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[CC4] KORT vs AKA 29-12 - Final 7/16

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby Bruceswar on Mon May 27, 2013 9:51 pm

eddie2 wrote:i like that set bruce..

did you make a mistake and use maps that you were trying to avoid or the real maps your clan wanted. :twisted:

I just make the games.. The clan picks them...
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby eddie2 on Tue May 28, 2013 2:27 am

Bruceswar wrote:
eddie2 wrote:i like that set bruce..

did you make a mistake and use maps that you were trying to avoid or the real maps your clan wanted. :twisted:

I just make the games.. The clan picks them...

lol i know bruce just pulling your leg.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby Leehar on Tue May 28, 2013 11:14 am

Bruceswar wrote:
eddie2 wrote:i like that set bruce..

did you make a mistake and use maps that you were trying to avoid or the real maps your clan wanted. :twisted:

I just make the games.. The clan picks them...

So who on earth was picking Doodle!
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby Bruceswar on Tue May 28, 2013 11:20 am

Leehar wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
eddie2 wrote:i like that set bruce..

did you make a mistake and use maps that you were trying to avoid or the real maps your clan wanted. :twisted:

I just make the games.. The clan picks them...

So who on earth was picking Doodle!

The clan :D LOL ... No Names but we win so ;)
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby eddie2 on Tue May 28, 2013 11:32 am

lol i am guessing bruce he plays that map all the time lol
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby eddie2 on Tue May 28, 2013 3:14 pm

heads up..

dorsettrob wrote:need a sitter, possibly until tomorrow, 7pm EST>.....its 2pm now.

not sure about Internet situation where I am going. Just for any AKA games. whatever on the rest. hopefully i can get on tonight and play turns

if he is not back by tomorrow i will drop him from the waiting games. bruce told me today it would be a day or 2 until our home games are filled.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby eddie2 on Wed May 29, 2013 2:18 pm

dorsettrob wrote:I'm back , thanks for anyone who helped

alls ok he will stay in games
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby matoc on Thu May 30, 2013 1:05 pm

let me in please ...
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby eddie2 on Fri May 31, 2013 12:46 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
Leehar wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
eddie2 wrote:i like that set bruce..

did you make a mistake and use maps that you were trying to avoid or the real maps your clan wanted. :twisted:

I just make the games.. The clan picks them...

So who on earth was picking Doodle!

The clan :D LOL ... No Names but we win so ;)

do you want to put a bet on that one..
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 0-0

Postby Bruceswar on Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:57 am

gl aka. :)
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-0

Postby eddie2 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:21 am

kort 1 aka nil what game has finished bruce. non of them.

if you jumping the gun and keeping a inaccurate thread why didnt you add the doodle earth and middle east game aka are about to win ???

sorry but can you keep the thread accurate with games that are actually finished and not still playing.

and ps bruce thanks for the heads up on that game aka should recieve a 1 match forfeit off our choice for late signing up to games 5 full days have passed and games have not started so 1 day late equals 1 game of akas choice and it will be the belenux one.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-0

Postby Bruceswar on Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:46 am

eddie2 wrote:kort 1 aka nil what game has finished bruce. non of them.

if you jumping the gun and keeping a inaccurate thread why didnt you add the doodle earth and middle east game aka are about to win ???

sorry but can you keep the thread accurate with games that are actually finished and not still playing.

and ps bruce thanks for the heads up on that game aka should recieve a 1 match forfeit off our choice for late signing up to games 5 full days have passed and games have not started so 1 day late equals 1 game of akas choice and it will be the belenux one.

2 things eddie.

1. Middle East is far from over.
2. Razor and me spoke last night in live chat. Logs sent to Nicky already. He was 100% cool with our joining of games.

I am not calling any games early that are not already completely decided, so soon you guys will likely get doodle earth unless someone changes. There are no scripts so checking games is not as easy right now.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-0

Postby Razorvich on Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:38 am

Bruceswar wrote:2. Razor and me spoke last night in live chat. Logs sent to Nicky already. He was 100% cool with our joining of games.

Bruce, when you contacted me earlier apologizing for the delay in your joining of games, you failed to mention that you were in fact outside of the tournament rules when your invites were being issued, and you knew it.

This issue was only bought to my attention around 3 hours after our conversation, and then the penny dropped for me.

I now believe that this was a deliberate tactic from you, to get me to confirm, on behalf of AKA that KORT joining games late was O.K. by us, and also to gain any necessary evidence to justify the delay in assigning games.

I am getting really frustrated and pissed off with all of the rubbish that is surrounding the clan scene on this site at the moment, but to be dragged into a current issue, that I had no knowledge of, and to be made to look like a fool to my fellow clan members on an important issue like this has just about topped it off for me, I am really beginning to believe that I am wasting my time here on this site.

I have learnt a very important lesson here from our discussion in live chat, and can assure you that you will NEVER again be in a position in to use my words against myself, any of my online friends, clan members or team mates in the future.

