Moderator: Clan Directors
tokle wrote:I think it's time we brought out our secret weapon.
Saxlad, fetchez la Vache!
TheSaxlad wrote:tokle wrote:I think it's time we brought out our secret weapon.
Saxlad, fetchez la Vache!
fetchez la vache? ah fetchez la vache!!
Oh and CoF...
I Hump the air in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!!!
Chariot of Fire wrote:Please no....anything but a cow!
reptile wrote:dako was not dissing you at all, i am guessing he was talking about taking on one of the top clans that have been around for a couple years or so is all.
Dako wrote:Well, we planned to battle top-5 clans in CCup. After that we wanted to play somebody in 2011 so we decided to take a quick challenge from T4C before the holidays. We should be able to challenge somebody in february, I am most sure about that.
jakewilliams wrote:So Lubawski and reptile don't think CoRT is a top 5 clan, huh?
jpcloet wrote:jakewilliams wrote:So Lubawski and reptile don't think CoRT is a top 5 clan, huh?
I've received enough complaints that unfortunately I'm going to have to ask players to properly use KORT from now on. All of us should have moved on from that clan event by now.
jpcloet wrote:I've received enough complaints that unfortunately I'm going to have to ask players to properly use KORT from now on. All of us should have moved on from that clan event by now.
jp are you banning the word CORT? i am not sure i have ever used the term CORT, i have nothing against them. i do not agree with their decision, tofu (most of the founding members) are are like my family on cc. But i also do not agree with banning non-curse words from the forums, in fact that is a little too strict imo. please feel free to pm me if this is the case, otherwise just dont respond
jp, despite some criticism i love you like a brother, but i gotta know lol. This is not even a kort thread, how are you going to say that they can not use that word?
also for the record, i think kort is not a top 3 clan but i would put them up there in top 5 probably.
jpcloet wrote:Call it baiting or minor flaming, it needs to stop. Please don't make me issue warnings/bans, when it is really not necessary. It's just plain disrespectful and not needed. I think we all can move on and act like mature individuals.
Lubawski wrote:jpcloet wrote:Call it baiting or minor flaming, it needs to stop. Please don't make me issue warnings/bans, when it is really not necessary. It's just plain disrespectful and not needed. I think we all can move on and act like mature individuals.
Wasn't the C for cowards? If that's going to get a warning or ban then there are a lot of them that need to go out. Go read the KOA vs Pack thread and dole them out.
jpcloet wrote:jakewilliams wrote:So Lubawski and reptile don't think CoRT is a top 5 clan, huh?
I've received enough complaints that unfortunately I'm going to have to ask players to properly use KORT from now on. All of us should have moved on from that clan event by now.
jakewilliams wrote:Back to the original question, we beat *ORT (that better?) so we have defeated a top 5 clan. *ORT got the medals and the chance to face THOTA, but the reality is that we won more games. They can spin that how they like but we defeated them in a clan war.
josko.ri wrote:jakewilliams wrote:Back to the original question, we beat *ORT (that better?) so we have defeated a top 5 clan. *ORT got the medals and the chance to face THOTA, but the reality is that we won more games. They can spin that how they like but we defeated them in a clan war.
Your win is like win in atlethics with using dope. it is win short time, until using dope is proved. when using dope is proved, then win is taken away, because the win is deserved with using illegal help. when someone is caught in using dope, nobody asks if it was used once, or multiple times, intentionally or unintentionally.
dope = using not allowed way to improve your performation. so all comparing your situation with using dope is valid, as you do exactly the same.
you may say you won it, but it was win with illegal help, and we know how illegal help is punished in a competition, with take away the win. ask Marion Jones, maybe she also thinks that she won all her medals.
jpcloet wrote:Call it baiting or minor flaming, it needs to stop. Please don't make me issue warnings/bans, when it is really not necessary. It's just plain disrespectful and not needed. I think we all can move on and act like mature individuals.
reptile wrote:jpcloet wrote:Please don't make me issue warnings/bans, when it is really not necessary.
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