the clans involved and set a date that games must be sent/joined by. If a clan is still late in sending/joining home games or joining games they will forfeit 1 game per day late. The opposing team will choose which game they forfeit from the batch of games in question (i.e. if a clan sends their home games 1 day late, the opposing team will choose one of those games the late clan forfeits once they receive them). The CD's will be checking the forums for every clan match to make sure they are being kept up properly, sent and joined on time, and the playing rules are being upheld. However, if any clan feels their opponents have broken a rule they should bring it to our attention immediately.