Conquer Club

Freemium Gameplay Changes [Brainstorming]

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What should be done with Freemium Gameplay Options

Option 1: Change to unlimited games, but restrict settings to classic risk (Auto, Seq, Esc, Chained, Sunny/Fog, No Trench)
Option 2: Invert current restrictions, allow unlimited speed games with all settings (only). No casual 24 hr games.
Option 3: Other (Post in Thread)
Option 4: Nothing (leave as is)
Total votes : 15

Re: Freemium Gameplay Changes [Brainstorming]

Postby IcePack on Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:14 pm

There still is a program in place that allows new players to get speed packs

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Re: Freemium Gameplay Changes [Brainstorming]

Postby Fewnix on Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:09 am

I would suggest limiting freemiums to a limited number of the most popular maps on CC- say Classic, Doodle Earth, Feudal War,Luxembourg,World 2.1, These 5 maps account for over 6 million of the 14 million games played in the history of CC, close to half the total amount of games ever played on CC. As of today September 10 these 5 maps account for over 50,000 of the games played within 30 days. while most of the other maps on CC acount for less than 500 games in 30 days and many of the 252 maps on C account for less than 200 games in the 3o day window..

so freemiums would continue to provide players for these popular games . Many would stick around as freemiums playing these 5 map but many of them,as they grow comfortable with CC, would be tempted to try Premium
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Re: Freemium Gameplay Changes [Brainstorming]

Postby clangfield on Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:12 am

Fewnix wrote:I would suggest limiting freemiums to a limited number of the most popular maps on CC- say Classic, Doodle Earth, Feudal War,Luxembourg,World 2.1, These 5 maps account for over 6 million of the 14 million games played in the history of CC, close to half the total amount of games ever played on CC. As of today September 10 these 5 maps account for over 50,000 of the games played within 30 days. while most of the other maps on CC acount for less than 500 games in 30 days and many of the 252 maps on C account for less than 200 games in the 3o day window..

so freemiums would continue to provide players for these popular games . Many would stick around as freemiums playing these 5 map but many of them,as they grow comfortable with CC, would be tempted to try Premium

As a freemium, I disagree. I don't have time to make premium worthwhile; I tend to play 3 player games and rarely play 3 of those 5 maps, so this would stop me playing altogether. It would get tedious
I would think new freemiums (freemia?) are less likely to try premium if they only have experience on limited maps; I would want to try the different maps before deciding whether it was worth joining.
Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with the current set-up - it allows for variety without a big time commitment.
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Re: Freemium Gameplay Changes [Brainstorming]

Postby degaston on Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:48 pm

Fewnix wrote:I would suggest limiting freemiums to a limited number of the most popular maps on CC- say Classic, Doodle Earth, Feudal War,Luxembourg,World 2.1, These 5 maps account for over 6 million of the 14 million games played in the history of CC, close to half the total amount of games ever played on CC. As of today September 10 these 5 maps account for over 50,000 of the games played within 30 days. while most of the other maps on CC acount for less than 500 games in 30 days and many of the 252 maps on C account for less than 200 games in the 3o day window..

so freemiums would continue to provide players for these popular games . Many would stick around as freemiums playing these 5 map but many of them,as they grow comfortable with CC, would be tempted to try Premium

I think doing anything like this would just put another nail in the coffin for this site. A few people might decide that it was worth it to pay to play the other maps, but many others would probably leave out of boredom. Fewer people overall means fewer games, and games will take even longer to fill. This would only accelerate the decline.
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Re: Freemium Gameplay Changes [Brainstorming]

Postby iamkoolerthanu on Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:12 am

I don't think there is an easy way to do this. I am going to have to go with poll option #3.

Maybe you can give the new joining players an option? Something like this:

Thank you for becoming a member of Conquer Club, blahblahblah... Now, which kind of player are you?? Choose from the following options:

Option A) I am a casual player, I like to log in for a few minutes a day, I don't have time to sit in front of the computer for extended periods of time playing a game.

Option B) I am an active player, when I log in I like to stay for at least an hour or so, I want my game to be fast paced and finished by the time I log off.

And maybe it can give the description of what each option will actually give them, I was thinking B would give the new player more casual games then normal, maybe 8 or 10. And for option A would give the regular 4 casual games, and then something like idk, 3-4 speed game tokens each week, but so the tokens don't stack, they will expire the same time they receive the next batch of coins (my idea is to have all maps and settings available, but of course if needed could be restricted to only a few maps, or just one).
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