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[CL4] Clan League 4 - FINAL

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

Postby josko.ri on Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:42 am

WPBRJ wrote:
josko.ri wrote:Part in red is the official part of this post where I ask organizer to deal with his own rules, the other part is just discussion.

WPBRJ, I do not think I should be supposed to remember what was written 2 months ago in a forum that I do not have access now to check. I think it would be easier for you to write "yes" or "not" instead increasing font and cause unnecesarry discussion for something that is just yes or no question.

As I remember from CLA discussion, the main argument for limit unlimited forts was that this settings is not popular in clan world and very low clans play it. I counted number of games with unlimited forts and with adjacent forts in CL4 Phase 1. It was played 38 games of unlimited forts (even with restriction of max 2 per set), and 19 games with adjacent forts (without any restriction). So I wonder why adjacent forts were not also restricted as number of games per that fort is double lower than number of games per unlimited fort? I remember it was said in CLA under the past discussion that adjacent is used more rarely than unlimited, but nobody cared for that comment and restricted adjacent fort too. The only logical reason I can find is personal bias towards me from organizers because argument "unlimited is not popular settings" more applies (double times more!!!) to "adjacent is not popular settings".

Now when I am sure that I understood the rule correct, I am going to officially report all games where the rule about using unlimited forts in doubles is broken. I request you to deal with your rules now. You wrote horrible rules, now it is your turn to deal with them.

Game 10613516 DBC
Game 10530455 DBC
Game 10441865 DBC
Game 10573949 TOFU
Game 10536626 TOFU
Game 10492889 PIG
Game 10482283 MYTH
Game 10441392 MYTH

so 4 clans are here among the rule breakers, and 2 of them has representatives in CLA Board. In my opinion, if clans which have representatives in CLA Board, which is the highest in clan hierarchy does not know rules and break them, how do you expect that new or lower clans know for rules and not break them?

I will give you my answer to question above: clans are not guilty that rules are terrible, guilty is who wrote such terrible rules. clans played what they enjoy/like and organizers are the ones who chose horrible rules which now may unnecesarry lead to some forfeits. Why not let people enjoy playing what they like? why limit them just because you have personal hating towards me because I always had different opinion than you? so when you had got mighty role where your decision is final, then you chose to be vindictive towards me by limiting settings which I like the most. as I said, if reason for restrict unlimited is its unpopularity, then adjacent should be restricted too as it is way less popular than unlimited, number of games played per each settings proves it. so real reason was NOT unpopularity of unlimited settings, it was personal hatings towards me.

*I do not have any personal hatings by reporting those games. I just searched ALL doubles games with unlimited forts in phase 1 and posted it here, I did not care for name of clans who broke it*

your right the DD's should have caught these games n ow that i am aware of it we will enforce the rules appropriately the first contact should have never acsepted these games from there players.

Maybe the first contact wasnt aware of that rule, just like those players were not.
Those weird rule breaking situations happens when rules are declared by personal hatings, and not with arguments for really trying to improve clan world.

1,5 Days passed after the report, and still not any verdict what to do with games where rule is broken.
Does only to me it seems that organizers who wrote those excellent rules do not have clue how to enforce the rules? :roll:
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Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

Postby The Voice on Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:48 pm

It looks as though, if the home team wins a dubs/unlimited game, the game will be declared a draw. If the home team loses, the away team will still get the win.
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Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

Postby WPBRJ on Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:16 pm

All home games that were won with illegal settings will revert to a draw any lost home games with illegal settings will remain a loss

Game 10613516 DBC
Game 10530455 DBC
Game 10441865 DBC
Game 10573949 TOFU
Game 10536626 TOFU
Game 10492889 PIG
Game 10482283 MYTH
Game 10441392 MYTH

All results have been updated all charts are now correct

also we are still waiting on a few games for final seeding once all games are complete

Remaining games

Game 10616899

Game 10617417

Game 10618023

Game 10615482

Game 10617502

Game 10570274

Game 10617614
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Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

Postby benga on Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:51 pm

WPBRJ wrote:All home games that were won with illegal settings will revert to a draw any lost home games with illegal settings will remain a loss

Game 10613516 DBC
Game 10530455 DBC
Game 10441865 DBC
Game 10573949 TOFU
Game 10536626 TOFU
Game 10492889 PIG
Game 10482283 MYTH
Game 10441392 MYTH

All results have been updated all charts are now correct

also we are still waiting on a few games for final seeding once all games are complete

Remaining games

Game 10616899

Game 10617417

Game 10618023

Game 10615482

Game 10617502

Game 10570274

Game 10617614

Remaining games are irrelevant for next stage, all positions have been sealed.
(Maybe I am missing something here?)
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Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

