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[CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Winner: LHDD, MVP: _Untouchable
Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:15 pm
by groovysmurf
CONQUERORS CUP XIV - 2024 Brought to you by the Clan Department Tournament Organizers: Caymanmew and
groovysmurf The Most Prestigious Clan Event of the Year! ----
War Page Links and Final Results for All Rounds show: War Page Links and All Final Results
Round One ACES (30) vs LION (13) - Clan War Page ATL (28) vs FOED (15) - Clan War Page REP (26) vs LOW (17) - Clan War Page S&M (28) vs AFOS (15) - Clan War Page LHDD (33) vs KNT (10) - Clan War Page A^ (33) vs RET (10) - Clan War Page Round Two ACES (28) vs FALL (21) - Clan War Page LHDD (28) vs S&M (21) - Clan War Page REP (28) vs A^ (21) - Clan War Page TOFU (27) vs ATL (22) - Clan War Page Round Three - Semi-Finals LHDD (29) vs ACES (26) - Clan War Page REP (28) vs TOFU (27) - Clan War Page Round Four - Finals LHDD (44) vs REP (17) - Clan War Page
Celebrating the 14th Edition show: a little history
In January 2010, Chuuuuck started the first Annual Conqueror's Cup. It was obviously a success, since then we have had one (almost) every year. Over the years we have had some minor changes to the format. For 2016 (CC6) the clan department revamped the tournament to keep the duration down to about a year. The basics have remained the same for the past 13 years though. Now, in 2024, we run the 14th edition!2010: CC1 - TO: Chuuuuck - Clans: 17; KORT beat THOTA in the final. MVP: none 2011: CC2 - TO: Chuuuuck - Clans: 29; KORT beat TSM in the final. MVP: none 2012: CC3 - TO: Chuuuuck > Dako - Clans: 33; TOFU beat AFOS in the final. MVP: Chariot of Fire 2013: CC4 - TO: Chemefreak - Clans: 34; KORT beat TOFU in the final. MVP: josko.ri 2014: CC5 - TO: Chemefreak > Keefie - Clans: 30; FALL beat TOFU in the final. MVP: IcePack 2016: CC6 - TO: Lindax > Keefie - Clans: 23; TOFU beat FALL in the final. MVP: rockfist 2017: CC7 - TO: Lindax > Keefie - Clans: 21; S&M beat FALL in the final. MVP: davekettering 2018: CC8 - TO: Keefie > Lindax - Clans: 19; TOFU beat LHDD in the final. MVP: rockfist 2019: CC9 - TO: Lindax - Clans: 18; LHDD beat FOED in the final. MVP: Donelladan 2020: CCX - TO: Lindax - Clans: 15; S&M beat TOFU in the final. MVP: Josko.ri 2021: CCXI - TO: Shoop76 > JPlo64 - Clans: 16; FALL beat LHDD in the final. MVP: rcfritz 2022: CCXII - TO: JPlo64 - Clans: 12; S&M beat A^ in the final. MVP: ballenus 2023: CCXIII - TO: Caymanmew - Clans: 13; TOFU beat FALL in the final. MVP: Caymanmew
Please Read the Details Below Carefully! Some things have been changed. Notable changes marked in
blue .
CC14 Format show: cc14 format
This is a clan war tournament with a single elimination bracket. There is a limit of 32 clans participating and 8 clans will be seeded. The finalists of CC13 will be the first 2 seeds*, the other 6 will be based on the January 2024 D400 Clan Ranking . In case of byes, the higher seeds will get those. The rest of the bracket will be filled randomly. Every round will be a clan war of an increasing amount of games, starting with 43 games in round 1 and concluding with 61 games in the final. Every round has 1 tie-breaker game built in. Every round counts as a full standard clan war and the winners will receive a Clan Achievement Medal. The overall CC14 winners and the runners-up will receive an additional Clan Achievement Medal, as well as the MVP. As usual, clans can negotiate certain clan war "defaults", such as settings, use of maps, etc. For more details, see below. The schedule will be strictly enforced, see below for more info. Round 1 will start Sunday, January 14, 2024.*First place will be 1st seed and second place 2nd seed. If final match does not have an official winner by the time the six week deadline needs to be announced for one of the matches in question, the January 2024 D400 ranking will be used to determine seeding.
