Moderator: Clan Directors
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:jgordon1111 wrote:LOL good round KOA,we have to do a little switch up for this next one to see if we do better,the last round was,well
Unless I'm mistaken this is your first war. Most everyones 1st war or two is a bit rocky. Except for CC's self proclamed "elite" clans who think their kill everything dice is due to their superior strategy.
Round 2 will probably be a little smoother for you. Been fun and friendly so far. Thank you!
troll wrote:jefjef wrote:jgordon1111 wrote:LOL good round KOA,we have to do a little switch up for this next one to see if we do better,the last round was,well
Unless I'm mistaken this is your first war. Most everyones 1st war or two is a bit rocky. Except for CC's self proclamed "elite" clans who think their kill everything dice is due to their superior strategy.
Round 2 will probably be a little smoother for you. Been fun and friendly so far. Thank you!
Gibberish, rubbish and misc bull shit.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:jammyjames wrote:The sheriff is in town for this round boys
qwert wrote:ehh i remember our first war-its been against TNC in newcomers cup-we have big supprise, because like new clan ,we win with big diference in result .
chemefreak wrote:I agree with jj (a rarity!) This is not farming. This is just a good old fashioned ass whooping.
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums
Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.
Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
Dibbun wrote:chemefreak wrote:I agree with jj (a rarity!) This is not farming. This is just a good old fashioned ass whooping.
I'm not the type to ever imply that an opponent's victory is due to anything other than superior play. I would just recommend, prior to saying that it's an ass whooping, you appreciate the fact that we have attendance problems with some of our members including some straight deadbeating out.
chemefreak wrote:chapcrap wrote:chemefreak wrote:I agree with jj (a rarity!) This is not farming. This is just a good old fashioned ass whooping.
And just to be clear, that was cheme you are quoting. Not anyone from KOA.
Nothing to see here!
jgordon1111 wrote:Chap as to the one who missed sorry about that, I believe he is still MIA,which in itself is highly unusual,until now I have never known him to miss a turn. I beieve he was kicked from the games he was in,so you know it wasnt a messed up tactic by us.
chemefreak wrote:Second round coming soon?
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:MB's round 2 games have been posted. Invites to be sent out soon.
gl and hf rd 2 all!
jgordon1111 wrote:Thanks KOA,Ice Pack I see you get to play round 2 good luck,same to you Jammy,and thank you Chem. for stepping in there
IcePack wrote:jgordon1111 wrote:Thanks KOA,Ice Pack I see you get to play round 2 good luck,same to you Jammy,and thank you Chem. for stepping in there
I'll be headlining 3 triples games, right where I like to be.
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