Hands across Cc- valentines Day Issue?

Fewnix wrote:Dear Big/Wham ( and all):
Your call but I believe backing this Hands across Cc play could be fun and keep Cc alive.' Like, how about a special valentines issue - Hands Across CC and a public announcement. Its a win-win.
Appreciate all that you have done , are doing and will do.
BREAK THAT RECORD!HANDS ACROSS CONQUER CLUB!Feb.16.12pm ESTPostby ConfederateSS on Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:29 pm
------There once was a Hands Across America..On Feb.16th,2009 we had 1533 users logged in at the same time..online...LETS do it C.C.Land!..On Feb.16th,2015. 12pm eastern standard time. Lets shoot for 2000 users logged in at the same time..online....Feb.16th can be USER DAY from now on. COME ON PEOPLE LETS DO THIS THING!.Set the date..Feb.16th ..12pm est..GET ONLINE!!!!...ConfederateSS.out!!!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)..![]()
------------------------------------------------------------Dukasaur wrote:I'll try to be online. I don't know or care if it will be recorded properly, but if someone is trying to do something special on CC, I'm in there!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ConfederateSS wrote:-------Like I said,maybe the Admiralty could pm everyone,like that kool newsletter.say Feb 14th,throw it in with Valentine stuff..But I am asking the Moderators. Am I aloud to post the same thing in say,babble-on five,International users groups etc.?? Or will it be merged if I did?? Am allowed to pm Int. Leaders..Other leaders..etc.to pass it on? ConfederateSS..out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion).
I do believe. I do!1 I do!!