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Explanation of rules of truce in menu of the game

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:46 pm
by macken
Explanation of rules of truce in menu of the game

Concise description:
    Put in a public space for everyone and officially supported (in the game menu explanations) a little explanation and the common rules of the operation of the agreements (deal, truce, etc.).

    -The agreements often occur in the game.
    - They are an enriching element thereof.
    - People do not know the rules and there are usually errors (rule of truce violation) intentionally or unintentionally, causing damage to some player and discussions, etc.
    - A simple explanation about the ethics of an agreement, and how to terminate it (1 or 2 turn notice), with a clear explanation of the process, so that it is clear how to proceed.

How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
    Avoid discussions.
    Avoiding mistakes.
    Avoiding unfair prejudice.
    Clarify that part of the game.
    From the chat of game, someone can redirect to the section where it is explained, and thus reach agreement quickly and mediated neutral party (conquer club) without problems and discussions.
    Increase the good feeling of playing here and elimination of negative aspects of the game in a simple and practical way.

Re: Explanation of rules of truce in menu of the game

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:02 pm
by Metsfanmax
It is unlikely that we will ever officially endorse a preferred method of player alliances. Forming them (and breaking them) is part of the game that you all create dynamically, and should remain that way. However, it is possible that we could explain some of the commonly used terms, while being completely explicit that we do not mediate between player conflicts on this issue.

Re: Explanation of rules of truce in menu of the game

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:09 am
by macken
Sure, it's a personal issue and the site not have to mediate. But a simple clarification, making clear that they are not binding, on the typically accepted and basic rule could be very helpful.

Sure you have many entries that page, as it would be used extensively to save explanations, misconceptions, etc.

Re: Explanation of rules of truce in menu of the game

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:16 pm
by Lord_Bremen
There's no correct definition of a "truce" each one has to be negotiated in context. If you don't communicate terms clearly, that's your loss.