jmyork82 wrote:what do you think jgordon? Do you think an increase in games for freemiums would help bridge the gap into premium?
It does not matter what we any of us think or want, and ice cube can deny and try to bite me, but here is a truth his kind do not understand or anticipate, I care not a whit what ANYONE, thinks of me or about MY opinions, what I do care about is that it is a level playing field, for all actually make the fucking dice random, your never going to convice me on multiple occassions that 11+ against 1 lose even the odds of random dice that's a stretch, casinos can rig the odds on every machine, so it shows when a game site rigs the game in favor of certain players. Lets see hmmm, my stats say I win 30% of my games so count how many games I have played in just the last 4 months and find my games won lol, that shit don't come near to matching up, so in short CUBE yes I am now calling you out for your direct support of a rigged system.
It's a game for amusement, the real amusement is the longevity crew trying to keep change out and blindly supporting a rigged game site, only because they benefit from it and f*ck everyone else.