factions/ 2210 a.d mode
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:03 pm
Concise description:
i was hoping you could do three things
1 add a mode similar to the 2210 a.d board game
2 add a mode similar to the risk factions video game
3 add a custom / house rules option for starting games
1 the 2210 a.d board game to my knowledge
is a popular risk game type and i'm sure people
would be glad to have that mode
ps idk the rules
2 risk factions has a lot of fun mechanics and gimmicks
and is the reason i started playing risk. risk factions is a steam game
here is the link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/47800/RISK_Factions/
rules: http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Risk:_Factions
3 the type of things i'd like to do would be
to for example have the mechanics of
risk factions with the win conditions
of normal risk and or have certain
conflicting mechanics of both these
games have a switch from normal to
factions to 2210 a.d
factions also has a special spoils
mechanic witch i think should be added as a spoils
option plus there are the capitals and badges from
factions each player gets to pick there capital
at the start of the game then every player gets
+1 tropes per capital witch leads me into
badges witch i feel should be a separate
option basically doing cert-en things in
game can get you different bonuses
like +2 tropes or the attack or defense die
or even airports witch give your highest die
+1 now i know this mode sounds busted but
i'm not asking for this to be used int tournaments
only as an option for casual players like me
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
doing this will give people more options on how they want to play the game
and IF this update gets hyped enough you could grow your community some more
i was hoping you could do three things
1 add a mode similar to the 2210 a.d board game
2 add a mode similar to the risk factions video game
3 add a custom / house rules option for starting games
1 the 2210 a.d board game to my knowledge
is a popular risk game type and i'm sure people
would be glad to have that mode
ps idk the rules
2 risk factions has a lot of fun mechanics and gimmicks
and is the reason i started playing risk. risk factions is a steam game
here is the link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/47800/RISK_Factions/
rules: http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Risk:_Factions
3 the type of things i'd like to do would be
to for example have the mechanics of
risk factions with the win conditions
of normal risk and or have certain
conflicting mechanics of both these
games have a switch from normal to
factions to 2210 a.d
factions also has a special spoils
mechanic witch i think should be added as a spoils
option plus there are the capitals and badges from
factions each player gets to pick there capital
at the start of the game then every player gets
+1 tropes per capital witch leads me into
badges witch i feel should be a separate
option basically doing cert-en things in
game can get you different bonuses
like +2 tropes or the attack or defense die
or even airports witch give your highest die
+1 now i know this mode sounds busted but
i'm not asking for this to be used int tournaments
only as an option for casual players like me
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
doing this will give people more options on how they want to play the game
and IF this update gets hyped enough you could grow your community some more