Postby WPBRJ on Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:22 pm

benga wrote:
Remaining games are irrelevant for next stage, all positions have been sealed.
(Maybe I am missing something here?)

yes positions in current divisions are settled but there are 8 clans going into the new divisions and we have to revert to game counts wins and losses for seeding as well. saying this some of these games do still matter.
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Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

Postby WPBRJ on Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:45 pm

                Phase 2 seeding

    Last edited by WPBRJ on Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby MudPuppy on Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:33 pm


    ++The Ledion++ and The Fraternal Order of Average Drinkers? :P
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby John Deere on Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:09 pm

    MudPuppy wrote:Image

    ++The Ledion++ and The Fraternal Order of Average Drinkers? :P

    They are pretty average compared to us ;) They may want to find a new name :D
    Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby jetsetwilly on Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:11 am

    Is it safe to assume we won't be looking at the standard weekly schedule starting tomorrow (Sunday the 1st) and that you will either change the day of the week the process starts on or we go from the 8th ?
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby WPBRJ on Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:31 am

    jetsetwilly wrote:Is it safe to assume we won't be looking at the standard weekly schedule starting tomorrow (Sunday the 1st) and that you will either change the day of the week the process starts on or we go from the 8th ?

    DJ will be sending PM's out today if already has not done this to all DD and to all first contacts. DD's will then have schedules made up ASAP and we want to get started next Sunday with that being first dead line for first round of games to be submitted.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby WPBRJ on Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:37 am


    fixed Phase 2 seeding
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby Qwert on Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:53 am

    i want to give sugestion how to call these new divisions(easy to implement)
    Premier Division
    First Division
    Second Division
    Third Division
    Fourth Division
    Its sound much better.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby Pedronicus on Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:16 pm

    it sounds better qwert, but lets just leave it as it eh?

    these guys are doing enough work to organise this stuff for no pay, so let's not give them additional work.

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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby Qwert on Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:23 am

    its only frendly suggestion,these not mean that they need to change imediatly.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby Keefie on Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:45 am


    Legion get into Div 3 over LHDD as the higher ranked clan. The CC3 bracket is just out and has LHDD seeded 12 and The Legion seeded 16 :lol:

    Maybe you should have waited a couple of days :roll:
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby WPBRJ on Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:15 pm

    Keefie wrote:Interesting:

    Legion get into Div 3 over LHDD as the higher ranked clan. The CC3 bracket is just out and has LHDD seeded 12 and The Legion seeded 16 :lol:

    Maybe you should have waited a couple of days :roll:

    well with all respect the CC3 has nothing to do with the CL4 we work off one ranking at the beginning of the season. even if we waited we would not have used this rank as if you read LHHD still would not have been ranked due to lack of wars but they dropped the weight so they can see all clans were sitting at to determine were they belong. 2 different leagues and 2 different styles.

    for the record i think maybe LHHD might be a bit better than LEG but only a true war can tell this
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby josko.ri on Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:24 pm

    WPBRJ wrote:for the record i think maybe LHHD might be a bit better than LEG but only a true war can tell this

    It is really no need for a true war, LEG is better seeded so it is obvious that LEG deserves to win that war.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby josko.ri on Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:41 am

    For the record, CC3 thread (opened 18th March) right now has more wiews than CL4, opened 7 January (4,5Kvs4,3K) and more than double more number of comments (310vs145).

    In addition, here are more clans signed up which means more potential spectators and commentators, and this is official CLA event while CC3 is not.

    so, if CC3 can in half month get more wiews and double more posts than CL4 in 3 months, obviously something is not good with CL4. In my opinion that are rules and leadership, and I hope others recognize it.

    *Point of my post is that CLA members recognize it, learn on past mistakes, and make much more quality project for CL5. If one person alone (Chuuuuck) can make quality project which remains without any doubt the most respected clan event, then I do not see why whole CLA team could not make it also.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby benga on Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:09 am

    josko.ri wrote:For the record, CC3 thread (opened 18th March) right now has more wiews than CL4, opened 7 January (4,5Kvs4,3K) and more than double more number of comments (310vs145).

    In addition, here are more clans signed up which means more potential spectators and commentators, and this is official CLA event while CC3 is not.

    so, if CC3 can in half month get more wiews and double more posts than CL4 in 3 months, obviously something is not good with CL4. In my opinion that are rules and leadership, and I hope others recognize it.

    *Point of my post is that CLA members recognize it, learn on past mistakes, and make much more quality project for CL5. If one person alone (Chuuuuck) can make quality project which remains without any doubt the most respected clan event, then I do not see why whole CLA team could not make it also.