Signing Up show: signing up
To be eligible for entering CC14, a clan must:Be a member of the CAT Forum. Have successfully completed at least 1 full clan war. Note: If your clan is not a CAT Member, but you think that your clan may be eligible for membership, please contact the CD Team. If your clan does not have at least 1 full clan war, but feel your clan should be able to participate, please contact the Tournament Organizer. To sign up, the first clan contact must post:Clan Name and Abbreviation First Contact Second Contact Confirmation that he/she has read this post completely and understands everything Note: There is no need to post a list of players. Clans obviously need a minimum of 10 active players to participate; it's highly recommended you have several more than that.
Scheduling show: CC14 estimated schedule by round
Start round 1: January 2024 Start round 2: February/March 2024 Start round 3: June/July 2024 Start final: September/October 2024
show: scheduling clan wars
From the start of any round, clans have 6 weeks to have all games started. Round 1 has a set start date, Sunday, January 14, 2024. Subsequent rounds start the Sunday after the 2 clans meeting in the next round have been decided. Round 2 starts Sunday, February 18, 2024 for those clans that already know who they are playing in round 2. Clans are free to start earlier, as long as they let us know. To be fair to the other clans, the 6 Week Deadline will still be in effect if they do indeed start earlier. The default schedule is: 1 Week for negotiating and posting the war thread 2 Weeks for planning and exchanging the first set of games 2 Weeks for filling the first set of games and exchanging the second set of games 1 Week to fill all games Notes: Clans are free to negotiate and deviate from the default schedule, as long as they meet the 6 week deadline to have all games started. If clans negotiated a schedule different than the default schedule (never exceeding the 6 weeks) it has to be posted in the war thread. See "Clan War threads" below. IMPORTANT: If no deviations of the default schedule are agreed upon and posted within 1 week, the default schedule stands. In regards to exchanging games based on the default schedule, the home clan must create AND invite their players to those games, in order for the games to be considered "exchanged". Participating clans are solely and totally responsible for meeting the 6 week deadline. There will be no mercy. Not meeting the deadline will have consequences!There will be a hard set deadline of 5 weeks to have all games created. If a clan does not have all home games created by the 5 week deadline, one game will be forfeited for every day that clan fails to create their games. If after 1 week there are still games that have not been created, the offending clan will be disqualified. A clan will ALWAYS be allowed 7 days to fill the other clan's home games. They will receive an extension to fill away games of however many days a home clan is late in creating. Which means if the other clan creates their home games 3 days late, the away clan will be given an extension of 3 days to fill those games without incurring penalties. If the games are created on time and the away clan fails to fill those games within the 6 week deadline, they will forfeit one game for every day they are late in filling (this means the games are actually started, not just invites sent). If after 1 week there are still games that have not been started, the offending clan will be disqualified.
Clan Wars show: games
Amount of games per round:Round 1 : 43 Games, including 1 Tie-Breaker Game 21 Home Games 7 Doubles 7 Triples 7 Quads ----Round 2 : 49 Games, including 1 Tie-Breaker Game 24 Home Games8 Doubles 8 Triples 8 Quads ----Round 3 : 55 Games, including 1 Tie-Breaker Game 27 Home Games9 Doubles 9 Triples 9 Quads ----Round 4 : 61 Games, including 1 Tie-Breaker Game 30 Home Games 10 Doubles 10 Triples 10 Quads ---- The Tie-Breaker game for all of the rounds will be Triples on Classic, no spoils, chained, sunny and does not count towards the player game maximum. ---- Creating games:All games have to be created with the [CC14] privileges. The game labels should include the set and the clan that created the home games (for example: Set 1: LHDD Home). The clan creating the clan war thread will also create the tie-breaker game for that clan war. Once the home games have been created they must be posted in the Active Clan War Lists for Full Wars thread.
