the.killing.44 wrote:Dr. Strangeprose or: How I Stopped Worrying And Learned to Love My Master
Ah, our esteemed Lord Rabbiton, he of the eloquent but superfluously elongated sentences;
He, teeming chock full with flatteringly fallacious adjectives;
He of those staunchly opposed to the questionably skilled but mostĀ niched goat bleaters, whom he serendipidously considers those amongst his lowly serfs, as contemporarily evidenced through a most unbecoming joust between those not of a different ilk than our esteemed colleagues in this thread, namely those under "reptile" and a certain Croatian on the opposing side;
He limited not only by the exquisite expanses of his arousing alliterations but also by the strict barriers of our own appropriately poetically alliterated solar system;
He whose knowledge of interplanetary exploration is exceeded only by our underdog hero, the common David to our liege's Goliath, Incandenza, whose unquestionably provokative moniker I shall spare the publick a second time;
He whose hyphen-words know not of ordinances;
he whose praise extends to the most inordinate degree, whilst presumptuously preposterous in its pretentiousness;
Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and temperate...
and so it was that the serf whiled away his days, teeth faintly clenched, in the private square, adjacent to the public square, where he could read upon the Biophysics of The Crown. for the serf was sure that with a sound appreciation for this Biophysics, he would rise to rule the Kingdom in short order, and take his rightful place as surely the mostest smartest assiest serfer boy around.
perhaps what serfer boy didn't know was that a multiverse of drool was emanating in an incessant stream from his speak-hole, and that, unfortunately, ascension to the throne was blocked by somewhat onerous drool limits.
meanwhile, in another part of the kingdom, the group known as Idiot Serfs kept performing their ill-fated stageplay, "Futile Stomping, Stamping and Foaming At The Mouth With Puffy Chest", long after having dissed and dished by critics and the blithering masses alike as "the least interesting human activity since a bunch of random strategy games mysteriously appeared in the mud".