Draq wrote:eddie2 wrote:Arama86n wrote:JoshyBoy wrote:31-29 final score?
oh? I've been very busy IRL last few days, but last I talked to the lads it wasn't looking bad, and one of TIME's lads is dead so not sure about that perspectivre Joshy
But either way 31-29.. or 32-28. I'll stick with what I said in this thread 2-3 weeks ago, 32-28
I think joshy is looking at the convo me jmarcotte and dean00 are having next shot is a very vitale one that can swing the game to us.
So Joshy is in any of your account looking at the gamechat, helping you with the tactics? Maybe we should write a report in the C&A forum.
draq this has already been dealt with. The chat was open between all players for comments.(this is allowed) and we take our shots ourselves.