Razorvich wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
eddie2 wrote:Gl guys and girls lets get this party started

Who will be making the games for AKA?

Eddie2 will be running this battle for AKA.

Eddie2 is running this war for AKA, as you can read from post number 6 in this forum page, its at the top mate, (you may need to use both hands to count to 6) and any further contact concerning this battle must be made directly to him, not to someone who is not 100% up to date with proceedings, but can be manipulated to say something to justify an event.

This is all I have to say on this issue, I cannot speak for my fellow clan members though, and I consider the situation closed.

Now lets all play nice....BOTH SIDES..... and enjoy some fun games.

WOW.. my 1st forum Rant, and believe me when I say I have checked my words here, I could have exploded and ended up banned.

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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-0

Postby eddie2 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:41 am

raz i do not hold anything against you mate kort have proven how slippery they can be you can also see the chat log in our clan pages that shows what they are planning next.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-0

Postby Bruceswar on Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:06 am

AKA will even the score up with doodle earth going their way.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby Shannon Apple on Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:29 am

Razor, I was in LC at the time and I saw that being said. I know I am in KoRT, but I have never been dishonest with anyone and I am not saying it to just stick up for a side. Nothing indicated to me that anyone was being "slippery" and I thought that rules were understood by all. Okay, I am new to the whole clan scene, so I did not know these rules at all, but from my perspective, it looked like he was asking for more time and you agreed to it assuming you understood rules. Which you should understand as a leader. No offense.

I am really tired of all the accusations of people being underhanded. It's just a game and stuff like this takes the fun out of it.

I feel scared to even talk to people from AKA because everytime it's eddie accusing someone of something. There is nothing fun about you guys. Eddie's like the neighbour I have who is always watching people and waiting for them to slip up so he'll have a case to sue them. LOL. I am serious. You are that unapproachable, to me anyway. I don't even know half of the people in KoRT yet and from reading our clan thread regarding this war, I seen no one trying any special tactics. *sigh* I find it ridiculous that people just can't play, poke harmless fun at each other and enjoy it.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby Genoke on Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:44 am

1-1...looks like a fierce and tight battle!
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby eddie2 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:51 pm

Genoke wrote:1-1...looks like a fierce and tight battle!

yep just a pity about the cheep tactics used by some of kort so far.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby eddie2 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:41 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:Razor, I was in LC at the time and I saw that being said. I know I am in KoRT, but I have never been dishonest with anyone and I am not saying it to just stick up for a side. Nothing indicated to me that anyone was being "slippery" and I thought that rules were understood by all.

wait only 1 member needs to know the rules of the game exchange times.. only 1 person knows the time of game exchange. on monday morning when bruce asked for aka games asap he then said it would take him a day or 2 to sign up. i told him if he needed any extra time to pm me and i would be okay with it. to which he responded everything was ok and it would be done on time... to this point i have still to receive a pm. you say the rules where understood by all well then i can say this is not a true point because kort broke the swap of games and the signing up to games rules also manipulated the situation to get a 12 hour rule which was agreed not to be in this.

We had a rather lively debate regarding this issue. Although many in our ranks are quite comfortable with trench, they felt that being asked to trade what most clans offer as a common courtesy (the 12 hr fog rule), feels too much like blackmail. Had the 12 hour rule been given up front without strings, I suspect we would have consented to increase the number of trench games. In the end, the majority voted to decline the trade purely on principle. Let the games begin with the standard rules.

well i will now say that it was decided to decline the offer because you found a way to get it in games twisting the rules.

Okay, I am new to the whole clan scene, so I did not know these rules at all, but from my perspective, it looked like he was asking for more time and you agreed to it assuming you understood rules. Which you should understand as a leader. No offense.

once again i was the organizer for this event and bruce was told he could pm me....

I am really tired of all the accusations of people being underhanded. It's just a game and stuff like this takes the fun out of it.

yep and i am getting pissed off with signing up to events with rules in place and them rules not being backed up at the discretion of who is reporting it and who it is against.

I feel scared to even talk to people from AKA because everytime it's eddie accusing someone of something. There is nothing fun about you guys.

wow if kort followed the rules there would be no issue. no person has ever had a problem talking to aka if they follow the rules in wars or send a pm to say a delay or anything as a matter of fact check back on aka war threads and you will see we have offered replays to clans if they have had a player kicked for site abuse and other things we are more than welcoming and more flexable if asked. and that is the important thing ask and you will get. dont ask then you are being sneaky and trying to hide something...

