JamesKer1 wrote:greenoaks wrote:JamesKer1 wrote:greenoaks wrote:there should also be a medal for the person who came up with the suggestion.
They already exist, but not many have been handed out and announce dpublicly.
no, they don't exist
They do. PM me if you need examples, this isn't the thread for that.
Chap- from my understanding, flat rate and escu are "standard" settings, just like sunny, no trench, etc. that's why there aren't medals for those... But I agree, para and zombie and everything other non standard setting should have a medal, would be awesome to roll those out with this one.
I disagree here. I'm generally in favor of more medals
when they have a clear purpose, but I think that there are a couple of justifications for limiting the medals based on spoils settings as is the case here.
I agree with the idea that "standard" gameplay options are sufficiently covered by the standard medal. This includes, for me, all spoils (and "no spoils) except for zombie and nuke. These standard settings are not that far removed from the old board game, and don't really represent the diverse types of gameplay on this site, so I don't mind that additional medals are not issued.
HOWEVER, zombie spoils
are different. BUT they are so similar to nuke that I don't think that a new medal is necessary.
I would propose a wholly different solution that really should be subject of its own suggestion:
Zombie spoils should be bundled with nuke spoils when awarding medals. The gameplay is largely similar, so I don't think that this is really all that extreme of a suggestion, although I sense that some people may be adamantly opposed to this idea. I also think that since the concept of nukes and zombies are serendipitously
at least somewhat related, the nuke medal
could be redesigned to visually incorporate both ideas.
Anyone who wants to post this as a separate suggestion, feel free, as I'm not sure if/when I'd get around to it.