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Commander9 wrote:Very strong start for IA on the 2nd start - the series are far from over.
VampireM wrote:i would be quite surprised if we could come back from this start... I have not look at the second set a whole lot but we would need to win 16 of the last 21 games.. which im pretty sure we aint doing.. but it aint impossible.. i can already see 4+ losses in the 2nd set.. Great lakes u got a kill already, dawn of ages we were down by 10 troops at the start of round 2, soviet union and siege looks bad.. those are four i counted as losses.. Not to mention alot of ur home games are still way to early to tell like dawn, pelo, etc.. the 15-5 start is just to much to come back from so i fear the only thing we could do now is make it close..
wolfpack0530 wrote:josko.ri wrote:I think this is the strongest challenge of round 16. FOED wins 21-20.
good luck to both clans, I hope we will be opponents in round 8 vs winers.
that would be fun. our clans havent tangled that much as far as i am aware. you guys are overflowing with skilled players for sure, but im guessing you havent seen much of the drunken monk technique that we will be sure to unleash for an occasion such as this could be.
keep slayin em
Commander9 wrote:VampireM wrote:While i dont doubt foed's talented players, i have seen how the dice have been going.. games like AOM, battle of iraq, monsters, etc, it would be pretty hard to lose with how the dice went... unless u have no idea at all about the maps which obviously aint the case..
Ah, so I'm assuming you are being dice-raped in every single game that you lost, but if you win any that will be pure skill?
jimboy wrote:My take on Loki saying some of the maps are gimmic maps is this..... Some of the maps picked are going to be won by the team that have the best dice because they are nothing more then a dice war. So assuming that the dice are 50-50 and that both teams win an equal amount of these games then in theory IA will not be able to win the 75% of the games needed to come back after the large deficit in round one. If this was FOED's thinking (and i'm not saying it was) on the 2nd round games it was a very smart move by them in my opinion. Also in no way am I saying these guys wouldn't of been able to win the required amount of games on pure skill and strategy either because they are obviously very skilled. This is just my take on what Loki said.... I have not talked to her about it and asked her for any clarification and I may have it all wrong.
At any rate.... Good luck in the second round guys, even though we have been getting our asses handed to us I have still been enjoying the challenge
jimboy wrote:So assuming that the dice are 50-50 and that both teams win an equal amount of these games then in theory IA will not be able to win the 75% of the games needed to come back after the large deficit in round one. If this was FOED's thinking (and i'm not saying it was) on the 2nd round games it was a very smart move by them in my opinion.
Leehar wrote:foed doesn't look like getting just 7 more wins?
Leehar wrote:current score is 14-4, so you only need 7 more to win, and I see at least 3 leads on kills, so maybe just need to check if there are 4 big enough territory leads for victory?
mkcummins wrote:impressive start for FOED. will it balance out in the long run?
gradybridges wrote:Will this continue to be a blow out or will IA take a bunch at the end?
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