by degaston on Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:37 am
Thanks for the PM response, koontz, but what you described is not really what I was trying to do. I guess you saw the map suggestion that talked about voting districts, but that was not really what I was thinking about - just a starting point. I see you're in Hungary, so I don't know how much you know about the US system. There are 435 voting districts throughout the country, many of them with very complicated, twisting shapes, so I don't think the original idea is very workable.
My idea is not fully formed at this point, but for the purposes of discussing the xml, suppose there was a US map with 1 territory for each state. California is worth 55 electoral votes, Texas is worth 38, etc., on down to several states worth 3. There are a couple of states that can split their electoral votes, but that does not have to be considered here.
So the problem is to create an objective/continent that will be true when the player holds at least 270 electoral votes worth of states, and I don't really see how that can be done with continents and overrides. This is not about bonuses or the number of states that you hold. There might not even be any bonuses for holding states, other than for reinforcement purposes.
I believe that 51 trillion (not million) possible combinations figure is accurate. Here's a simplified example:
Suppose you had six territories with values of 1-6. The total point value for all those territories is 21, so you would need to hold 11 points to have a majority. In this case, there are 8 combinations that win: (6,5), (6,4,3), (6,4,2), (6,4,1), (6,3,2), (5,4,3), (5,4,2), & (5,3,2,1). If you have 7 territories, there are 14 winning combinations. With 8, there are 24. It appears to follow something similar to a Fibonacci sequence, and would certainly get into the billions of combinations with 50 territories. Having duplicate numbers, as in the actual problem, would just increase the possible combinations. It would be possible to hand code the combinations for a small number of territories, but it will quickly become impractical or impossible to do this for larger numbers.
I know my suggestion is not a minor change (and probably a long-shot for approval), but do you still think that what I'm talking about can be achieved with the current xml?