Eddie's like the neighbour I have who is always watching people and waiting for them to slip up so he'll have a case to sue them. LOL. I am serious. You are that unapproachable, to me anyway.

yes to you maybe and i have never had this kind of problem before in events apart from ccup1 where this issue happened when we had firm dates to sign up for games and they were not being followed. if we have to face a clan ranked 33 places above us then yes i will use breaks in the rules to help us. and sorry bruce and others no i will so bruce should of made sure the rules were being followed not breaking them at every opportunity where he can see a way to get off with it.
I don't even know half of the people in KoRT yet and from reading our clan thread regarding this war, I seen no one trying any special tactics. *sigh* I find it ridiculous that people just can't play, poke harmless fun at each other and enjoy it.

ok well i spoke to a kort member and was told this....

I can honestly say you can count me among those who intends to play fairly in this war no matter how the majority of my clan feels

unfortunately, I would def suggest that you wait until we all join next round, some korts are still gonna do the join last for SS thing if not

as far as round two, my advise to you is dont send you invite until we are all in

so kort are planning the same for round 2 but it isnt in the forum . i find that hard to believe.

facts are i asked to sort out the rounds exchange dates and got no response to it.
facts are there are still no arranged dates for round 2 which other threads have been told to post then before the privs were issued. but aka kort war was not treated the same as that. tell me that is not favoritism and even the fact that clan mods might of missed it then why in the last 5 days when i have mentioned it 2 or 3 times have they not told him to post them. or even contact me with his choice of round 2 games because i have tried 2 times to do this with no response.
fact kort broke the rule for round 1 issue dates and were issued a warning..

Sent: Thu May 30, 2013 11:38 pm
by chemefreak
You should have waited until all the games were JOINED before you invited your members. You have 5 days to send invites. One of the reasons for this is to avoid this type of problem. KoRT has been warned. That is the best we can do at this point.

then continue to break the game issueing and signup rule.

and bloody hell i am getting told to sign up and have all players in games within 5 days of being issued the games but also being told to not sign players up in the first day or 2 so we do not actually have 5 days we have a 2 day game thought and a 3 day sign up period.. this was not said in the rules at any point but is what i am being told.

so you broke the rules at the begining of the exchange of round 1 games got a warning then broke it again at the end and got no punishment for it why is the rule actually there if no punishment will be issued for breaking it.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby sjnap on Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:22 pm

I heared alot about you dude. I couldnt believe the stories. I always thought yeah yeah yeah.
But damn. Duuuude you really scare me :shock:
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby freakns on Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:23 pm

so KORT still hasnt joined all the games... im waiting for Josko to come up and piss all over the site how KORT are bunch of liars and cheaters... or he has drink his medication today and will remain silent?

ps. i really have no problem with KORT missing time limit, i think they have valid reasons for it, and its not like they are known for doing something like this, but since Josko likes to proclaim himself as unbiased seeker of the truth, i truly expect him to show up and publicly, on this thread, CC4 thread, CL5 thread(probably on some other forums too... he might even make youtube about it) piss on bruce over and over and over again, until whole site puts him on injury reserves list(not sure do we have ignore list) and tells him to stfu

what comes around goes around... karma is a bitch... etcetc

pps. good luck to all, especially Libertalia Pirate Queen ;)
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby sjnap on Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:28 pm

Ah, of course this freak steps in again. Sigh.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby eddie2 on Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:59 pm

sjnap wrote:Ah, of course this freak steps in again. Sigh.

ah of course another member of kort steps in and says something which side of the 2 clan kort are you ???

the one that wants to follow rules for events and cannot contact a certain leader or one that agrees with the underhand tactics that have happened.

if you are the first i respect you if the 2nd i dont
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby Shannon Apple on Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:20 pm

I don't believe that there were any underhanded tactics. You're insane dude. If your co-leaders don't communicate with you on matters. How is that our problem? I mean I saw the question asked because I was in LC at the time, and he said, "yes, that's fine." He could have said "I'll have to have a chat with Eddie" if it is that big of a deal.

You're the one using underhanded tactics if you ask me because all I see you doing is looking for ways to get one ups over stupid things.

I know there is no point even trying to talk to you. So I won't say anything else.
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Re: [CC4] KORT vs AKA 1-1

Postby sjnap on Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:07 pm

eddie2 wrote:
sjnap wrote:Ah, of course this freak steps in again. Sigh.

ah of course another member of kort steps in and says something which side of the 2 clan kort are you ???

the one that wants to follow rules for events and cannot contact a certain leader or one that agrees with the underhand tactics that have happened.

if you are the first i respect you if the 2nd i dont


1. Why are you reacting on a quote which is not meant for you ?

2. Why am i not allowed to step in/say something in a discussion about my own clan ?
From the start of this clanwar you behave like an clown. Accusing us from cheating, underhand tactics etc.etc.
Hell yeah you can expect comments from Kort members.

3. Why do i need your respect ? I am not asking for it and never will. You will be the last i want respect from.

Oh and then this;

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by eddie2
on Yesterday, 13:42
i have mate and dont worry i dont hold you to blame for anything i know what they are like. and is the reason i told you i would run the war because i didnt want you dealing with the crap they use.

About time someone near to you tells you to take of that red nose :roll:
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