show: default rules and settings
Default Rules & Settings:Only game types allowed are "Teams" (Polymorphic is not considered a team game) All games must have automatic initial troop deploy (no manual) All games must be sequential (no freestyle) All games must have 24 hour round length (no speed) All spoils are allowed except zombie spoils (negotiable) All forts are allowed except "no forts" (negotiable) There is no limit on the number of trench games allowed per war. (negotiable) Round limits are not allowed. (Negotiable for "No Reinforcements" and "Trench") Each map can only be used twice per clan per clan war but can only be used once per game type (dubs/trips/quads) Beta maps are not allowed Each clan will pick the map and settings for exactly half of the games Games will be exchanged in 2 sets In regards to exchanging games, the home clan must create AND invite their players to those games, in order for the games to be considered "exchanged". (negotiable) At least half of the quads games will be exchanged in the first set 12 Hour Fog of War Rule will not be in effect. With the new automated snapshots, this should no longer be an issue. (negotiable - TO will allow, but will NOT monitor nor enforce the rule) New settings that are implemented after the start of the Cup will be excluded from wars (negotiable with specific approval of TO) As has been allowed in the past, for each clan war, clans can negotiate to adjust certain rules/settings slightly to their liking. Those rules/settings are marked "negotiable" in "Default Rules and Settings" above. Any deviation of the default rules/settings needs to be posted in the clan war thread (see below for details) and both clans need to agree on the adjusted rules/settings before any games are started. The TO, or another CD who is not involved in the clan war, needs to approve the changes in the same thread. Note: This ability to adjust rules only applies to individual war settings not to overall rules of CC14. For example, clans may not increase the number of games in their match, change the 6 week limit for having all games started, violate the 1 Clan Rule, etc. IMPORTANT: If no deviations of defaults are agreed upon and posted within 1 week, the defaults stand.
show: player eligibility and game count
The standard 1 Clan Rule will be in effect. ---- Maximum amount of games a player can participate in, per round (tie-breaker not included):Round 1: 16 Games Round 2: 18 Games Round 3: 20 Games Round 4: 22 Games Note: To be eligible for a medal for a clan war a player has to play a minimum of 3 games in the war.
show: clan war threads
At the start of every round, by default the higher ranked clan will set up the clan war thread. As long as both clans agree, they can choose to have the other clan do it. The clan war thread needs to be created in the "Active Challenges" section of the clan forums. In the title the prefix [CC14 has to be used, followed by the round and the abbreviations of the two clans (for example: [CC14] R1: TOFU vs FALL). The clan that sets up the clan war thread is responsible for the following:Post any negotiated and agreed upon changes to the default rules/settings, marked in red Post any negotiated and agreed upon deviations from the default schedule, marked in blue Send a PM to the TO, ATO and contacts for the other clan when the above has been posted Request privileges for both clans by posting in the "Clan Gaming Privileges Request" thread once the terms are approved by the TO or ATO and the other clan Post all the games in "Active War Game Lists" thread for standard clan wars Post a link to the Clan War Page in the first post of the thread Update the clan war thread when applicable (results, etc.) Update the title of the thread with the score Send a PM to the TO and ATO when the clan war is decided Notes: Sending PMs to the TO and ATO helps us to avoid delays, which helps clans stick to the schedule. If your clan is not running the clan war thread, please send a PM with your home games to the clan contact who does run the thread. That way it's easier for that person to copy and paste the games in the various threads. You're free to post them in the clan war thread as well. Please post the game numbers with a link to the game ([game][/game]).
Medals & Awards, MVP show: requirements
To be eligible for a Clan Achievement Medal for winning a clan war (every round is a clan war), a player must:Play a minimum of 3 games ---- To be eligible for the Clan Achievement Medal for the overall win of CC14 (or second place), a player must:Play in a minimum of 7% of their clans' total games Participate in a minimum of 2 rounds ---- To be eligible for the Clan Achievement Medal for the MVP of CC14, a player must:Play in a minimum of 20% of their clans' total games Play in all rounds of the tournament Have a clean record with regards to game abuse Note: The winning clan chooses the MVP, who will receive an additional achievement award and 1500 CC Credits.
