Tournament Organiser Options
This is 4 Suggestions in 1 Post for Consideration.
The more Options available to Tournament Organisers the better Tournaments can get. Here are some improvements that could be made:
1. Allow Tournament Organisers to dictate who goes 1st in Games or to Randomise it.
2. Allow Tournament Organisers to Turn Off Auto Snaps for Games in some Tournaments.
3. Allow Tournament Organisers to AUTO-INSERT Players into Games instead of the existing Invite and Accept Process.
4. Make a simple Process for Games to be automatically set up and scheduled to be set up.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
The changes above will allow bigger and better quality Tournaments to be set up. It will lead to:
1. Fairer Tournaments when Players get an equal Number of Starts.
2. Allow for more complicated Tournaments with HOME and AWAY Legs as an example.
3. Make a much slicker process for running Tournaments.
4. And will allow much bigger Tournaments (Super League is up to 150,000 Games with the help of Software Engineers. No other Tournament Organiser has the ability to run a Tournament as big as this using the existing Tournament Options currently on CC).