Fyrdraca wrote:One thing I was also curious about, might've missed in the rules/FAQ:
Once you uncover a specific region of the map (say move from C4 to B5 thus opening up A4,A5,A6), does it stay uncovered for the rest of the game? Obviously the type of terrain can't change, but I'm unsure what happens if on the next turn you move from B5 to C6. Do A4,A5,A6 then go back into the fog? Or does the terrain stay visible, except you are not privy to any structural changes that might occur (i.e., Clan X builds a city on A4)? Or since you've uncovered the territs, you now see any structural changes that might develop?
Thanks, and apologies if this is already answered somewhere.
Anything uncovered stays out of the fog. However, if a opposing Lord passes through you wont know it unless you have some Lord / structure within sight distance. Your structures (castle, cities, watchtowers) all provide a "view" of adjacent territory even if you dont have a lord on it (as long as its still considered "yours" it doesn't have to be "controlled" with the lord to still see next to it) However, if you lose the castle, you will lose the site etc
You wont see structures being built except in the same fashion, if an opposing lord builds a city next to your castle, city, watchtower you will see it. But if a specific area or square is removed from fog, but you have nothing there to see it , you wont see the City update until you pass by again.