Rotational Spoils
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:17 am
Concise description:
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- Rotational turn ins wherein either:
A.) your first cash is esc (4-6-8-10.. continues through the game) second turn in flat (color coded) and your third turn in is nukes (destroys regions) and this order repeats throughout the game for every player going through the individual stages.
B.) rounds 1-5 are esc turn ins rounds 6-10 are flat turn ins rounds 11-15 are nuke turn ins and so forth.
C.) Players choose their spoil type every 5 rounds -- major stretch here, but you get the jest of the idea.
-- Most preferably option B--
- As a poker player, there is a game called HORSE which switches between the 5 games of poker every 15 minutes. The way risk might be able to incorporate this follows my title EFN (first turn in Esc, second turn in Flat, third turn in Nukes, and repeat), playing different styles all in one game.
How I see this going down in a game environment: Players are aware that there is a different carding system; therefore, there is a displayed message round 1-5 will be escalating. "At the beginning of the next round, round 6, the game will switch to nukes." etc.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- As many of you will soon come to learn, I am a huge fan of complicating things and making winning more of a skill. In this way, the game would constantly offer you chances to improve your position based on how you choose to use your cards, which cards you use, and when you use them.
Now I am not exactly sure on which of the possibilities, have features that are programmable, but what I do know is that it would spice up some otherwise boring games. The main idea here is that it would bring in a new, interesting game type. Also I hope that this evolves a system where you have players vote every 5 rounds to choose the spoil or somehow change the settings mid-game as if you were playing a house-rules game.