Conquer Club

[LHC] Lx HandiCup I - [1.- Man D | 2.- ID | 3.- LOTZ]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [LHC] Lx HandiCup I - [1.- Man D | 2.- ID | 3.- LOTZ]

Postby Lindax on Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:17 pm

ViperOverLord wrote:I disagree with that decision. In general, the MVP almost always go to the winning clan (at least that's how it works in sports). And in this case, TwoPoint came nowhere close to playing max games (12 in his case, I believe). Yes, he was undefeated; but it was in only six games. ltiyank at 8-3 on the winning clan would have been the better choice, imo. Had TP went at least 10-0, then the case would be more legit. And in fact, TP only played two games in the final as well. Had he played in four, his clan may have won and then the MVP would have been truly warranted.

It's not a matter of choice:

Most Valuable Player (MVP) - General Achievement Medal for the winner.

The MVP of this tournament will be the player with the highest win percentage who also complies with the requisites mentioned below.

The player must have:

  1. Been a member of the same clan for the whole tournament.
  2. Participated in all the rounds of this tournament the clan participated in.
  3. Played a minimum of 6 games (50% of the total amount of games a player can participate in, based on the total amount of games divided by the amount of players).
  4. Played at least 1 doubles, 1 triples, 1 quads, 1 “home” and 1 “away” games.
  5. Followed the tournament rules, clan rules and Conquer Club rules and/or guidelines for the duration of this tournament.

Whether you or I or anybody else agrees, Twopoint has the highest win percentage and complied with the other requisites.

Case closed.

"Winning Solves Everything" - Graeko
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Major Lindax
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