Captain_Scarlet wrote:and you have adjusted your original post since I pointed out the flaw in your suggestion
Because I stated that as a possible extension. In retrospect, it probably wasn't a great idea, so rather than have the thread derailed in usual fashion by people carrying on about something irrelevant, I removed it. Here's some rolle eyes back at ya
we dont need to confirm we want to play fog anymore than we need to confirm any other setting. actually you are taking the fun out of the fog option with your suggestion and reducing the attacker risk and changing the dynamics of the game negatively
It isn't confirmation to play fog, nor is it changing fog. It is allowing the players a 24 hour viewing period so they can see where THEIR territories are prior to starting the game.
neanderpaul14 wrote:Ummmm so let me get this straight...... What he is suggesting is a chance to view all the deployments prior to having the fog close over the battlefield???
No, I am suugesting that you should be able to see your OWN territories before the game starts.
neanderpaul14 wrote:And then decide whether or not you wish to play in that particular game????
No, not at all, you're making that up. The "confirm" would simply be there to speed up the 24 hour period - if everyone has seen their initial drop in the first 24 hours, why should everyone have to wait the full 24 hours. If it's a 1v1, and both players see their drop 5 minutes after the game fills up, what's the point in waiting another 23h55m?
captainwalrus wrote:He is suggesting that prior to being allowed to take your turn there is a 24 hour period where people can see the whole board then after that 24 hours it is back to normal fog.
Not quite. There would be no Sunny period at the start, simply a viewing period to see your own territories before they are taken off you.
Kotaro wrote:--snip--
You don't like the thread, go elsewhere.
the.killing.44 wrote:It's cheap, and this would be a way to combat it. So I like the suggestion, maybe as an option. And I don't get how people read this to see that you have the option to drop: YOU ARE STUCK IN THE GAME NO MATTER WHAT. THE ONLY THING THE CONFIRM BUTTON DOES IS LET THE GAME ENGINE KNOW YOU ARE THERE.
Finally, someone who gets it. Magical chocolate cakes are in the post as we speak.
MudPuppy wrote:This is an excellent suggestion. It's ridiculous to be able to lose regions before taking your initial turn without first getting the intel from those regions, including where your troops were when they got killed. Everyone should have the option of looking at the foggy board before the first move is made to maintain a more equitable start to the game. A confirmation round, preferably in freestyle format (i.e., you don't have to confirm in play order for sequential games), would be a very welcome addition to foggy games.
Ah, two people who get it. Cupcakes for you too MP.
The naysayers of the thread should read what these guys posted and try to understand a little of what I mean... it's pretty simple...
A 24 hour period before the game starts where you can see your own territories. You can't drop the game, you can't see anyone elses territories, you just get to see your own before they're taken off you, as once the game starts every territory shows up as '?' in the game log.