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C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [27-33] Kort WINS ! [FINAL]

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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Masli on Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:52 am

Ok all, now lets get back on topic.

This topic is not about ratings, its about thota vs kort.
If you want to discuss ratings, I suggest you make a topic in general discussion
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:38 am

comic boy wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:Guys ratings mean everything....its the most accurate measure of ones ability and how a person is viewed by their peers

No the ratings are a guideline only , those who dont know me might find them valuable but my peers certainly wouldnt take any notice of them.

i feel my sarcasm was lost
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Dako on Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:39 am

You or jpcloet can close the thread if you feel that it has gone off-topic. It usually works best for you.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby josko.ri on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:10 am

hmm, the other time when you want to say something about yourself, please use word "I", not "you".

so your post edited in real sense:
Chariot of Fire wrote:p.s. and yes, I do irritate a lot of people - that much should be obvious by now. I am the catalyst for some very bad feelings, all of which escalate into situations people would rather have avoided.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby jpeter15 on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:15 am

josko.ri wrote:hmm, the other time when you want to speak about yourself, please use word "I", not "you".

so your post edited in real sense:
Chariot of Fire wrote:p.s. and yes, I do irritate a lot of people - that much should be obvious by now. I am the catalyst for some very bad feelings, all of which escalate into situations people would rather have avoided.

OMG!!! Josko just totally turned that around on you!!! ZING!

Josko, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. Thought maybe you were just misunderstood. Every single subsequent post you make just makes you look worse and worse. It seems like you are now just arguing for the sake of arguing and taking offense at anything posted whether it is related to you or not.

For your own good I suggest you stick to playing and abate your desire to post in forums or gamechats.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby josko.ri on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:17 am

Ontopic, I am very nice surprised how good KoRT started vs top alpha clan on the site. 10-7 with one good advantage for KoRT (Triple Alliance) and 2 even games, poison and iberia. I would like to have one of these 2 games by KoRt, for having 12-8 in this year.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby trapyoung on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:39 am

josko.ri wrote:yes, in KoRT-TOFU thread, the majority of members posting there was from TOFU clan, often calling me for some bad things and attacked me. maybe I dont have best way to respond where someone attacks me, but it doesnt make me obnoxious player. whoever read KoRT-TOFU thread may see that I was several times called cretin, moron, josko.ritard, mad cow, etc. is it really weird that sometimes my reaction wasnt the best, after being treated like that?


Aug 29, Sept 1 you publicly criticize playing style. That is extremely rude, implying the game play technique of multiple members of TOFU reflected those of a cretin or moron. You apologized, but kept taking offense whenever someone made any comment regarding dice or drop. It's a fact of life that dice and the drop effect game outcomes, but you took it a slanderous swipe about your game play. It clearly was not - not pissing away a good drop and dice is what a good player should do, but instead you took it as attacking any quality of play you had made.

The ironic thing is, COF's mention of dice, drop, turn order was done diplomatically. He didn't single out any player or state any move by KORT was wrong. You, however, targeted two TOFU members in game and then publicly, attacked their game play. Ever hear of more than one way to skin a cat? Just because you see a move does not make it the right move. Even if it was not the best possible move, to make a fuss about it in a game where you dropped our initial deploys to -3 with the first move and locked up a +2 bonus, a swing of -9 in troops loss, -3 in deploy lost and +2 in bonus gained, which you capitalized on for multiple rounds before the move in question, you had gall to attack their play after clearly good fortune had shone your way. Also, if you factor in how privately members of TOFU approached individuals in KORT (including yourself) for a private resolution to your gaffe, you escalate the matter by posting it in the challenge thread.

Recognizing certain games were swung by dice or drop does not mean you're a bad player and if you are ever to mature, you need to recognize that. As Rodion mentioned, you grit your teeth and smile. If you disagree, say something through team chat, but to openly attack other people's game play is a great way to alienate yourself, appear extremely rude and create animosity towards yourself and KORT. You have a private forum, I suggest you take greater advantage of it.

