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Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action pnl

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Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action pnl

Postby BrutalBob on Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:23 am

Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action panel

Concise description:
This is a bit borderline between a bug and a suggestion, but the combos that are used for selecting the attacking and attacked territories and the Attack, Auto and End buttons move around all over the place depending on the length of the territories.

At its most annoying I have had the layout change midway through the same attack causing the Auto button to appear exactly where the Attack button was. This happened as I was clicking repeatedly on Attack then when the number of troops in one of the attacking/defending territories changes the the size of the combos change and everything moves around.

I imagine by comparison to other requests this would be fairly simple. It is almost a bug tbh.
Lieutenant BrutalBob
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Re: Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action

Postby BrutalBob on Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:12 pm

This would also fix accidental reinforcements.

In the normal layout the buttons are well laid out and when you change from assaulting to reinforcing or advancing the next button is not in the same position as the previous one, so you dont accidentally click through.

In a similar manner, with Panel Interface I often find the Advance button underneath the combo box that letes you select the number of troops to advance. A couple of times I have just missed clicking on the combo box drop down and have hit the advance button which is underneath, accidentally advancing the wrong number of troops
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Re: Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:19 pm

I tend to agree with you, although I'm not sure if the fix would be worse than the problem.

One of the benefits of having these things float is that it adjusts for all the different sizes of maps on the one hand, and all the different screen resolutions on the other. Fixing them in place might lead to a better experience with some maps and some screens, but a worse experience with others.

Tending towards a 'yes' on this, but with reservations.
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Re: Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action

Postby BrutalBob on Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:58 am

Just got me again!

I am mindlessly clicking attack because I have a big stack but its close so I dont want auto-attack to suicide me and also if i end up with a few troops left over from my big attack, i will attack this other 1 stack before i finally take my target and advance into it. Its trench.

So attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, auto-attack

What the ???!! Oh yeah, see what happened was that when my opponent (and or my) territories reduced the troop count the combo boxes got shorter and the buttons repositioned and the Auto Attack button ended up where the Attack button was.


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Re: Panel Interface- Fix up moving buttons/ combos in Action

Postby BrutalBob on Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:01 am

Yeah, well asking nicely doesn't seem to get you very far around here either
Lieutenant BrutalBob
Posts: 461
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