General Rules & Comments show
All the CC and standard Clan War rules will be in effect, unless stated otherwise. Game abuse like purposely running out of time or throwing a game is prohibited. The first time a clan breaks this rule in CC14 the game must be re-made (unless the other clan wants the game to stand). Each subsequent violation during CC14 will result in a forfeit of the game. If you notice a player from the other clan has violated the number of games they are allowed to participate in, please bring it to the TO's attention. If the clan/player is found in violation, the opposing clan will get to pick any game(s) that the offending player is/was in from the last batch played equal to the number of games that went over the limit to be re-made without that player participating. If a clan or player breaks one or both of the above rules repeatedly, it may lead to expulsion of the player and/or disqualification of the clan. Consequences for breaking any other rule mentioned in this post will be determined on a case by case basis, depending on the severity, repetitiveness and possible effects on the results of this tournament. The consequences can vary from a warning to the remaking of a game, forfeits, point deductions or in the worst case, expulsion of a player and/or disqualification of a clan. If a clan is disqualified from CC14, or leaves CC14 for whatever reason(s) the clan will not be eligible to enter CC15. ---- Comments: Clans are encouraged to solve minor issues between themselves. However, if you feel that a clan or a player has broken a rule, please report this to the TO. Same goes for any other problem you encounter during this clan event. By signing up your clan, you, your clan and your players express agreement with all the rules mentioned in this post. ---- Disclaimer: The format and the rules are subject to change if deemed appropriate by the CD Team.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:15 pm
by Caymanmew
Please sign up below with the following information
Clan Name and Abbreviation First Contact Second Contact Confirmation that he/she has read this post completely and understands everything Participating Clans and Contacts ACES Primary Contact:
LFAW Secondary Contact:
Trafalgarlaw01 ATL Primary Contact:
queen victorious Secondary Contact:
Tin Trumpet LOW Primary Contact:
JJ41375 Secondary Contact:
Chard LION Primary Contact:
davekettering Secondary Contact:
*Pixar* S&M Primary Contact:
fishydance Secondary Contact:
TeeGee AFOS Primary Contact:
gorehound Secondary Contact:
Coors1 LHDD Primary Contact:
donche64 Secondary Contact:
Unai KNT Primary Contact:
Will Lee Secondary Contact:
Rockiesman TOFU Primary Contact:
Caymanmew Secondary Contact:
rockfist RET Primary Contact:
cpusurfer Secondary Contact:
Bobby4254 FOED Primary Contact:
uckuki Secondary Contact:
Avi8or REP Primary Contact:
TheSpaceCowboy Secondary Contact:
Swimmerdude99 A^ Primary Contact:
mdhill Secondary Contact:
groovysmurf FALL Primary Contact:
GoranZ Secondary Contact:
rousseau72 show: PM List
LFAW TrafalgarLaw01 queen victorious Tin Trumpet JJ41375 Chard davekettering *Pixar* fishydance TeeGee gorehound Coors1 donche64 Unai Will Lee Rockiesman Caymanmew rockfist cpusurfer Bobby4254 uckuki Avi8or TheSpaceCowboy Swimmerdude99 mdhill groovysmurf GoranZ rousseau72
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:29 am
by GoranZ
groovysmurf wrote: In regards to exchanging games based on the default schedule, the home clan must create AND invite their players to those games, in order for the games to be considered "exchanged".
Majority of the people didn't like this 2 years ago, I even cant find this being agreed in a CAT voting as well, there was a conversation tho.
So I wonder how it ended up in CC 14, and why other things that were talked about(and also didn't had voting on) didn't ended in CC 14?
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:19 pm
ACES are in.
Primary Contact:
LFAW Secondary Contact:
Trafalgarlaw01 We have read and understood all the rules regarding this event.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:08 am
by Caymanmew
GoranZ wrote: groovysmurf wrote: In regards to exchanging games based on the default schedule, the home clan must create AND invite their players to those games, in order for the games to be considered "exchanged".
