- 1) Develop a war map
- xxxxxxx
2) Change default for selection lists to SELECT
- 1) We should have the capability to develop a war map. In a fogged game, we can deduce the number of troops in some of the fogged territories. If we could enter that number, then see the resulting map it would help us visualize the enemy formation.
- xxxxxxx
In subsequent rounds, the war map would be a combination of the actual map and our input overrides for past fogged areas. Our past input overrides would be ignored for all unfogged areas.
Saving snapshots of war maps, with the Analyze capability would also help. Having alternative war maps would help, but that could be a future feature.
2) For selection lists, almost all have a default of the first choice alphabetically. This is a distraction that can lead to wrong choices. New players think the computer is recommending a new move. Players in a hurry may just go with it. It is difficult when a player is clicking on the board for reinforcements.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- 1) It will more closely simulate the real world where military leaders can posit where the enemy is and see maps including that information.
- xxxxxxx
2) It can reduce the number of player mistakes and frustrations.