- Without increasing the amount of game a Freemium can play, it would be nice to have him/her able to join a Poly game
- If for X reason the player lost his Premium and is engage in a tournament which has Poly game, that player has to be withdraw.
- Not fair for the other players since that opponent usually gets a "bye" for the next round without playing.
- Not fair for the player losing his Premium and can't purchase it back for various personal reason and can't progress throughout the tournament (I know its only $25 per year however they are many young folks out there playing in CC and probably not have the opportunity to buy a Premium).
- Not easy for the tournament organizer sometime (depend size of the tournament), player drop aren't easy to manage especially the last few months having less interest from the players (tournament take more time to fill'up than use to be)
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- Not sure about any benefits but looking the ration between Premium & Freemium engage in this site, this shouldn't impact the amount of Premium purchase, the main reason player gets the Premium is to massively play games & tournament, not because the access of all settings.
- Probably tough to manage but why not letting that player who became Freemium and is engage in a tournament to only be able to join game are part of this tournament (disregarding game settings)?