Majority of the people didn't like this 2 years ago, I even cant find this being agreed in a CAT voting as well, there was a conversation tho.
So I wonder how it ended up in CC 14, and why other things that were talked about(and also didn't had voting on) didn't ended in CC 14?
The default schedule (and general rules) did not have any indication at all as to the expectations for filling home games. This was a problem we identified and felt needed some clarification. Although it was discussed in CAT, the CD team was already planning to adjust the rules around this issue before those discussions. You are correct that this did not go to CAT voting, although there are many aspects of the rules that we will run through CAT before changing, changes to the admin side, specifically around ensuring the event runs in a smooth and timely matter will generally not go through CAT.
There were other discussions in CAT, but no other topic had enough positive support to warrant a vote other than the trench game limit.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:01 am
by queen victorious
Atlantis (ATL) is in.
first contact:
queen victorious second contact:
Tin Trumpet all rules read and understood.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:47 am
by JJ41375
Legends of War (LOW) is in.
First Contact:
JJ41375 Second Contact:
Chard I have read this post completely and understand everything.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:48 am
by davekettering
LION is in Primary contact: davekettering Second contact: *pixar* All rules read and understood Dave
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:14 am
by fishydance
S&M is in First Contact: fishydance Second Contact: TeeGee Rules have been read completely and understood.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:23 am
by gorehound
A Fistful Of Sixes (AFOS) is in!
gorehound or
Coors1 Rules read and understood.
Thank you!
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:39 am
by Donelladan
LHDD is in First Contact: donche64 Second Contact: Unai Rules have been read completely and understood.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:52 pm
by Will Lee
Knights Templar (KNT) is in First Contact: Will Lee Second contact: Rockiesman Rules read and understood.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:03 am
by Caymanmew
TOFU is in First Contact: Caymanmew Second Contact: Rockfist Read and understood
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:51 am
by Bobby4254
Retribution (RET) is in.
Primary contact:
cpusurfer Secondary contact:
Bobby4254 We have read and understand the rules.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:33 am
by uckuki
FOED Primary: uckuki Secondary: Avi8or Read & understood
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:09 pm
by TheSpaceCowboy
REP is in
Primary Contact:
TheSpaceCowboy Secondary Contact:
Swimmerdude99 I have read and understand the rules.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:39 pm
by mdhill
A^ is in.
Primary contact:
mdhill Secondary contact:
groovysmurf We've read and understand the rules.
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe
Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:39 pm
by GoranZ
FALL is in First Contact: GoranZ Second Contact: rousseau72 Read and understood
Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Bracket will be up shortly
Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:47 pm
by groovysmurf
Here's the bracket! Let's get those Round 1 wars started. The six weeks will start on January 14th for Round 1.
Prediction Contest:
Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th
Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:30 pm
by Caymanmew
Just an FYI to everyone, both for CC wars as they are happening now, and wars in general. You are not supposed to be requesting privileges until both clans agree to terms. The reasoning is that asking for privileges notifies us that a war is ready to be given privileges, but if the terms haven't been agreed upon by both sides then it isn't ready to be given privileges. Later once it is agreed on by both sides we won't know unless we are actively checking your war thread. This is adding an extra step for us forcing us to regularly check your threads to see if terms are agreed on yet. Please don't request privileges until both sides have agreed to the war terms. Thank you Cayman
Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th
Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:06 am
by Caymanmew
ACES has officially defeated LION. ACES will now face FALL in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 3rd, and goes until Sunday April 14th.
Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th
Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:29 pm
by sm8900
is there any way i can join this? thanks. feel free to post reply on my wall. thanks.
Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th
Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:03 pm
by groovysmurf
ATL has officially defeated FOED. ATL will now face TOFU in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 10th and goes until Sunday, April 21st.
Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th
Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:13 pm
by Caymanmew
LHDD has officially defeated KNT. LHDD will now face S&M in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 17th, and goes until Sunday, April 28th.
Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th
Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:25 pm
by IcePack
I’m pretty sure REP has the win vs LOW