I've read the game chat in various games in the THOTA-KORT challenge and, unfortunately, it looks like you are up to your old behavior. In a game of strategy, you should privately revel in the mistakes of others, which I admit to having done in many challenges (including the KORT one) where I see a play I believe to be foolish, but I consider reasons for the move and then how I can capitalize on the blunder. I don't make public posts or reprimand on them through the game chat because quite frankly, I don't want them to recognize their mistake nor do I feel it's appropriate to insult others' game play, especially if I'm taking on other top tier members of the site. Listen to Lubawski, control your emotions and quit assuming 'Ugh, bad dice' as 'Jokso and KORT are terrible players that only win because of good fortune.' You are an excellent CC player, but you lack etiquette, grace and sincerity that makes an excellent CC member.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby comic boy on Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:27 am

lord voldemort wrote:
comic boy wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:Guys ratings mean everything....its the most accurate measure of ones ability and how a person is viewed by their peers

No the ratings are a guideline only , those who dont know me might find them valuable but my peers certainly wouldnt take any notice of them.

i feel my sarcasm was lost

Yep you definitely got me there :D
Im a TOFU miSfit
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Commander62890 on Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:00 am

I enjoyed your sarcasm, LV. And I understood him the first time, Comic ;)

Game 6606144
Game 6720344
I didn't know about these games!!

Remember when you thought Ljex and I were guilty of secret diplomacy, Josko?

That we were playing 3-man speed freestyle games to rank up?

No matter that we only played 20 games, and that they were all assassins and terminators
(for medals)... ;)

Just poking fun; I know that you have since retracted your statements in a very courteous manner.

Rodion wrote:By reading Commander's response (on Ireland game chat), I believe he acknowledged the mistake (at least considering the Offaly "stack" of 5 - the bonus part is hard to interpret, as he pretty much said going for the bonus was bad but doing anything else was bad too: when you only have bad options, picking a bad one isn't really a mistake). Again, I'm not putting words in Commander's mouth, this is just how I interpreted his response.

You have interpreted my response correctly, Rodion.

Yes, I feel that not forting 3 to Offaly was a mistake.

It is debatable how crutial that really was. Sure, it would have given us 3 more armies to use in an attack that would have possibly dropped a stack that would later kill off my friend Comic Boy. :(

On the one hand, that's no laughing matter - it is a move that I would have liked to make, in retrospect.

But, in all honesty, is one mistake like that enough to impact who wins the game? Probably not... by that point in the game, we probably lose 95% of the time even if we make that move. Maybe a good move there would give us 1 or 2 wins out of 100 games that we would not have gotten if we made the move we did, but that's all speculation. The point is that, if that is the only mistake made, it will very rarely impact a game enough to overcome the impact of drop and dice.

I'll go back to what I said in the game chat, which was basically this:
It almost defies logic to think that a map so small and with such improbable-to-hold bonuses would be so impacted by drop, but we were dealt a tough hand. We had no chance of eliminating an opponent, and they had a very real shot. It left us sort of without a cause, playing defense, while they were all-out offense with a target.

So even if we got troops on Offaly and dropped his stack, where would that have gotten us? Sure, we may have dropped his stack a bit. They would probably have just eliminated Comic a round later...

As for whether or not it's okay to critique your opponents' gameplay when they mention luck, I'll leave that to Trapyoung, who handled it very eloquently in his quality post above. Loved it, Trap.

Everyone, feel free to discuss Trap's post rather than mine. :D

That wasn't a joke.

And ratings? I don't think they mean anything. I haven't thought much of them for a very long time. You are foolish to think them accurate, Josko.

Although, with my 4.7, you can't really take what I say seriously, can you? Obviously, I'm just trying to disguise the fact that I have a low rating by saying that they don't matter.

A little more data for that detective, CoF:
74% Public Games
77% of private games being tournaments.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby chipv on Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:37 am

I'm absolutely appalled at the gamechat in one of those games.

This is what we're talking about, nobody deserves to be spoken to like this.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Lubawski on Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:28 pm

trapyoung wrote: You are an excellent CC player, but you lack etiquette, grace and sincerity that makes an excellent CC member.

