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Tribe by Nation.....

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Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Thu May 04, 2023 10:44 am

It would be really interesting if Tribes could be split by Nationality as well as the Standard Tribes that exist already. And then when you are playing for your countries Tribe, you would be representing your Country! Obv! :D

I know I would like to represent Scotland, and, I am pretty sure other players would like to represent their country.

So Players could have 2 Tribes if they choose, Your Normal Tribes as they are set up now and their Countries Tribes to enter National Tribal Tournaments.

If more than 10 Players are looking to join their countries Tribe then the country could have multiple Teams....USA 'A' ,USA 'B', etc.

There would be specific Tournaments for Tribal Countries................World Cup's etc! Which I am going to set up!

So I guess it's just a matter of..........Who would like to represent their Country Playing RISK??????? - I'm In.

To start your countries Tribe, just reply and Type 'I'm In' and the Country you would like to represent Playing RISK. Example:

I'm In - Scotland
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Thu May 04, 2023 10:44 am

I'm In - Scotland
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Thu May 04, 2023 2:17 pm

Craig25 wrote:There would be specific Tournaments for Tribal Countries................World Cup's etc! Which I am going to set up!

So I guess it's just a matter of..........Who would like to represent their Country Playing RISK??????? - I'm In.

To start your countries Tribe, just reply and Type 'I'm In' and the Country you would like to represent Playing RISK. Example:

I have a lot of questions.
I don't think there are enough Argentinean or Colombian players interested to set 1 tribe, maybe we would need a LatAm tribe or something.

You should especify which settings will the tournaments have to see if I'm interested, cause if you are planning on using the stupid super league settings then I pass.

And how many tournaments game load would it take.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Devante on Thu May 04, 2023 6:11 pm

I like this idea. Might be better to do a territory or region breakdown though. i.e. SA, USA, Canada, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, etc. Simply based on players areas on profiles it might be easier than trying to go by country, since that's pretty lopsided. Similar to your Euro vs USA you ran before, which Euro won of course
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Mad777 on Thu May 04, 2023 6:16 pm

This won’t work, it has been tried with prior site wide event with almost 3/4 of the participant were representing 5 countries, unmanageable.

Tribes are meant to be group of players who don’t care about country representation but more about with who they are playing with.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Devante on Thu May 04, 2023 6:35 pm

Agreed. Looking at it more from a tourney perspective I guess could work that way
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Fri May 05, 2023 2:47 am

I think it would work :D

Talking from experience of setting up Ace Tourneys with hundreds of runners that last for years. It wouldn't be some Bin Fire Event that is a complete shambles.

For players from countries who would not make a full Tribe would be split regionally. For Players from USA, there would be several Teams.

And Trafalgar, this would have nice simple settings to appeal to the masses. They would require SKILL though and not the ability to play a specific map on specific settings. So it maybe isn't going to be for you..........

Super League Season 1-12 (Season 13 Ongoing) - Creator Craig25 - Games=98,000

Other League's that have been billed as continuous events have had as few as 24 Games Played in them! Just saying.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Fri May 05, 2023 3:38 pm

Craig25 wrote:And Trafalgar, this would have nice simple settings to appeal to the masses. They would require SKILL though and not the ability to play a specific map on specific settings. So it maybe isn't going to be for you..........

Its not about the maps, its about the settings. But I see now you are going to put 1v1 flat rate (0 skill). So I pass
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Fri May 05, 2023 8:51 pm

This is absolutely stupid.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Sat May 06, 2023 6:46 am

I guess....Or.........

Do I detect a little jealousy? Surely not, but let's see............

Maybe I should make it 8 Player Poly Games and make a Nations League out of that....... Would that compete with a Tournament that has 300 Players who have completed 100,000 Games, with Home and Away Fixtures, Foggy......Let me see.............. :D

Tournament: Super League
Games: 100,000 (One Hundred THOUSAND)
Players: 375
Creator: Craig25

Tournament: Freestyle League 1st Edition
Games: 32 (Thirty Two)
Players: 16?
Creator: TrafalgarLaw01

Super League=25X more Players
Super League=3,125X More Games
Super League=1,000,000X More Fun

Things you don't hear on CC: "When is TrafalgarLaw's Freestyle League 2nd Edition going to start.....the 1st edition was immense"................

The silence is deafening. But you go for it buddy, continue creating Tournaments that please you but pleases absolutely nobody else on CC! :D

It will be hilarious when I get round to starting this and it smashes 100 Runners within a Day! Swallow your pride and sign up ma man! :D

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:And Trafalgar, this would have nice simple settings to appeal to the masses. They would require SKILL though and not the ability to play a specific map on specific settings. So it maybe isn't going to be for you..........

Its not about the maps, its about the settings. But I see now you are going to put 1v1 flat rate (0 skill). So I pass
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Mad777 on Sat May 06, 2023 8:15 am

Craig, everyone in the world knows about Super League and the players and game data, just that some don’t care at all, anything beside that event as to be compared to it, perhaps you should pick your brain and come up with something completely different? Praising yourself about Super League once again and anytime there is people making opposite comment about Craigs idea will certainly not make constructive conversation…just saying.

