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[CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Winner: LHDD, MVP: _Untouchable

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:15 pm
by groovysmurf
Brought to you by the Clan Department

Tournament Organizers: Caymanmew and groovysmurf

The Most Prestigious Clan Event of the Year!





War Page Links and Final Results for All Rounds
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Celebrating the 14th Edition
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Please Read the Details Below Carefully!
Some things have been changed.

Notable changes marked in blue.

CC14 Format
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Signing Up
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show: CC14 estimated schedule by round

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Clan Wars
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Medals & Awards, MVP
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General Rules & Comments

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:15 pm
by Caymanmew

Please sign up below with the following information
  • Clan Name and Abbreviation
  • First Contact
  • Second Contact
  • Confirmation that he/she has read this post completely and understands everything

Participating Clans and Contacts

Primary Contact: LFAW
Secondary Contact: Trafalgarlaw01

Primary Contact: queen victorious
Secondary Contact: Tin Trumpet

Primary Contact: JJ41375
Secondary Contact: Chard

Primary Contact: davekettering
Secondary Contact: *Pixar*

Primary Contact: fishydance
Secondary Contact: TeeGee

Primary Contact: gorehound
Secondary Contact: Coors1

Primary Contact: donche64
Secondary Contact: Unai

Primary Contact: Will Lee
Secondary Contact: Rockiesman

Primary Contact: Caymanmew
Secondary Contact: rockfist

Primary Contact: cpusurfer
Secondary Contact: Bobby4254

Primary Contact: uckuki
Secondary Contact: Avi8or

Primary Contact: TheSpaceCowboy
Secondary Contact: Swimmerdude99

Primary Contact: mdhill
Secondary Contact: groovysmurf

Primary Contact: GoranZ
Secondary Contact: rousseau72

show: PM List

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:29 am
by GoranZ
groovysmurf wrote: In regards to exchanging games based on the default schedule, the home clan must create AND invite their players to those games, in order for the games to be considered "exchanged".

Majority of the people didn't like this 2 years ago, I even cant find this being agreed in a CAT voting as well, there was a conversation tho.
So I wonder how it ended up in CC 14, and why other things that were talked about(and also didn't had voting on) didn't ended in CC 14?

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:19 pm
ACES are in.

Primary Contact: LFAW
Secondary Contact: Trafalgarlaw01

We have read and understood all the rules regarding this event.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:08 am
by Caymanmew
GoranZ wrote:
groovysmurf wrote: In regards to exchanging games based on the default schedule, the home clan must create AND invite their players to those games, in order for the games to be considered "exchanged".

Majority of the people didn't like this 2 years ago, I even cant find this being agreed in a CAT voting as well, there was a conversation tho.
So I wonder how it ended up in CC 14, and why other things that were talked about(and also didn't had voting on) didn't ended in CC 14?

The default schedule (and general rules) did not have any indication at all as to the expectations for filling home games. This was a problem we identified and felt needed some clarification. Although it was discussed in CAT, the CD team was already planning to adjust the rules around this issue before those discussions. You are correct that this did not go to CAT voting, although there are many aspects of the rules that we will run through CAT before changing, changes to the admin side, specifically around ensuring the event runs in a smooth and timely matter will generally not go through CAT.

There were other discussions in CAT, but no other topic had enough positive support to warrant a vote other than the trench game limit.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:01 am
by queen victorious
Atlantis (ATL) is in.

first contact: queen victorious
second contact: Tin Trumpet

all rules read and understood.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:47 am
by JJ41375
Legends of War (LOW) is in.

First Contact: JJ41375
Second Contact: Chard

I have read this post completely and understand everything.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:48 am
by davekettering
LION is in

Primary contact: davekettering
Second contact: *pixar*

All rules read and understood


Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:14 am
by fishydance
S&M is in
First Contact: fishydance
Second Contact: TeeGee

Rules have been read completely and understood.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:23 am
by gorehound
A Fistful Of Sixes (AFOS) is in!
contact gorehound
contact Coors1

Rules read and understood.

Thank you!

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:39 am
by Donelladan
LHDD is in
First Contact: donche64
Second Contact: Unai

Rules have been read completely and understood.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:52 pm
by Will Lee
Knights Templar (KNT) is in

First Contact: Will Lee
Second contact: Rockiesman

Rules read and understood.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:03 am
by Caymanmew
TOFU is in

First Contact: Caymanmew
Second Contact: Rockfist

Read and understood

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:51 am
by Bobby4254
Retribution (RET) is in.

Primary contact: cpusurfer
Secondary contact: Bobby4254

We have read and understand the rules.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:33 am
by uckuki

Primary: uckuki
Secondary: Avi8or

Read & understood

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:09 pm
by TheSpaceCowboy
REP is in

Primary Contact: TheSpaceCowboy

Secondary Contact: Swimmerdude99

I have read and understand the rules.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:39 pm
by mdhill
A^ is in.

Primary contact: mdhill

Secondary contact: groovysmurf

We've read and understand the rules.

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Sign-ups open until Sunday, Decembe

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:39 pm
by GoranZ
FALL is in

First Contact: GoranZ
Second Contact: rousseau72

Read and understood

Re: Conquerors Cup XIV - Bracket will be up shortly

PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:47 pm
by groovysmurf
Here's the bracket! Let's get those Round 1 wars started. The six weeks will start on January 14th for Round 1.

Prediction Contest: viewtopic.php?f=438&t=240561


Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:30 pm
by Caymanmew
Just an FYI to everyone, both for CC wars as they are happening now, and wars in general. You are not supposed to be requesting privileges until both clans agree to terms. The reasoning is that asking for privileges notifies us that a war is ready to be given privileges, but if the terms haven't been agreed upon by both sides then it isn't ready to be given privileges. Later once it is agreed on by both sides we won't know unless we are actively checking your war thread. This is adding an extra step for us forcing us to regularly check your threads to see if terms are agreed on yet.

Please don't request privileges until both sides have agreed to the war terms.

Thank you

Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

PostPosted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:06 am
by Caymanmew
ACES has officially defeated LION.

ACES will now face FALL in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 3rd, and goes until Sunday April 14th.

Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:29 pm
by sm8900
is there any way i can join this? thanks. feel free to post reply on my wall. thanks.

Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:03 pm
by groovysmurf
ATL has officially defeated FOED.

ATL will now face TOFU in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 10th and goes until Sunday, April 21st.

Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:13 pm
by Caymanmew
LHDD has officially defeated KNT.

LHDD will now face S&M in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 17th, and goes until Sunday, April 28th.

Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:25 pm
by IcePack
I’m pretty sure REP has the win vs LOW