Trap said something nice, and I don't want people to miss it because they didn't want to read something so long. See, there can be a healthy respect for someone's gameplay even if they don't like one another personally. Let the love fest continue. Only positive posts from now on (perhaps with a few back-handed compliments to make it more fun).

lord voldemort wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:Guys ratings mean everything....its the most accurate measure of ones ability and how a person is viewed by their peers

i feel my sarcasm was lost

It's not your fault. You Aussies are always backward in your thinking, so it was just assumed....
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Lubawski on Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:32 pm

chipv wrote:I'm absolutely appalled at the gamechat in one of those games.

This is what we're talking about, nobody deserves to be spoken to like this.

Agreed. That was terrible. Honestly, Ljex owes you an apology for that Arms Race chat. He's not that same type of player anymore, I can tell you that.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby ljex on Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:34 pm

josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Game 6720344 kind of says it all really.

Game 6606144 was BEFORE game you quoted. common sense says what is worse, the things I wrote in italy chat, or the things he wrote in arms race chat. also, when you mentioned him, he received 1 star rating by me(the only ever), but I am not rated by him, nor bad nor good. so your story that I give the same ratings which i receive falls down.

I have since removed my 1,1,1 with bad tags of you because I removed all of my ratings about 5 months ago and decided to rate people more fairly. In the past I would rate people either 1,1,1 or 5,5,5 but never anything different. I wanted to change this so i started fresh, that is why I haven't rated you but I know you were a 1,1,1 at the time so that theory still holds water.

Also i was wrong to say what I did in that chat and still regret it to this day, If i remember correctly i have already apologized to josko.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [0-0] -- Round 1 Upcoming

Postby Natascha on Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:58 pm

dividedbyzero wrote:
Draq wrote:Never thought I would say this: GO Thota!! Show them cows whoĀ“s the man!

But Draq, you know you love me... :)

:?: :?: :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:07 pm

Game 8055847 Kort wins!
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Dako on Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:14 pm

Bruceswar wrote:Game 8055847 Kort wins!

I wonder if someone is still interested about that :D. So much talks about other things :P.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Draq on Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:18 pm

Bruceswar wrote:Game 8055847 Kort wins!

BOOOH! Pure luck I tell ya!
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby josko.ri on Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:56 pm

@Commander: people sometimes do mistakes and that accusing you and ljex was mistake. in thread you linked, last my post was apologize to you both and to others reading about my doubts, for which i didnt find enough documentation so my doubts was cleared. you both also received courteous pm with apologize for that. mistakes can happen, but when someone realize he made mistake, then apologize is normal thing.
just to know, I never received any apologize from any TOFU member for calling me by abusive names both in public thread and in pms received from Chariot of Fire.

ljex wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Game 6720344 kind of says it all really.

Game 6606144 was BEFORE game you quoted. common sense says what is worse, the things I wrote in italy chat, or the things he wrote in arms race chat. also, when you mentioned him, he received 1 star rating by me(the only ever), but I am not rated by him, nor bad nor good. so your story that I give the same ratings which i receive falls down.

I have since removed my 1,1,1 with bad tags of you because I removed all of my ratings about 5 months ago and decided to rate people more fairly. In the past I would rate people either 1,1,1 or 5,5,5 but never anything different. I wanted to change this so i started fresh, that is why I haven't rated you but I know you were a 1,1,1 at the time so that theory still holds water.

I thought you removed my ratings because of my comment below about your cheating in 3 player games. the fact you removed it made my doubt bigger because I thought that you removed it to hide my comment, but later I realized I was in wrong.
no matter of that, CoF's theory that I give good ratings only with hoping it will come back to me stilll falls down, because I never removed your 1,1,1 ratings and we played classic games later, so you had fair chance to give to me again 1,1,1 if you wanted to be vindictive.

ljex wrote:Also i was wrong to say what I did in that chat and still regret it to this day, If i remember correctly i have already apologized to josko.

