Here's the issue for those unaware:
In Zombie and Nuclear settings, you can attack and move during your turn, however, you can opt to wait out the timer and thus, not draw a card, eliminating the potential threat of nuking or zombifying your stack/bonus/territories. I'm aware some players view this as a "legitimate strategy", however, I feel like what was initially intended as a punishment, is now being used for advantageous purposes. Not a bug or glitch, but taking advantage of programming that was intended to be used for other settings before Nuclear and Zombie was introduced. I'm not going to bother listing the pro's and con's of such a thing, because it's inherently incorrect to begin with, in my opinion.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- Forced to play settings as intended.
To continue the debate further with Icepack, I'm bringing the discussion here via quote, other's can chime in as well without derailing the other topic.
IcePack wrote:DirtyDishSoap wrote:IcePack wrote:Or adds another layer of strategy, and doesn't need to be "fixed".
Disagree completely. When do you draw the line for what is and isn't strategy over taking advantage of programming?
Say if you and me and Duk were playing a game together, in person, with nuke settings, and I make a move and I say; "Welp, I'll be back in about an hour, you guys go ahead and talk and what not. Don't give me a card though." Lol?
It definitely falls under "Cheap Tactics". There's no reason why they shouldn't draw a card if they take a territory regardless of time spent during a turn.
Well to start how about when the programmer says it wasn't a bug?
Great story about sitting around a table, but when we played around a table (Risk or otherwise) if someone forgot to draw a card it was tough luck. So I don't equate it to someone walking away, I equate it to someone remembering later going oh crap I was supposed to card and didn't, and everyone around the table telling them they were stupid for forgetting and they aren't getting one now.
Show me the quote and time stamp of when that programmer had said that it wasn't a bug and that it is indeed intended AFTER Nuclear and Zombie was introduced. I definitely would like to ask that same programmer A. Why include this for the aforementioned settings? and B. Do you feel this needs to change, why or why not? Even then, I'm not arguing if this was a bug or glitch. I'm arguing the intended purpose behind it is now being abused in the settings mentioned.
That's also a great story if someone forgot to draw card. Were you playing Zombie and Nuclear? Or was it Escalating/Flat rate when it would clearly hurt more not/forget to draw? In the former, I'd be pretty pissed if he just didn't draw a card, right in front of me. In the latter, yeah, stupidity.