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Sort/Filter Active Games

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:56 am
by boow
Concise Description:
Would like a sort or filter button to show only certain types of games among my "active" games. Currently they are only sorted by whether its your turn or not, and then the time left to take the turn

Some players can have tens of games going. (I currently have 75 with all the USA tourneys and WWI games...).

Would love to have a button to sort or filter that I could push to show only the WW1 games, or Monthly Challenge games, or doubles games. That way when a player has 20 games where they need to take a turn, instead of processing through them only based on time left in the turn, and randomly bouncing between different types of games, a player could stay a little focused on the types of games he's playing in quick succession.

Perhaps some kind of drop down menu directly below the "Active-Waiting-Eliminated-etc" bar where a player could check only WW1, or only doubles, or only trench show up.. Just so the player can cycle through those types of games all in a row. There have been plenty of times where I'm taking 10 turns in a row, and there's a random trench game in there, where I didn't check the settings, and before i know it, I've deployed a stack that can only move one territory...

My partners in certain games would probably also like me able to prioritize those games over others, to ensure I don't miss those turns. If I've got 20 games where it's my turn, I should prioritize any games with teammates, so a filter button would make that super easy!

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
  • overall efficiency
  • less missed turns in partner games, as a player with limited time could always click that filter to make sure he prioritizes those games first

Re: Sort/Filter Active Games

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:01 pm
by Mad777
I found that you can setup your search once and save the link in the browser for game type (in the below exemple I selected Doubles with you as player), but you can't use "multi Tournament type" since there is only one place for that.

Using Old Game Finder link:

(Using the new game finder doesn't work that way, seems the old version to be smarter :lol: )

However, adding multi opening for tournament selection would be definitively a plus for me as well =D>

Re: Sort/Filter Active Games

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:16 am
Hello Boow,
More or less, I have the same needs, and I think most players would like to see some changes into the ACTIVE GAME PANNEL.

you should read my comment in another thread :