    You didn't count in the separate threads for divisions.

    And to be honest to whole delay of CL and the setup was such cause there were too many different opinions, this is compromise of them all.

    Also you were by far the biggest reason for such delay in the setup of it all.

    You had your idea (with Masli), but never were able (no matter for what reason) to put in work.

    League should be of simple setup-top 16 in div 1, another 16 or more in div 2,
    with every 2 weeks with 12 games (2-2-2 from every clan).

    Cup is the place where every clan gets a chance at title,
    league should be with smaller batches and that's it.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby freakns on Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:18 am

    josko.ri wrote:For the record, CC3 thread (opened 18th March) right now has more wiews than CL4, opened 7 January (4,5Kvs4,3K) and more than double more number of comments (310vs145).

    In addition, here are more clans signed up which means more potential spectators and commentators, and this is official CLA event while CC3 is not.

    so, if CC3 can in half month get more wiews and double more posts than CL4 in 3 months, obviously something is not good with CL4. In my opinion that are rules and leadership, and I hope others recognize it.

    *Point of my post is that CLA members recognize it, learn on past mistakes, and make much more quality project for CL5. If one person alone (Chuuuuck) can make quality project which remains without any doubt the most respected clan event, then I do not see why whole CLA team could not make it also.

    there is much more simple reason for it. in CC3 i have posted numerous times. in here, you were the one posting numerous times(and WPBRJ, but i dont think anyone actually reading his posts). im much sexier then you, thus all the ladies of CC, transsexuals, gays, possibly some metrosexuals and Chuck were all dieing to see what i have wrote, while only hard core YMCA gays and normal heterosexuals(and we know there arent many of those here...) were listening to you...

    in other words, im

    and you are:

    carry on...
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby Keefie on Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:38 am

    Josko.ri has just written a complete pile of tosh :lol:
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby peanutsdad on Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:29 am

    seems to me that josko is just doing his absolute best to try and stir things up as usual, making complaint after complaint about CL4, if he really hates it that much, maybe he should be in it. It's true that the vast majority of hang ups in starting CL4 were caused by Josko in the CLA never agreeing to a format, then stating he had one then never delivering on it. Now that RJ and DJ have been running CL4, and in my opinion have done an excellent job, every time i come in here there's another complaint from Josko. Just like in the CLA. There is already a discussion thread in the CLA for CL5, why can't Josko keep his complaint's/thoughts in that instead of always wasting our time in this thread?
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby tec805 on Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:07 pm

    I just started reading the CL4 thread (figured I should since we are playing in it) and was curious why all the best ranked clans were thrown together so quickly? How can you possibly expect the winners of Div 2/3/4 to be able to adequately compete against whoever takes Div 1? TOFU might not win, but realistically you could just give whatever the final medal is to the Div 1 winner and call it good, save everyone some time. :-s Or am I oversimplifying this? (I've not read enough to answer my own question, maybe someone who isn't as lazy as me might give me a clue?)
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby Swifte on Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:12 pm

    tec805 wrote:I just started reading the CL4 thread (figured I should since we are playing in it) and was curious why all the best ranked clans were thrown together so quickly? How can you possibly expect the winners of Div 2/3/4 to be able to adequately compete against whoever takes Div 1? TOFU might not win, but realistically you could just give whatever the final medal is to the Div 1 winner and call it good, save everyone some time. :-s Or am I oversimplifying this? (I've not read enough to answer my own question, maybe someone who isn't as lazy as me might give me a clue?)

    At this point, the clans in Div's 1-5 will not play against clans from the other divisions. The rest of the league will determine a Division 1 winner, a division 2 winner, ...., and a division 5 winner. They will not go on to compete against eachother at all. So... the top clans are (mostly) all in Div. 1, because being the winner of Division 1 will be the most prestigious result of CL4.
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    Re: [CL4] Clan League 4

    Postby tec805 on Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:31 pm

    Swifte wrote:At this point, the clans in Div's 1-5 will not play against clans from the other divisions. The rest of the league will determine a Division 1 winner, a division 2 winner, ...., and a division 5 winner. They will not go on to compete against eachother at all. So... the top clans are (mostly) all in Div. 1, because being the winner of Division 1 will be the most prestigious result of CL4.

    Huh. For some reason I was thinking this was going to be a year long event, everyone fighting everyone and many opportunities for glory. 4 games the first round seemed a little short, but I understand this was more of a "placement" phase than a true war. Things will get harder from here on out with more games (and a more realistic showing). I would be very disappointed to have only a handful of games against all these great clans.

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