I never received any apologize from you for that, but will take this stetement like apologize, as I think it is written honestly.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby josko.ri on Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:47 pm

trapyoung's argumented and nice post very surprised me (in positive way), I didnt expect such a post from him, due to all his comments seen before.

trapyoung wrote: 'Ugh, bad dice' as 'Jokso and KORT are terrible players that only win because of good fortune.' You are an excellent CC player, but you lack etiquette, grace and sincerity that makes an excellent CC member.

quoted this, as majority of our issue lays in this statement. like you said that "bad dice" doesnt mean "KORT played terrible", I may say that my statement "TOFU made mistake in that game" doesnt mean "TOFU are full of bad players". one playing mistake doesnt make any player bad, it is just mistake and everyone may do it, even the best players on the site do playing mistakes.

so I dont know why you consider my statement of one bad turn like "attack" on you. look at Commander, I dont see he is angry because I wrote about that minor mistake, but still mistake IMO. he accepted that, discussed about that, and no hard feelings there. the same would I do if someone point out any my mistake, as I consider speaking about tactics more constructive and useful than speaking about dices. pity that others dont have that opinion, probably to majority of you speaking about dices is much more fun that speaking about strategy.

also, in TOFU thread I write to anyone to feel free to point out my playing mistakes if he/she wants. as noone did it, I wrote my own playing mistake from feudal epic singles in public thread, so once accused you for mistake, other time accused myself for mistake (1-1). when loose game vs rescpectful opponents, I sometimes ask in chat for advice which mistake I made, with point to improve my own gameplay. for example: Game 7696697.

so, my attitude is obviosly different than TOFUs, if anyone find any my playing mistake, I would be thankful that he/she says it, the only thing I can get from that is improving my strategy. from the other side, the same thing you consider like "attack" on you.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby trapyoung on Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:46 pm

The problem was that once the initial statement was made to Peter in the gamechat, you publicized it later in the public thread. Be it right or wrong to discuss it in the gamechat, Peter showed some restraint and class, discussed the move with you on the gamechat and privately and was reassured by you that you would not do something similar again. I'm sure you can imagine his surprise when I directed him towards the public forum where you publicly criticized the move (indicating him and Pedro) in response to a neutral comment made by COF. I know Peter personally in real life and he's a stand up guy and would never blow his top like myself or others, but I know he was irked by the initial comment and extremely disappointed at the public reprimand regarding the move. For me, that's when the animosity began to escalate, and for right or wrong, you were then under the lens of TOFU and the community that was following the games.

Now you've developed a reputation, again for the right or wrong reasons, but just like an athletics, a reputation is hard to leave behind (even if it is undeserved) and warrants being on best behavior. I don't know if the issue is cultural or not, but your social gaffes in dealing with others come off as rude and are just taboo topics when dealing with others you respect. This isn't supposed to be a reprimand, but just as your were surprised with my post earlier, I'm sure others were equally surprised I didn't just lash out as I am wont to do. Stop merely reacting to statements, don't interject or post without taking the time to absorb a post or statement, and I'm sure if you take the time to become composed before writing many of your statements, you may recognize that others may wrongly interpret your words, so you may begin to chose them more carefully.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Lubawski on Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:57 pm

Dako wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:Game 8055847 Kort wins!

I wonder if someone is still interested about that :D. So much talks about other things :P.

There's healing going on.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby trapyoung on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:21 pm

Lubawski wrote:There's healing going on.

Let's see if it sticks come Dec. 26
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby pimphawks70 on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:25 pm

Josko and TOFU are burying the hatchet?

It's a Christmas miracle :)
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby Lubawski on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:26 pm

pimphawks70 wrote:Josko and TOFU are burying the hatchet?

It's a Christmas miracle :)

As long as they aren't burying it in one another.
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Re: C.C. Finals THOTA vs. KoRT [6-7] -- Round 1 Ongoing

Postby ljex on Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:50 pm

pimphawks70 wrote:Josko and TOFU are Airing of Grievances

It's a Festivus miracle :)

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