It would be really nice to see something like this implemented. It makes little sense to bring the point requirements down when point inflation is already making it easier to get higher ranks.
A few of comments for feedback to the proposed system:
1) The specialist icon looks out of place, as otherwise there is a very visible sequence in the icons between cadet and sergeant first class. Is there another private or corporal rank that might be able to replace it?
2) The spread of points between private and private first class really should be 100. It makes the first sense of accomplishment (and first hooks of addiction to the site
) much more obtainable.
3) The spread of points higher up should be evened out a bit. Perhaps in 200, then 300, then 400, 500, and 1000 point increments as you go higher up. I think most people in the 2000+ range are active enough that 200 points can come and go within a few hours to a couple of days. Having increasingly large point spreads in the higher ranks makes sense.
4) Perhaps a good spread for would be cook 1, 800, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2300, 2600, 3000, 3400, 4000, 4600, 5300, 6000? Some reasoning for this spread (which has specialist removed to solve the icon being out of place) are that 1000 is the starting point, which should be private; 1800/2000 seems like a good point to start increasing the point spread to get into the beginning officer ranks; 6000 seems like a good unobtainable goal for now that should be obtainable within a year or two; and the increasing spread makes it harder for the lower rank officers to go up in rank, since 200 points really is too easy at that level, and makes it easier for the higher officer ranks so that the goals are at least obtainable with a lot of hard work.
5) I've often wondered about more ranks for the cadet and lower levels. I think it would be good to offer those that are below 1000 some rank options as well, instead of lumping all of the people with a score of 200, 500, and 799 into the same group. I'm sure that there are different ranks within army cadets that could be used? Perhaps something as simple as one, two, and three straight bars for the graphics? A point spread of 1, 500, 700, and 900 for cook, cadet 1, cadet 2, and cadet 3?
I think that about covers it. If the main reason why Lack hasn't put in more ranks is because he lacks the icons, then I think that the proposed icons look good, with the exception of specialist, which doesn't really match the colour scheme that the rest of the icons do. Some icons, I think, seem a bit wide or a bit too tall to fit into the space that's allotted for the icon, but that is something that is easily fixed.
I for one would really like to see something like this put into place. It would help make the lower ranked players happy by giving them easier to obtain ranks (100pts per rank) up until the officer ranks. It would also make the higher ranked players happy by allowing them to maintain an sense of accomplishment.