- Option to toggle hiding of team/public chat
- Additional, highlighted checkbox to use public chat
- Quite often there is a lot of team chat and any comments in the main game chat, such as "gl", 'gg" or anything else are missed. Having he option to hide team chat would be helpful so friendly (or unfriendly) comments aren't missed. However, sometimes a discussion in the public chat can distract from the team chat, so this should also have an option to be hidden. No chats should be hidden by default.
- It's not uncommon for people to accidentally post in public chat instead of team chat and vice versa, although accidentally posting into team chat never causes issues. Whilst the current format is fine, I think another checkbox should be added for "public game chat" which is highlighted red when activated, or something along those lines. Public chat should be un-checked by default in team games only.
- If the above is implemented, would it be possible to have both boxes checked and therefore the same message sent to team and public chats?
- Improves the game chat function as a whole
- Potentially improves public chat discussion as a whole
- Prevents messages accidentally being shown publicly
- More convenient for duplicate messages for team and public, which are currently not allowed