So I play almost exclusively on the iPad in the Safari browser.
My one problem is the game log.
It’s fine in early stages of a game, because the amount that auto loads is enough to see the activity from the last few turns.
Later in the game, especially on big maps with lots of different bonus’s. You can only scroll back a bit, not even one whole turn, only the. turns of the last 2-3 players maybe not even that.
You can always hit the ‘load entire log’ button... but then this by default dumps you at the beginning.
This is problematic because on the iPad to scroll back and see the more recent activity it takes awhile, there’s no scroll bar.
My suggestion would be to setup the interface so that when you hit the ‘load entire log’ button it starts at the more recent activity and not at the beginning of the game.
Is the possible?
Is there some other interface (an App) that makes this easier?
Thanks for your help.