I agree with you qwert on your names and a change, but the ranks I disagree a little, and I would suggest this and I think you are very close, but this may be more realistic, ok
Field Marshall 5000General 4500Brigadier 4300Colonel 4000Lieutenant Colonel 3800Major 3500Captain 3300Lieutenant 3000Warrant Officer 2800Officer Candidate 2500Sergant 1st Class 2300Staff Sergant 2000Corporal 1st Class 1800Corporal 1500Specialist 1300Private 1st Class 1000Private 800Cadet 500Cook 1New Recruit ?You must remember it is very difficult to gain points past 3500, very difficult, and when you get past 4000 it's even harder where you must win at around 90% or go down in score.
If you want to boost field marshal to 6000 then you need to bring up the higher ranks so there is not great big gaps at top and not bottom, make it equal, what I shown here is fair to all ranks, except field marshal I did give a 500 point gap at top as I did cook at bottom, all other ranks is 200 and 300 gaps, and it should be attainable.
Again, I am ok with the 6000 for field marshal but make all the gaps in between ranks equal, like I have 200 and 300 in between all, and 500 at the very bottom and top. The 6000 is a much better realistic suggestion then the 10,000 was last year at this time. I tried to tell all back then the 10,000 was way way way too high and could not be done, and they said it would within a year, you'll see, well the year past and the highest was 4710, only 5300 points off. What I am saying is, maybe in the next 6 to 12 months you may get 1 to 3 players that will hit 5000, so what? nothing wrong with having 2 or 3 field marshal's out of the tens of thousands is my point. Better than having none and being forever away and taking about a year to get to 6000, and then what, raise it again? It is like you all dont want anyone to reach it? Whenever anyone gets even 1500 points away, you all wanna reraise it again, lol