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Make start of game fair

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:48 am
by lencollard
Concise description:
  • Make start of game fair

  • For two combatants, sometimes the drop gives one of them an initial bonus, but not the other. If the combatant with a bonus also gets to start first, there is a grossly distinct advantage for them.
    A simple solution would be to make the combatant with the highest new troop count (after the initial drop) be forced to start last.
    A better solution would be to improve the drop
    a) try redropping 4 or 5 times to see if a fair drop is achieved (all combatants start with the same power)
    b) find who has an initial drop bonus and swap out one of their territories in bonus land with an opponent's territory

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
  • By starting on equal footing, the games will naturally be fairer. They will also be more enjoyable - there is nothing worse that fighting a whole game from a disadvantage, because the software did not provide a fair drop.

Re: Make start of game fair

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 9:53 pm
by Mikoyabuse11
Fully agree that this game is missing opportunities to make the first move advantage less OP and luck based. Another angle to solve it that I've thought about would be to set the max deploy to something like 2x(round number). In that scenario the most anyone can deploy on round 1 is 2, then 4 on round 2 etc regardless of whether they spawned with or picked up easy early bonuses due to spawn. Also it would hopefully mitigate first round advantage when the base bonus for bulk territories alone is huge (as on larger maps) where the first person to play gets a big opportunity to demolish a lot of their opponent right away. Just a couple thoughts I've had, cause I agree that the way this site handles spawns makes for many more shitty games than are necessary.

Re: Make start of game fair

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 6:16 pm
by Hooch
What if there is no bonus but the initial deploy is 8 like on WWII Europe 1 vs 1?

Re: Make start of game fair

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2023 10:05 am
by Nucker
There are 2 relevant issues here.

1) The drop. Along with the dice the drop is a factor that lopsiddes games. All games not just 1 v1.
This can be fixed by coding the maps to drop evenly.

2) Base loads for large maps. This needs to be fixed. It is ridiculously unfair to have the starting player get 7 or 8 to begin with. In such cases bases loads should be phased in or recalculated to have 3 as the starting number for X number of regions.

These can be fixed and should be fixed.