Diversity is the key, especially for Tribes, level of competition around Tribes is lightly (ironic) above what you may think, perhaps you should join one Tribes and start playing against other tribes to have a proper feel from « inside » about what it is all about? Knowing the subject and the audience should help gathering positive criticism with new idea…but who I am to say so… ;)
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Sat May 06, 2023 9:01 am


After what you tried to do around the Memorial Cup commentary.

Please do not try to enagage me in conversation other than mails that are absolutely necessary regarding ongoing Tournaments.



Mad777 wrote:Craig, everyone in the world knows about Super League and the players and game data, just that some don’t care at all, anything beside that event as to be compared to it, perhaps you should pick your brain and come up with something completely different? Praising yourself about Super League once again and anytime there is people making opposite comment about Craigs idea will certainly not make constructive conversation…just saying.

Diversity is the key, especially for Tribes, level of competition around Tribes is lightly (ironic) above what you may think, perhaps you should join one Tribes and start playing against other tribes to have a proper feel from « inside » about what it is all about? Knowing the subject and the audience should help gathering positive criticism with new idea…but who I am to say so… ;)
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Mad777 on Sat May 06, 2023 9:17 am

You are free to read or not, I have the freedom to speak and post anywhere I want to.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Sat May 06, 2023 9:17 am

Anyway Trafalgar, included in your 1st post on this subject you said "cause if you are planning on using the stupid super league settings then I pass."

If you are going to be mouthy about the most successful Tournament to be ever ran on should be aware that some will look at your Tournament efforts and laugh at the comparison.

So don't start slandering other efforts that have been infinitely more successful than your own.

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:There would be specific Tournaments for Tribal Countries................World Cup's etc! Which I am going to set up!

So I guess it's just a matter of..........Who would like to represent their Country Playing RISK??????? - I'm In.

To start your countries Tribe, just reply and Type 'I'm In' and the Country you would like to represent Playing RISK. Example:

I have a lot of questions.
I don't think there are enough Argentinean or Colombian players interested to set 1 tribe, maybe we would need a LatAm tribe or something.

You should especify which settings will the tournaments have to see if I'm interested, cause if you are planning on using the stupid super league settings then I pass.

And how many tournaments game load would it take.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Sat May 06, 2023 12:47 pm

Lol, you are a clown. I have been talking about the skill required to play 1v1 flat rate, which you are unable to see it requires absolutelly zero skill.

And you came up with a complete different comparison, I have never inteded to run a huge torunament on the site, nor what I'm planning to do.

You come to a tribe forum where there is already a lot of established things going on and you pretend to come here and implement your dumb settings for tribes. Go out and keep running your tournament that it's the only thing you can talk about since as pointed before you refuse to bring anything new.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby SoN!c on Sat May 06, 2023 3:02 pm

Hey, Craig is doing great stuff and many players that join the site just wanna have fun games..that includes lots of players that are not new but just don't care that much about rank... That is probably 70 or 80% of the site traffic (and yes that 70 or 80% includes all the new players).

So you wanna have Craig his tournament going well, and lots of real good skilled players are in it. I left it because my homemap got twice in the banned list of 27 "slowest maps", that is no fun at all let me tell you.

Anyways, what Trafalgar is saying is no general or field marshall should ever enter it if they wanna keep their general rank as chance; going first, flat rate cards & the drop dictates way too much of the outcome.

A field marshall will lose close to 80 points on any given day, and that is just minus 80 points in 1 game (while when he wins its only +8 points)..

There is no way you will win 10 to 1 games on Craig tournaments settings, not even Josko will, but that is not Craigs fault.

So i agree 100% with Trafalgar but i also wanna say the great job Craig does for so many site visitors / paying members. Asking tribes to join is pretty foolish optimistic yes. But 10/10 for effort :-)

Don't go this way accusing each other. You guys are way too good for that stuff
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby Craig25 on Sun May 07, 2023 12:22 am

You actually sound like a complete knob.

Tge best players in the Super Leagues rise to the top. This can be viewed on the Average Ranks of Leagues. 1 fame of Flat Rate you can be lucky, you can't be lucky over a 72 game Season.

Just goes to show how much of a dip shit you are not to understand Averages.

But then, 300 Suoer League players would tell you that. Not hurt me.

Trafalgar Law, the biggest knob on CC I have ever spoke to. Well done Wee Sax.

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:Lol, you are a clown. I have been talking about the skill required to play 1v1 flat rate, which you are unable to see it requires absolutelly zero skill.

And you came up with a complete different comparison, I have never inteded to run a huge torunament on the site, nor what I'm planning to do.

You come to a tribe forum where there is already a lot of established things going on and you pretend to come here and implement your dumb settings for tribes. Go out and keep running your tournament that it's the only thing you can talk about since as pointed before you refuse to bring anything new.
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Re: Tribe by Nation.....

Postby TeeGee on Sun May 07, 2023 8:08 am

This is not an official tribes thread and at best belongs in suggestions

Also flaming can get you banned, so not recommended.

Locked and moved
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