by IcePack on Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:27 pm
Concise description: Give us back medal counts like it used to be on our walls, or alternatively on "Medals and Stats" page. Very simple way to find and see our total medal count.
Either on our wall, or "Medals and Stats" page provide us a total of our medal counts like used to be easily accessed.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
Simplify the search for our medal counts.... see below:
Today I got a couple new medals! Cool right? Wrong. I wanted to see my medal count, because I'm trying to see how close I am to the Top 25 after losing some medals when CC updated a bunch of stuff. Should be relatively simple thing to find because we got a fancy new MEDALS and STATS page. Obviously my medal count will be there since they took it off our walls right?
Hmm. Ok, well then. Is it under Medals log?
Ok, Player stats?
Ok. So its not under "Medals & Stats" and its not on our walls anymore. Maybe theres a link under SCOREBOARD at the top since it shows the Top 25 Medals there, gotta be a thing I can easily find and click there looking for how I compare right?
Wrong again.
Huh. Well theres a thing that says "Medal Leaders - The greatest achievers from all areas of Conquer Club. See here for our Medals." I'll totally find my medal count under that link surely?!!?
Bahaha. Nope. Its a broken link.
Huh. Ok, so, the Stats Scoreboards page? I mean, im looking for a Stat.... f*ck. I'm a regular player here who knows his way around and I'm running out of places to look. Others who got no idea of how to find stuff on ConquerClub probably have already given up. Lets check out the Stats Scoreboards!
HOLY F*@# theres a drop down with 100 options...surely MEDALS must be one of them.... -scrolls endlessly-
Huh. Guess not.
Scoreboard......maybe? I mean it used to show medals...
Oh hey I found it!
Now why was I looking for it again...idk took me so long to find it I forgot WTF I was looking for it. Oh well. Maybe next time I'll remember...
fac vitam incredibilem memento vivere
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