Concise description:
A deadbeat is what every player dreads most *especially* during rt games. It can't be banished because that's unfair but it can be reduced by making it less desirable and deter players from joining a game if they can't spend the time that it takes to be involved.
-Create a button for the player starting the game to select either (play or forfeit after) :
One missed turn/game allowed, Two missed turns/ game allowed, Three missed turns/game allowed, or NONE allowed..
-could also include a button that allows game starter to make the deadbeat lose points:
5 points /missed turn, 10 points / missed turn, or NONE /missed turn.
(the possibilities are endless)
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
We all miss turns once in a blue moon. Some take advantage of this or use it as a strategy or even just quit on players and leave then waiting a long time during rt games to finish the game. For free-mium members, they wait many days to finish a game. For Premium members it's the same but the speed games are unbearable. This is a good deterrent to avoid these situations.